11.3-Errors of Expression-Meaningless statement
In the course of presenting ideas, people often find it useful or necessary to present the reasons that underlie their thoughts and actions.
A meaningless explanation is one in which the reasons make no sense.
- 一个毫无意义的解释,是指这个理由毫无意义;
For example, a used-car dealer says in a commercial, I'll cosign your loan even if you've had a bankuptcy.That's because we take the trouble to handpick and inspect these cars before you even see them... We guarantee financing because we sell only quality cars. The careful viewer wonders. How can care in selecting cars ensure that purchasers will meet their credit obligations? (Answer: It can't.)
- 例如,一个二手车经销商在一则广告中说,我会签署你的贷款,即使你破产了;
- 那是因为在你看到这些车之前,我们会不厌其烦地挑选和检查它们;
- 我们确保融资,因为我们只卖质量好的车;
- 细心的观察者好奇,在选择汽车时怎么能确保购买者能履行他们的信用义务呢?
- 答案是不能;
The following headline from a print advertisement for a furniture company offers another example of meaningless explanation: "Good news! Due to the unprecedented success of our giant furniture sale, we have extended it for ten days. If it was so successful, we might ask, how is it that still have enough merchandise for a ten-day extension.
- 下面是来自一个家具公司的平面广告标题,它提供了另一个毫无意义的解释的例子:
- 好消息!由于我们巨大的家具销售获得了前所未有的成功,我们把它延长了十天;
- 如果真的如此成功的话, 我们可能会问, 他们怎么仍然有足够的货物来延期十天的?
To detect meaningless statements in your writing, look at what you have said as critically as you look at what other people say. Ask, Am I really making sense?
- 要想在你的写作中觉察一些毫无意义的语句,
- 就要像审查其他人所说的一样批判地审查自己所说的,
- 问,我这样真的讲得通吗?