Now my heart is troubled, and what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour? No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour. Father, glorify your name! Then a voice came from heaven, I have glorified it, and will glorify it again. The crowd that was there and heard it said it had thundered; others said and angel had spoken to him. ---John12:27-29
As a saint, I do not ask God to hold me back from my troubles, but to preserve the life he has created in me through the fiery trial of pain. Our Lord accepted himself in the fire of suffering. He did not escape from the moment, but emerged from it.
We say that there should be no sorrow in the world, but it actually exists, and we have to know ourselves the fiery trial of pain. If we try to escape from the trouble and refuse to face it, it is so folly. Suffering is the most concrete fact in life. It is useless to assert that there should be no sorrow in the world. Sin, sorrow and pain do exist; we are not in a position to say that God is wrong to allow suffering to exist.
Though sorrow burns up many superficial things, it does not necessarily make a man more perfect. Sorrow can build up or destroy a man. During the success, it’s hard to build yourself up because you get carried away. In the dull and monotonous life, you also cannot find yourself, because you will continue to complain. Only in the fire of worry, you will find yourself. Why this is the case is another matter; this is true in the bible and in human experience. It is easy to recognize a man finding himself in the sorrow. If you need his help due to your trouble, he will be greatly helped, and he will be glad to help you. A person who has not suffered, more prone to pompous, also has no time to pay attention to you. If you find yourself in the fire of suffering, God will make you a supply to others.
Dear God, through your inescapable and powerful touch, show me today your love and use me according to your plan in your gentle power.
Find yourself in sorrow