

作者: 木远兮 | 来源:发表于2017-03-08 23:02 被阅读0次


1.Turn sth upside down

a)to make a place very untidy when you are looking for something

b)to cause a lot of change and confusion in a situation or in someone's life

The burglars have turned our house upside down.

The chairs were placed upside down on the tables.

同义词bottom up,inverted,inside out, topsy-turvy


something that is completely the opposite of what you believe in

His political viewswere anathema tome.



【反】panegyric(n 颂词);blessing(n 祝福)"


someone who has been elected to an official position, especially in politics, and who is doing that job at the present time

A word of caution must be mentioned to theincumbentprogram manager.

it is incumbent upon/on sb to do sth=it is your duty or responsibility to do it

It is incumbent upon parents to control what their children watch on TV.


If you say that something is pricey, you mean that it is expensive.

This restaurant is a bitpriceyfor me.


continuing or existing for a long time, or happening again and again

Lack of resources has been aperennial problemsince the beginning.

Teddy bears are aperennial favoritewith children

theperennialshortage of capital资金的长期短缺

perennialplants. 多年生植物


a supply of something, especially a product or crop, that is more than is needed

a glut of oil on the world market

If there is a glut of something, there is so much of it that it cannot all be sold or used.   供过于求;供应过剩

Soldiers returning from the war had glutted the job market.

同义词:abundance, excess, plenty,superfluity, surplus.


very plain in appearance, with little or no colour or decoration

In the cold dawn light, the castle looked stark and forbidding.

the stark beauty of New Mexico

unpleasantly clear and impossible to avoid

The extreme poverty of the local people is instark contrastto the wealth of the tourists.

We are faced with a stark choice.


causing problems and preventing something from continuing in its usual way

Night work can be verydisruptive tohome life.

Mike's parents thought I wasa disruptive influence(=a person who causes disruption) .

A fewdisruptivestudents can easily ruin a class. 爱捣乱的学生


an intermittent fault in a machine.机器的间歇性故障。

同义词: irregular,occasional,periodic, recurrent, sporadic.

In the daytimeintermittentrains freshened all the earth.

sporadic distribution  不规则分布


a)if an industry, company, activity etc is in the doldrums, it is not doing well or developing

in the doldrums

The property market has beenin the doldrumsfor months.

Recenteconomic doldrumshave damaged the rural west.

Despite these measures, the economy remains in the doldrums.

b)if you are in the doldrums, you are feeling sad

He's been in the doldrums ever since she left him.

11. Diesel

an internal-combustion内燃机 engine that burns heavy oil

12.Be insulated from

We are not insulated from the real world the way we were.

Children should be carefully insulated from harmful experiences

13.Subsidyfosterdeployment of renewables; renewablesdepresspower prices, increasing the need for financial support. 这两个动词用的好妙!

14.Penetration ----Penetrate

Explorers penetrated deep into unknown regions.

A shrill cry penetrated the silence.

He penetrated their thoughts.


if one of a company's products cannibalizes another, it takes sales away from it 互相残杀,调配人员

Coke then believed that selling a diet soda under the Coke label wouldcannibalizeCoke's sales.

cannibal tribe食人部落

16.shy away

If you shy away from doing something, you avoid doing it, often because you are afraid or not confident enough.

We frequentlyshy away frommaking decisions.

Alan doesn'tshy away from controversy.

同义:shun from....retreated from...


starting to happen or exist

She felt for him anincipienttenderness, but scarcely any passion.


同义:initial ,rudimentary


dangerously high or steep,very sudden

a precipitous declinein stock prices/ ones health

a precipitous marriage

The town is perched on the edge of a steep, precipitous cliff.

同义词:abrupt, perpendicular, sharp, sheer, steep,vertical.

19. bolster

to help someone to feel better and more positive,to improve something靠枕cushion,支持

Britain is free to adopt policies tobolster its economy.

bolsterup someone's pride

20.Nibble away好生动!描写一点一点侵蚀,蚕食decay,erode,erosion

Inflation began to nibble away at their savings.

His teeth having all dropped out, he could only nibble away at his food

These high levels of inequalityerodesocial cohesion in the region.

The sea haveerodethe cliff face over the years

21. unabated

continuing without becoming any weaker or less violent

The stormcontinued unabatedthroughout the night.

his unabated ambition

The fighting has continued unabated for over 24 hours.



the business of selling goods in large quantities at low prices to other businesses, rather than to the general public


wholesale prices批发价----retail price 零售价

23. Buck the trend抵抗这种趋势

to oppose something in a direct way

He was a rebel who continuallybuckedthesystem(=opposed rules or authority) .

Unemployment in the area hasbuckedthe nationaltrendby falling over the last month.

buck against

Initially he had bucked against her restraints.

Upheaval   大变革

Moving house is amajor upheaval.

political upheaval



Net metering 该政策是一种电价结算政策,要求电力公司以一定的价格从安装了可再生能源发电技术的用户买回多余的电力,或者从消费者总账单上扣除用可再生能源发电数量。

Feed-in Tariff 该政策可以保证可再生能源的开发商以特定的价格出售电力,同时要求电力公司必须购买。



Net metering是补贴的价钱可以说就是正常的公用电价,当然这种情况只是发生在你使用了太阳能发电而且在一定时期内使用的电量没有超过太阳能发电的量才有补贴,如果超过了,那么从你使用的电量中扣除相应的太阳能产生的电量,在公用电费高的国家是比较划算的,比如发达国家,在发展中国家,可以说几乎不可能实现,因为这是亏本的买卖。

Feed-in Tariff则是国家强制规定了,电力公司必须购买用户安装的太阳能电板产生的电量,而且是高价收购,用户自己使用的电量照常按照普通民用电价付费,所以这个政策对上网安装用户是很划算的,很多太阳能电站以此盈利。








1.Very much the exception, not the rule  rule这里是常规的,常见的

2.uaccount for = take up

keep up! way to go!加油哦!目标快实现了!

it goes a long way to...+n/动名词,to achieving you purpose.对大目标很有效

3.to date至今,至今为止



formalnot as important as other things or people in a particular activity, idea, or situation次要的

a diplomat who hada peripheral rolein the negotiations

Her involvement in the case was peripheral.

peripheral to

The romanceis peripheral tothe main plot of the movie.

formalin the outer area of something, or relating to this area外围的

the city's peripheral suburbs

the peripheral nervous system

5. far-fetched牵强的,未必会的;不着边际;

The storyline was too far-fetched and none of the actors was particularly good.故事情节太离谱,演员表演也没有出彩的。

6. Hitch

There is $20trn hitch有个市值20万亿的缺口

a small problem that makes something difficult or delays it for a short time

technical/slight/last-minute hitch

In spite of some technical hitches, the first program was a success.

The whole showwent without a hitch.

7. Smog-belching power plant     belch打嗝,好形象的说那些喷吐着黑烟的工厂、机器

8. Put the brake on ....停止..对…加以延缓,缩减,限制

The goverment put the brake on all over our plans by giving us less money.


9. Cut back减少;裁剪

Subsidies are cut back.

We must cut back on expenditure in order to remain solvent.我们应减少开支,以备急用.

10. Prime the pumpfor new

to encourage a business, industry, or activity to develop by putting money or effort into it



to become weaker and unable to continue in an effective way

The economy is showingsigns of faltering.My mother's grip upon the household neverfaltered.

to speak in a voice that sounds weak and uncertain, and keeps stopping

Laurie'svoice falteredas she tried to thank him.

'I can't,' she faltered.声音颤抖

to become less certain and determined that you want to do something

We must not falter in our resolve.犹豫,动摇

to stop walking or to walk in an unsteady way because you suddenly feel weak or afraid

She faltered for a moment.蹒跚

12. stall

if an engine or vehicle stalls, or if you stall it, it stops because there is not enough power or speed to keep it going

The car kept stalling.

An inexperienced pilot may easily stall a plane.

to stop making progress or developing

The peace process remained stalled.

While his career has stalled, hers has taken off.

13. Smooth out(解决...问题)

We will be able to smooth out our differences.我们一定能消除我们之间的分歧

Smart batteries in those vehicles would be among the resources used to store electricity at times of low demand and release it during peaks, helping and release it during peaks, helping tosmooth outthe supply across the day.在用电低峰储存电力,高峰时释放储存的电,用来拉小极差(好形象,把上颤下动的波图抚平)

14. Negligible

too slight or unimportant to have any effect


The damage done to his property was negligible.


In comparison with the disastrous damage made by the earthquake, my personal loss is negligible.

15. Curtail

to reduce or limit something缩短; 剥夺(特权,官衔等); 削减;

The new law will curtail police powers.

severely/drastically curtail

Budget cuts have drastically curtailed training programs.

curtail government expenditure削减政府开支

16. Corollary

something that is the direct result of something else推论出来的必然结果

corollary of/to

Is social inequality the inevitable corollary of economic freedom?



