Day thirteen,慢跑第13天打破最远跑步距离最长跑步时

Day thirteen,慢跑第13天打破最远跑步距离最长跑步时

作者: 来而不可失者时也 | 来源:发表于2021-08-28 22:54 被阅读0次


How our brains evaluate threat.

Experts used to believe that people guild the risk like actually praising Paris in out Paris in out cost benefit analysis every time a merging car came too close or local cream race spiked. But a wave of psychological experiments in the 1980s opened this thinking.

Researchers found that people use a site of mental shortcuts for measuring measures in measuring danger. Ideally, these shortcuts help people figure out which ones to worry about and which to disregard. But they can be imperfect, imperfect.

When you encounter a potential risk, your brain does a quick search for past experiences with it. If it can easily pull out a multiple alarming memories, then your brain concludes the danger is high. But it open often feels feels to exercise whether those memories are truly representative.

That tendency can cut in both directions leading not to undue alarm but and you complacency, complacency. Though flow kills tens of thousands of Americans every year, most people's experiences with it are relatively  Mundane平淡无奇的,世俗的.

We are conditioned by our experiences said a poor a university of  Oregon psychologists, psychologist but experience can mislead us to be too comfortable with things.

We are also conditioned to focus heavily on new threatens looking for any cause for alarm. This can lead us to over size over the scary sister scary sizes. Reporter reports and worst case  Scenarios场景最坏的情景 making the dangers seem bigger still.


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      本文标题:Day thirteen,慢跑第13天打破最远跑步距离最长跑步时
