绘本讲师训练营【9期英文】12/21《Time for Bed》

作者: Emilyyyy | 来源:发表于2018-04-08 19:07 被阅读0次

09125 杨燕燕

时间飞快,一天的忙碌时刻又快过去啦,今天Emily要跟大家分享的是Mem Fox的绘本:Time For Bed,我觉得这本绘本适合0-6岁的宝贝作为睡前绘本,书里有优美的韵文,温馨的插图,也适合作为小范围的活动用书。



梅·福克斯(Mem Fox)所创作的书常常被柔情和感动充斥,她是一个追求爱和和平的作家,热衷通过作品来传递爱与和平的理念和追求,图画书中温暖、和谐的基调让小朋友们从小萌生一种宽容、理解、爱意与和平的理念。她的图画书页面创作以简洁白净、童真稚拙为特色,语言韵律感极强,强调句式反复,同类词语变换。



It's time for bed,little mouse,little mouse,

Darkness is falling all over the house.

绘本讲师训练营【9期英文】12/21《Time for Bed》

It's time for bed,little goose,little goose,

The stars are out and on the loose.

绘本讲师训练营【9期英文】12/21《Time for Bed》

It's time for bed,little cat,little cat,

So snuggle in tight,that's right,like that.

绘本讲师训练营【9期英文】12/21《Time for Bed》

It's time for bed,little calf,little calf,

What happened today that made you laugh?

绘本讲师训练营【9期英文】12/21《Time for Bed》

It's time for bed,little foal,little foal,

I'll whisper a secret,but don't tell a soul.

It's time for bed,little fish,little fish,

So hold your breath and make a wish.

It's time for bed,little sheep,little sheep,

The whole wide world is going to sleep.

It's time to sleep,little bird,little bird,

So close your eyes,not another word.

It's time to sleep,little bee,little bee,

Yes,I love you and you love me.

It's time to sleep,little pup,little pup,

If you don't sleep soon the sun will be up!

The stars on high are shining bright——Sweet dreams,my darling,sleep well...

绘本讲师训练营【9期英文】12/21《Time for Bed》

Good night!

绘本讲师训练营【9期英文】12/21《Time for Bed》


1.这本书插图很温馨,语言也很有韵律。每两句是一个韵律,比如,mouse/house, goose/loose, goal/soul, fish/wish 等,读的时候带宝宝感受一下韵律吧。

2.学习各种动物和baby animals的说法, 这本书里有老鼠mouse,天鹅goose,猫cat,奶牛cow(小牛calf),马horse(小马foal),鱼fish,绵羊sheep,蜜蜂bee,鸟bird,蛇snake,狗dog(小狗pup),鹿deer,可以教给孩子指认这些动物。

3.学习常用句型,绘本中反复出现的一个句式就是“it's time for bed,little……little……” “it's time to sleep,little……little……”.


该起床了 : it's time to get up.

该吃午饭了:It's time to have lunch / It's time for lunch.

该吃晚饭了:It's time to have dinner / It's time for dinner.

该刷牙了:It is time to brush your teeth.


Close your eyes,not another word.(闭上眼睛,嘘,不许再说话了)

If you don't sleep soon the sun will be up.(再不睡觉太阳就要升起来了)

Sweet dreams, my darling, sleep well.(我的宝贝,做个好梦,甜甜的睡吧)





    本文标题:绘本讲师训练营【9期英文】12/21《Time for Bed》
