作者: 小栗鼬 | 来源:发表于2019-01-08 14:44 被阅读0次

The Moon and Sixpence

Note 6.0

Chapter V & Chapter VI

①:Robert-- was a boy of sixteen at Rugby; and you saw him in flannels and a cricket cap, and again in a tail-coat and a stand-up collar. He had his mother's candid brow and fine, reflective eyes. He looked clean, healthy, and normal.

② The daughter was fourteen. Her hair, thick and dark like her mother's, fell over her shoulders, in fine profusion, and she had the same kindly expression and sedate untroble eyes.

佳句赏析: 这两段话是对 Strickland 一双儿女的外貌描写。 描述的很生动,用词也很灵活。需要学习和借鉴。

③ I reflected, while I chatted with the woman I had been asked to " take in", that civilised man practises a strange ingenuity in wasting on tedious exercises the brief span of his life.

解析: the brief span of his life: 短暂的一生     ingenuity: 精巧,独创性

这段话有很多逗号,穿插了一个while 引导的时间状语从句, 从句的主语仍然是I。 因此翻译时,要注意不要被这段话带跑。


④ It was because the Member of Parliament found that he could not leave the House that I had been invited.

Because 引导的原因状语从句。 翻译时可以语序转至: 我之所以被邀请时因为议员发现自己无法离开议院,(我来是为了填补这个空缺)。

⑤ The women were too nice to be well dressed, and too sure of their position to be amusing.

解析,时刻注意 too...to...的用法才不会会错意。 too...to...意为 太……以至于不能……。



⑤ I no longer wondered that Mrs. Strickland felt a certain embarrassment about him, he was scarcely a credit to a woman who wanted to make herself a position in the world of art and letters.

解析:我个人觉得这句写得很棒棒。这段话也是嵌套了主语从句: who wanted .....

翻译会比较简单: 我不再好奇为何在谈到Strickland 先生时,他的太太会有一些不好意思,因为对于一个想要在文艺界有一席地位的女人而言,他实在无法为她增光添彩scarcely a credit to a woman...)。



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