
作者: Ean_易安 | 来源:发表于2021-01-08 21:03 被阅读0次


Once,  those troubadours traveled around, peddling their hearsay stories to common people.But now,the poet estrange himself from the earthliness.He retired to the most sensitive recesses of his heart which is too weak  to bear the weight of a snowflake. With all strength, he is able to withstand the sound of the wind.If he scoops up a handful of scented earth,he would be moved  to tears.The calling of a poet might be not so much about  mourning over the world as  waking the sleeping soul.


The poets are the pioneers who dare to question the fate and completed self redemption.Them cross the sea of suffering,wandering for years in lonely fields and reach their promised land, where the the earthly dust has not fall, the place freedom changed from concept to reality,the battlefield the philosopher  threw away his helmet and armor.


Sitting on the self-driving boat,the poet dosn't  know where he's going and how to go .He just lets the waves of his mind flow freely,lets  the wind determine his next direction.He would forgo his control of the future for the coming of the god of poetry.and struggl to make himself free from ambition to conquer the world.



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