(我头疼,这是怎么回事啊?)My head hurts!What's wrong with me?
(我掉头发了,我会变光头吗?)My hair is falling out! Am I going bold?
(我皮肤好痒啊!好想挠!)My skin is itchy! I can't stop scratching!
(我耳朵痛,我听不到声音了!)My ears are sore! I can't hear!
(我牙疼!我可能有虫牙了!)I have a toothache! I think I have a cavity!
(我胳膊痛!)My arm is sore!
(我割破手指了,一直流血!)I cut my finger! The bleeding won't stop!
(我的腰变粗了,我太胖了吗?)My waist is getting bigger! Am I overweight?!
(我扭到脚踝了!)I twisted my ankle!
(我的腿没有力气了!)My legs feel weak!
(我的膝盖不能动了!)My knees keep locking!
(我的肚子痛!)My stomach hurts!
(我胸口好闷,喘不过气来了!)My chest feels tight! I can't breathe!
(我的喉咙好干,咳嗽停不下来了!)My throat is dry! I can't stop coughing!
(我咬到舌头了!)I cut my tongue!
(我的眼睛好干/我的眼睛总是流眼泪)My eyes are dry / watery!
(我的鼻子流鼻涕!)My nose is runny!