

作者: 綠笛 | 来源:发表于2024-06-30 17:55 被阅读0次

The Story of Philosophy的第76句:第1章Plato第1节The Context of Plato第6段第2句:

At first this philosophy was physical; it looked out upon the material world and asked what was the final and irreducible constituent of things. The natural termination of this line of thought was the materialism of Democritus(460-360 B.C.) — “in reality there is nothing but atoms and space.” This was one of the main streams of Greek speculation; it passed underground for a time in Plato’s day, but emerged in Epicurus(342-270), and became a torrent of eloquence in Lucretius(98-55 B.C.). But the most characteristic and fertile developments of Greek philosophy took form with the Sophists, traveling teachers of wisdom, who looked within upon their own thought and nature, rather than out upon the world of things. They were all clever men (Gorgias and Hippias, for example), and many of them were profound (Protagoras, Prodices); there is hardly a problem or a solution in our current philosophy of mind and conduct which they did not realize and discuss. They asked questions about anything; they stood unafraid in the presence of religious or political taboos; and boldly subpoenaed every creed and institution to appear before the judgementseat of reason. In politics they divided into two schools. One, like Rousseau, argued that nature is good, and civilization bad; that by nature all men are equal, becoming unequal only by class-made institutions; and that law is an invention of the strong to chain and rule the weak. Another school, like Nietzsche, claimed that nature is beyond good and evil; that by nature all men are unequal; that morality is an invention of the weak to limit and deter the strong; that power is the supreme virtue, and the supreme desire of man; and that of all forms of government the wisest and most natural is aristocracy.



1、The natural termination of this line of thought
this line of thought:a particular way of thinking that is characteristic of some individual or group
I said his line of thought—referring to the philosopher, because this is also a story of men.我说他的思路——指哲学家, 因为这也是一个男人的故事。

2、**was the materialism of Democritus(460-360 B.C.) **:

3、“— in reality there is nothing but atoms and space.”**:这里引用了他最有名的名言:他认为实际上除了原子和虚空外,什么都不存在。
nothing but:是一个固定搭配,跟”only“类似,指”只有“”只不过“。例如:
All day long, students do nothing but follow instructions.学生整天要做的事就是遵守指令。




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