Master Tseng said, "When proper respect towards the dead is shown at the End and continued after they are far aways the moral force of a people has reached its highest point."
A disciple of Confucius remarked, "By cultivating respect for the dead, and carrying the memory back to the distant past, the moral feeling of the people will waken and grow in depth."
Zeng zi said, "By carefully conducting funeral services for the recent dead and memorial rites for the long departed, the virtue of the masses will return to eminence."
Eminence is superior status. If you become a world famous actor, the folks in your home town might treat you as an eminence when you come home for Thanksgiving. Just don't expect your family to do the same.
A disciple is a follower or a fan of someone. You might consider yourself to be a disciple of your favorite yoga teacher.