《Design Systems》中关于设计规则的阐述,句句箴言,下面这这本书的第二章的全部内容的摘录。又给自己挖了个坑,这周找时间吧翻译补上吧。周日白天喝完一大杯奶茶之后,失眠至大半夜,所以不如接着黑夜的眼睛,把下面的原文翻译出来了...
CHAPTER 2 Design Principles
Solid principles are the foundation for any well-functioning system. In this chapter we’ll discuss the qualities of effective design principles and look at some of the ways of defining them.
Earlier we talked about the importance of starting with the purpose and ethos of the product when designing the interface. Having clarity on the purpose is paramount because all other decisions should be shaped by it, even if indirectly. How do we make sure that the purpose of the product is manifested through design? By establishing a few grounding values and principles.
Qualities Of Effective Design Principles /有效的设计原则的特性
Approaches to design principles are unique to every company and can take many forms.Principles can be overarching or more granular, temporary or long-lasting. What matters is how effective they are at unifying design thinking and distributing creative direction in the team. In the context of this book, design principles are shared guidelines that capture the essence of what good design means for the team, and advice on how to achieve it; in other words, agreed criteria for what constitutes good design in your organization and for your product.
Knowing that your product should be useful and enjoyable is not going to be hugely helpful in guiding your design decisions, because these qualities can be interpreted in a variety of ways. What would make them more helpful is knowing exactly what those words mean to your team and your product. What does innovative entail? When is a design considered useful? How do you know if it’s really delightful? Good design principles define qualities that can be interpreted in different ways, and ground them in the context of a specific product.
当你说,「产品需要具备可用性和愉悦性」。这样的描述,对你接下来的设计决策是没有帮助的。因为这些特性可以被多种解读。清楚明白这些形容词(指的是刚刚提到的helpful和 enjoyable)对你的团队和你的产品来说意味着什么,那才是最终重要的。什么是创新的需要?什么时候一个产品才算是有用的?你怎么知道这会真的为用户带来愉悦?好的设计原则可以被不同角度来解读,并且在一个具体的产品中,应该要有具体的体现。
A principle should offer practical guidance on how to solve a design problem within the context of a specific product.
“Make it simple. Make it so simple it’s almost invisible! We should always work to remove friction on the platform, creating an experience that allows users real freedom to the content. If our platform is easy to understand, people can and will use it more.”
However, it’s not clear from this advice exactly what simplicity means and how to achieve it.
“No needless parts. Every design element ,from the largest to the smallest ,must have a purpose ,and contribute to the purpose of a larger element it is part of. If you can’t explain what an element is for ,most likely it shouldn’t be there.”
If you tell them “We like things to be delightful here. Make it delightful!” it’s probably not going to help them do their job.You’d need to define what delight means and share practical examples of what delight looks like in the context of your interface.
Design is shaped by the choices we make. Should this page be more visually alive or more utilitarian? Is it appropriate to be more playful or more serious here? Can we justify making this module more usable at the cost of making it less flexible? By achieving some things we often have to say no to others. Good design principles help to work out priority and balance ,even if there are conflicting factors to consider.
Good principles don't try to be everything for everyone.
Here’s a fun test. Try asking people in your company what your design principles are. If no one can remember them, chances are they can be improved. To be memorable, the principles must be in constant use. They should be referred to in everyday conversations, included in presentations and design critiques, displayed where they can be seen.
The optimal number of design principles — if you want them to be in use — is between three and five.
Airbnb’s four design principles(“Unified,”“Universal,”“Iconic,”“Conversational”)are deeply engrained in its design process: “When we design a new component, we want to make sure it addresses all four of those. If we didn’t have a set of principles it would be difficult to agree on things. We want to make sure each piece lives up to it.”— Roy Stanfield, principal interaction designer,Airbnb
Airbnb的四个设计原则是:统一的、通用的、具有标识性的、可对话的。这四个原则在它们的设计过程中已经根深蒂固了,“当我们在设计一个元素的时候,我们希望都满足这四个设计原则。如果我们没有这些设计原则,那么我们真的很难在设计上达成一致。我们希望是,确保每一个设计元素都依赖于这些原则。” - 来自Roy Stanfield,Airbnb的首席交互设计师。
Defining your Principles/制定设计原则
Expressing your design approach in five sentences is not easy. Every team arrives at their principles in their own way: some go through rounds of workshops, others might get input from their CEO or a creative director. Regardless of how you get there, the following tips can be useful to keep in mind.
The main purpose of TED’s website can be captured in one sentence: “Spread the ideas as far and as wide as possible.” In terms of TED’s ethos and values, this means reaching as many people as they can, lowering the barrier to entry, and making the product inclusive and accessible. It means prioritizing performance and accessibility over flashy features, clarity of message over bold experimental design. Their “timelessness” principle encompasses that.
TED 这个产品的最核心目标可以用一句话来描述,那就是:“把想法尽可能广泛地传播。”所以从这个角度来看,意味着TED需要尽可能的触达到每一个用户,降低用户入门的门槛,那么产品就需要被设计得具有广泛性和容易被理解的。(ps:所有Accessible在设计的语言里面,大家会翻译成什么呢?)这就意味着,性能和可访问性比华而不实的功能更重要,清晰的信息表达会比大胆创新的设计优先级更高。这是由他们其中一个设计原则 - 「不受时间限制」来决定的!(Timelessness找不到一个恰当的词语来表达,大家感受一下好了..)
If you’re still in the process of defining your principles, a useful exercise is to ask a few team members to write them down individually. What, in their opinion, does good design mean for your product? How would they explain it in five sentences to a new member of the team, in a way that’s practical and easy to grasp? Ask them to find a practical example in your product’s interface and include it alongside each principle.
These answers can be a valuable starting point in further work on the principles, as you identify common themes and agree on priorities.
Try writing your principles for people directly involved in the creation of the product. Aim to come up with an informal agreement on what constitutes good design for your product, and offer practical guidelines for achieving it.
To make sure your design principles continue to improve, they need to be constantly tested, evaluated and refined. This can only be done by being conscious of them and applying them in your work every day.
From Principles To Patterns/从设计原则到设计模式
One of the challenges I’ve had in my work as a designer is working out how to materialize higher-level concepts, such as design principles and brand values, into concrete UI elements. How exactly are they embodied in the design patterns we create?
A lot of it is about choice and execution of patterns. For Medium, on the functional level a rich-text editor was required. It could have been any kind of editor, with any degree of complexity. But out of all the possibilities, Medium chose the simplest one, guided by its principal, “Direction over Choice.”
在我的工作中,我遇到最大的挑战是,如何把这些设计原则和品牌价值,转化为更高层次的更具体的东西,比如,如何在具体的UI元素中体现。在实际中,这些概念性的东西, 是怎么体现在我们的设计模式里面的呢?

You can view design principles as grammar rules for creating patterns and combining them in ways that make intrinsic sense. Equally, as the brand and functional patterns evolve and become more refined, they shape the design principles. Principles and patterns are refined and influenced by one another continuously.