首先,让我们了解我们手臂的肌肉组成(first of all, let's us know the muscle of our arms)
一般我们的 手臂白白肉比较多的地方,就是肱二头肌和肱三头肌,让我们手臂看起来特别的粗大,如何让他们更极致,消耗多余脂肪并且增加额外的肌肉呢?
(we have much fat in our arms, and at there, there are two piece of important muscles, that's Biceps and triceps,if there are to much fat,it will looks very ugly, how to make it slim , the key is to burn fat and increase the muscle mass)

1.哑铃弯举(Bend the dumbbel):
(Attention: when your arm is at the max relaxed status, you should still keep our arm bending, feel your power of Biceps's ,and make sure the quality not the quantity, we usually do 12 to 15 oin a group , and 3 groups in total.(it depends your ability, and this recommend is just for girl)

2.直立杠玲弯举(Vertical bar lift)

Attention:first of all ,the body stands naturally, feet shoulder-width apart,double hands is holding the barbell, the grip is shoulder-witdth apart and hangs down in front of the body with arms close to the sides of the body. then the arms are bent upward until the biceps is completely tight, pause for 2 seconds,then slowly return to the starting point.generally we do 3 groups, each group 12 to 15(bent to inhale,lower to exhale, keeping elbows slightly bent as much as you can_
3.俯身上拉划船(Pull the boat up and down)

(firstly, hold the pull bar with both hands form the bottom up,keeping the body angle unchanged, pull it up until you feel the biceps tense. pause for 2 seconds,then slowly slower it down(attention: don't put it back to the origin), 10-15 of one group, 3 groups in total.
(小Tips:你的燃脂心率:男(220-年龄)*0.7 -(220-年龄)*0.6) //// 女(226-年龄)*0.7 -(226-年龄)*0.6) )-----每次间歇性运动达到燃脂心率即可高效减脂
(Tips:your heart rate of burning fat: male:(220-age)*0.7 ---male:(220-age)*0.6 female:(226-age)*0.7 ---male:(226-age)*0.6
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