原文标题:行走地球(来自TED演讲者John Francis)
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(Applause)Thank you for being here. And I say "thank you for beinghere" because I was silent for 17 years.
And the first words that I spokewere in Washington, D.C., on the 20th anniversary of Earth Day.And my familyand friends had gathered there to hear me speak. And I said,"thank you forbeing here." My mother, up the audience, she jumped, "Hallelujah,Johnny's talking!"(Laughter)
Imagine if you were quiet for 17 years andyour mother was out in the audience,say. My dad said to me, "That'sone"-- I'll explain that. But I turned around because I didn't recognizewhere my voice was coming from. I hadn't heard my voice in 17 years, so I turned around and I looked and I said,"God, who's saying what I'm thinking?" And then I realized it was me,you know, and I kind of laughed. And I could see my father:"Yeah, hereally is crazy." Well, I want to take you on this journey. And thejourney, I believe, is a metaphor for all of our journeys. Even though this oneis kind of unusual, I want you to think about your own journey. My journeybegain in 1971 when I witnessed two oil tankers colide beneath the Golden Gate,and a half a million gallons of oil spilled into the bay. It disturbed me somuch that I decided that I was going to give up riding and driving in motorizedvehicles. That's a big thing in California. And it was a big thing in my littlecommunity of Point Reyes Station in Inverness, California, because there wereonly about maybe 350 people there in the winter-this was back in '71 now. Andso when I came in and I started walking around, people--they just knew what wasgoing on. And peoplewould drive up next to me and say, "John, what are youdoing?" And I'd say, "well, I'm walking for the environment."And they said, "No, you're walking to make us look bad, right? You'rewalking to make us feel bad." And maybe there was some truth to that, because I thought that if I startedwalking, everyone would, you know, follow. Because of the oil, everybody talkedabout the pollution. And so I argued with people about that, I argued and Iargued. I called my parents up. I said, "I've given up riding and drivingin cars." My dad said, "Why didn't you do that when you were16?"(Laughter)I didn't know about the environment then.
They're back in Philadelphia. And so I told my mother, "I'm happy though, I'm really happy." She said,"If you were happy, son, you wouldn't have to sayit." Mothers are like that. And so, on my 27th birthday I decided, becauseI argued so much and I talk so much, that I was going to stop speaking for justone day--one day--to give it a rest.
And so I did. I got up in the morning andI didn't say a word. And I have to tell you, it was a very moving experience, because for the first time, I began listening--in a long time. And what I heard, it kind of disturbed me. Because what I used to do, when I thiught I waslistening, was I would listen just enough to hear what people had to say and Ithink that I could--I knew what they were going to say, and so I stoppedlistening. And in my mind, I just kind of raced ahead and thought of what I wasgoing to say back, while they were still finishing up. And then I would launchin. Well, that just ended communication. so on this first day I actually listened. And it was very sad for me, because I realized that for those manyyears I had not been learning. I was 27, I thought I knew everything. I didn't.And so I decided I'd better do this for another day, and another day, andanother day until finally, I promised myself for a year I would keep quietbecause I started learning more and I needed to learn more. So for a year I said I would keep quiet, and then on my birthday I would reassess what I hadlearned and maybe I would talk again.
Well, that lasted 17 years. Now during that time--those 17 years-- I walked and I played the banjo and I painted and I wrote in my journal, and I triedto study the environment by reading books. And I decided that I was going to go to the school. So I did. I walked up toAshland, Oregon, where they were offering an enviromental studies degree. It'sonly 500 miles. And I went into the Registrar's office and--(不说话,四处张望)"What,what, what?" I had a newspaper clipping. "So you really want to go toschool here? You don't… We have a special program for you." They did. And in those two years, I graduated with my first degree--a bachelor's degree. And my father came out, he was so proud.
He said, "Listen,we're really pround of you son, but what are yougoing to do with a bachelor's degree? You don'tride in cars, you don't talk--you're going to have to do those things."(Laughter)