《钱在哪儿》(Where the Money Was)翻译第13

《钱在哪儿》(Where the Money Was)翻译第13

作者: 苏耀勇 | 来源:发表于2018-09-07 18:52 被阅读3次



    如果一个人知道什么时候要打破围墙,他就可以将他自己藏在管道里,并且进入到新的动力室。风险和机会总是在一起的。我要做的第一件事是要确认一个人穿过16英寸的管道是否可行。第一次尝试,最好找个比我小的人。嗯,在鞋店里我的一个朋友是希腊小孩,汤米,重量一定是95磅。他和他的伙伴从密歇根州的伊普西兰蒂来到纽约,因为抢劫Brass Rail餐厅而进入监狱并广为人知。汤米是个无忧无虑性格开朗的人。他在储藏室工作,他总是来来回回的摇晃,好像真的喜欢这个工作。











    Come Saturday, I slipped away during yardout, inserted my key, and a few seconds later I was lowering myself through the hole. It was a long tunnel, I could see, extending the full length of the grounds. Wherever I looked, there were steam pipes. Running in and out of everything the way steam pipes do.

    The main pipe came out of the powerhouse, which was approximately 250 feet away. Not far from where I was standing, there was an open pipe, not connected to anything. Just lying on the ground. Sixteen to eighteen inches in diameter and welded together in twenty-foot lengths. I knew where it was going as soon as I began to follow it. A new powerhouse was under construction and, as another security precaution, it was being built outside the prison, approximately 100–150 feet beyond the north wall.

    You didn’t have to be an engineer to realize that if there was an open pipe running out toward the new powerhouse, there would have to be a corresponding pipe coming in. And that sooner or later they were going to have to break through the wall to connect them.

    If a man knew when the breakthrough was going to take place, he could secrete himself into the pipe and make his way through to the new powerhouse. The dangers were many but so were the possibilities. The first thing I had to find out was whether it was possible for a man to make his way through a sixteen-inch pipe. Preferably, for the first trial run, somebody smaller than me. Well, one of my friends in the shoe shop was a Greek kid, Tommy, who must have weighed all of ninety-five pounds. He and his buddy had come to New York from Ypsilanti, Michigan, and celebrated their arrival by robbing the Brass Rail restaurant. Instead of seeing the big city, they were seeing Sing Sing. He was a happy-go-lucky kid with a sunny personality. He worked in the storeroom, and he was always whipping back and forth as if he actually enjoyed his job.

    “Will you do a favor for me, Tommy?” I asked him.

    “If I don’t have to murder anybody when I get to the other side,” he said, after I had described what I wanted him to do. “You can count on me.” After we had dropped down into the tunnel the following Saturday, he stripped down naked except for a jockstrap. I put Vaseline all over his body, tied his ankle with a rope, and in he went. The first time he hit one of the welded joints, there was a tugging on the rope which signaled that he wanted to be pulled out. The welding job had been so sloppy that some of the molten metal had dripped through and hardened to a dagger sharpness. Poor Tommy was cut all around the shoulders. Half of the Vaseline had been rubbed off, and there was rust all over his body. I rubbed him as clean as possible with the towels I had brought with me, and he spent a long uncomfortable Saturday afternoon in yardout.

    The only thing left was to try to learn the exact moment when they were going to break through the wall. There was very little activity down there during the next couple of weeks. I knew none of the inmates on the work crew. They didn’t even lock in the main cellblocks, they locked in what was called the 5 Building, a separate facility. When I did nose around, I had to be very careful not to run into any of them because they could very well have turned me in to the dep. For some reason, people are under a misapprehension that everybody in prison is a stand-up guy. Far from it. You have to know exactly who you’re dealing with; the rat quotient is very high.

    In this regard, as in most other regards, the league was a very mixed blessing. Because the league delegates had so much authority, it was very easy to pick up equipment, such as my flashlight, and it was also a little easier to wander around. By the same token, it became that much easier to get into trouble, and with all the politicking and jealousies, there were more rats at Sing Sing per square foot than at any other prison I was ever in.

    At any rate, while I was waiting around trying to find out when the great breakthrough was going to take place, it took place. Four guys did get out.

    They knew exactly when the ball was going to break through because one of them had been on the steam-fitting crew. Within a couple of hours they were caught a short distance away, trying to steal a rowboat to take them over to the other side.

    So there went that. I was going to have to find another way, and the older a prison is the more difficult it is to escape from. For a very good reason. In a prison as old as Sing Sing, there had been hundreds of attempts to break out.

    Every time a prisoner had concocted a plan, the authorities had been able to strengthen the weakness he had tried to exploit.

    Like trucks. Between the mess hall, the commissary system, and the workshops, there were big trucks going back and forth all day long. In building the new prison, they had closed off the old gate and put in a double gate at the eastern wall. As a truck was leaving, it had to pull up on a pit between the two locked gates and undergo a thorough search. In the pits were different detecting devices. Like mirrors to make sure that nobody was getting out on the undercarriage. The search of the truck itself was so meticulous that they even opened the hood.



        本文标题:《钱在哪儿》(Where the Money Was)翻译第13
