【杰森】:Didn't hear you come in[1] last night. Care to tell[2] me where you was?
【卢克】:I was at what's hopefully my last ever reading and beating session[3].
【杰森】:How did you get out of it? Did you use my plan?
【卢克】:Yes, I did. Thanks for that. I just used the blueprints[4] you gave me and now Marcel and Daz are both dead, courtesy of your gun robot[5].

【杰森】:I told you Robo-Linda[6] wouldn't let you down[7]! Left hole[8] - gun time[9], right hole - fun time[10]!
【卢克】:Course[11] I didn't build your... I used my own plan.

【杰森】:Bruv[12], you've got to trust the Plan Man[13]. You know what they call me? Planton du Beke. Plan Collymore. The Late Nelson Plandela.
【女狱警朵恩】:Right[14], boys, have you made your mind up[15]?
【杰森】:I think I'm going to go with Plangela Plansbury.
【女狱警朵恩】:The mandatory academic programme[16] starts this morning. I need to know which course[17] you're taking.
【杰森】:I've been thinking about this mandatory training thing, Miss, and I think I'm going to give it a swerve[18]. Might do some sightseeing[19]. Catch some rays[20].
【女狱警朵恩】:It's mandatory.
【杰森】:Yeah, everyone SAYS it's brilliant[21].
【女狱警朵恩】:It's compulsory[22], like... non-optional[23].
【卢克】:You have to do it.
【杰森】:OK, OK. Advanced Samurai[24].
【卢克】:Try again.
【杰森】:Fine. Intermediate[25] Samurai. What[26], you've not seen my skills? I'm absolutely mandatory at it.
【hear sb do sth】听到某人做了某事【see sb do sth】看到某人做了某事 ↩
【care to do (or have)sth】喜欢或愿意做某事(或拥有某物) ↩
【session】n. 阶段,环节;开庭,会议 ↩
【blueprint】n. 行动方案,计划蓝图 ↩
【courtesy of sb(or sth)】作为...的结果;承蒙...的允许(或好意);蒙...提供,赞助,赠送 ↩
【Robo-Linda】此对话中提到的 Linda 是一款日本电视游戏《钢铁战机(任天堂)》(Custom Robo (Gamecube))中的人物之一,是一个秘密研究实验室的负责人。Robo: 指机器人 ↩
【let sb down】让某人失望 ↩
【hole】n. 指电视游戏《钢铁战机》中机器人左右手臂上发射火力的孔洞 ↩
【gun time】(比赛的)终场时间 ↩
【fun time】娱乐时间,轻松一刻,快乐时光 ↩
【course】adv. 当然 ↩
【bruv】n. 同 “bruvver(brother一词的伦敦腔发音)”,兄弟 ↩
【The Plan Man】韩国一部浪漫喜剧电影的名字 ↩
【right】adv. (用于引起注意或表示已经完成一件事情,接下来可以开始另一件事情)好的,对;(用于确认所说的话是否正确)对吗,是吗,对吧;(用于表示倾听某人的话并表示接受或理解)嗯,对,是 ↩
【make one's mind up】同 “ make up one's mind ”,作出决定,拿定主意 ↩
【mandatory academic programme】强制性教学课程 ↩
【course】n. 课程 ↩
【swerve】n. 转向,偏移,背离 ↩
【do some sightseeing】观光游览 ↩
【catch some rays】晒太阳 ↩
【brilliant】adj. 极好的,卓越的,(声望)显赫的,才华横溢的,辉煌的 ↩
【compulsory】adj. 强制的,义务的,必修的 ↩
【non-optional】adj. 非可选的,必选的,非任意性的 ↩
【samurai】n. (旧时日本的)武士 ↩
【intermediate】adj. 中级的,中等的 ↩
【what】adv. (用于猜测时)嗯,哦 ↩