Lesson 20 A Computer Helps! Te

作者: 木子_ed3f | 来源:发表于2019-04-24 15:49 被阅读64次


    Lesson 20 A Computer Helps! Teaching process

      Step 1  Lead in

        T:  What is this ?

        S: It is a computer.

          T: What can we do on the computer?

          S: Brainstorming(say out many ways)

          T: So it is very useful.Write the title on the blackboard .

      (purpose: 导课能够就近取材,选择教室现有物品展开讨论,学生兴趣盎然)

        Step2 . New concept.

        1. Pre-reading

          *  Lead Ss to  look at the picture

        Guess:Who is the girl?  What is she talking about? How many parts shall we divide the passage into?

    (purpose: 利用课文图片读前猜测,使学生产生学习的期待)

        * Listen to the tape

        1st part: What report did Ms.Liu ask Wang Mei to write about?

        2st part: How many questions did Wang Mei search on the Internet? What are they?

    (purpose: 由于课文较长,学生一次性完成有难度,我将听力划分为两部分进行,并且带有任务,旨在训练学生克服生词障碍获取信息,训练其听的能力)

        2. While-reading

          *  Read by self to find out the ways about Wang Mei search the useful information.Show the new words .

      (purpose: 带着问题自读课文,同时在语境中学习新词汇,利于学生理解内容,掌握单词,完成目标任务)

      * Read in pairs. Find out the information about Easter.What is Easter? When is Easter? How did people celebrate the Easter?

    (purpose: 同伴互助找出有关复活节的相关知识,培养学生合作学习能力,分享知识,共同进步)

        *Read the passage again by self.Find out the language points,and the sentences they can't understand.

        *Then show their problems and  the results they found.Ss solve the problems who know the meanings in class.

    (purpose: 再读课文,寻找有关知识点和自己不会的语句,生生展示与解答,培养学生发现问题,相互解决问题的能力,同时分享知识,体验成功的喜悦)

        3. Post-reading

        Task1  Ss finish the mind map about the Easter

        Task2 Try to retell the passage according to the mind map (A类和B类学生完成).or retell the passage by filling in the blanks(C类学生完成)

      (purpose: 生成与输出,训练学生运用所学知识与语言表达能力, 突出重点)

        Step 3  Consolidation and improvement

      Show some pictures about the Spring Festival Let Ss work in groups to draw the mind map,and then try to tell this festival by their mind maps.

    (purpose: 利用本节课所学,画出有关中国节日–春节的思维导图,并讲述这一节日习俗,突破难点)

      Step4  Test

      Fill in the blanks by using the new vocabulary.

    (purpose: 将词汇放入具体的语境检测,学生更容易记忆,完成目标任务)

        Step 5 Summary and homework

    1  Copy the new words.

    2  Write a short passage about the Spring Festival.

    (purpose: 巩固知识,运用知识,将本节课所学落实到写作训练方面,培养学生综合运用语言的能力)

    Teaching reflection

      优点: 教学环节设计层层深入,且有效地训练了学生的听说读写能力;课堂中注重不同层次学生的学习现状与感受,布置了不同梯度的任务,使其都有所获; 师生活动、生生活动、提问答疑过程学生自主,体验到了学习与学会的乐趣。

        不足与改进之处:对时间的把控不够准确,前松后紧; 由于设计任务过多,留给学生思考、讨论与展示的机会太少,感觉在复述时参与的学生还不够.尤其是拓展提示环节时间就不够充分。




        本文标题:Lesson 20 A Computer Helps! Te
