New friends 新朋友

作者: 勤劳的小蜜蜂V | 来源:发表于2020-03-19 21:56 被阅读0次

Have you think how long you didn't make new friends? where are your friends currently? have you contact them frequently?

Maruko make a new friend when they paly outside, she is grade 3 as Maruko so they play together happily and make promise to paly together again the coming Sunday.

children are easy to make friends, how about adults? hard maybe. we don't have time or interestings. we are familiar to protect ourselves so we are alone.

new friends are good for our life, we can talk or share secrets or shopping together. it is not easy to keep  a long-term relationship. it needs time patience and openings etc. you trust her/his and willing to  share thoughts.

when I watch American TV " sexy and city" , I envy them because they have strong relationship.

it is not easy to make friends so value your friends who you make before.



    本文标题:New friends 新朋友
