There is a long causeway around the reclamation peninsula of Gaolong Bay. At the end of the causeway, a view road is being built sticking out into the sea. The view road is not finished, only paved with stones. Overflown by seawater at night, lots of mussels grow in the stone gaps. The villagers from the nearby were picking and choosing the mussels. My friends and I climbed down to have a look. When I turned around, I saw the setting sun kindle the sky, a man was riding a bike along the causeway, just like an old movie.
When we arrived at the Buddha*s Light of Tonggu, it was already evening. The sun shone from behind the Buddha statue which was solemn and magnificent, silhouetted against the immense sky. At the bottom of the long steps I looked up and forthwith my heart was filled with awe.

Before the spring festival, I walked past the park and saw a young man with glasses. He erected up a microphone with stand, unfolded a guitar case and began to sing with the guitar. Occasionally, a passerby dropped some change. Behind him, vehicles sped past. Aside a street peddler was selling traditional Chinese rice-puddings and salted quail eggs. Set off by the bleak scenery of winter days, a tough life sticking to the ideal struck a sympathetic chord within me.

Apparently, theatrical performance given on religious festivals has become a folk custom in Hainan. In many aspects, it*s worth studying. The raising of funds, the setting up of stage, the makeup of opera performers, the members of band, the admiration for the honest and upright official in the play, the devoutly burning joss sticks and candles before the shrine, the expressions of the audience and the clustering pedlars, all of these reflect the way of the world and the hearts of mankind in this town at this time.
半岛酒店还未建好,长堤边两个新型无边际游泳池已完成。坐在泳池边朝海望去,池水和海水似乎连成一片,但是中间还是有一通道,有人骑车经过,暮色降临,大海静谧,如同于坚的诗句“只有大海满面黄昏 苍茫如幕”。
The Peninsula Hotel is still under construction. The two infinity pools by the causeway have been completed. Sitting by one of the pools I looked out to the sea. The water in the pool and the seawater seemed to become as one. But there is a passageway in between. Some men were riding by as twilight fell on the earth and the sea turned tranquil,just like the description in one of Yujian*s poems.
In this town, it is a common dream of most people to make a fortune. But they don*t have much choice, buying lottery is the only thing they can do. Lottery lecturers emerge as the times require. The park is crowded at night. Equipped with loud-speakers, the lottery lecturers rave heatedly drawing up and down the Lottery Guide. And the onlookers listen with rapt attention, as if they are listening to the apocalypse and they are confronted by an oracle.

Scrawlings on the walls in the streets are widespread and uncurbed. People turn a blind eye to them. Do the scrawlings of Certificate Handling, Providing a Loan and Illegal Guns symbolize the longing for status, wealth and force in our unconscious mind?

六朝尚清谈, 座上多名士, 名士之间不谈世事只论老庄。文城多老爸茶,茶几胶凳摆户外树下,一杯绿茶,三两好友,纵论天下,手中没了六朝的麈尾,墙上也没有民国的“莫谈国事”,可人们心中的禁忌还在。
During the Six Dynasties idle talk was advocated, many celebrities devoted to it. In Wencheng Town, there are a lot of teahouses. Tea tables and plastic chairs are set under the trees in the open air. Drinking tea, we talk about ancient and current affairs with friends. No more elktail whisks from the Six Dynasties, no more No talking about National Affairs signs on the wall from the Republic of China, we still have the taboo in our mind.
I saw the father and son while I was buying seafood at the wharf. They were fiddling with something, every now and then the father turned around to talk to the son.I have never lived on a boat, so I don't know what kind of fun and misery the childhood on a boat will be. The background is the Qinglan Bridge which was just completed.

Take a look from the long causeway around the reclamation peninsula of Gaolong Bay and you can see the bay present a perfect semicircle. What uncanny workmanship of nature!