Leon and Amy:
书,book.阅读, read, reading.
你喜欢看书吗?Do you like reading?
你喜欢看什么类型的书?What kind of books do you like to read?类型,kind.
我喜欢看小说和营销类的书。I like reading novels and books about marketing.小说,novel.营销,marketing.
有时我去图书馆借书,有时去书店买书。Sometimes I go to the library to borrow books, sometimes I go to bookstores to buy books.图书馆,library.借,borrow.
这里要注意,我向你借和你借给我的“借”英语是不一样的。我可以向你借点钱吗?Can I borrow some money from you?你可以借我点钱吗?Can you lend me some money?我借是borrow,你借给我是lend.
现在电子书很流行了,有时我也看电子书。E-books are popular now, sometimes I read e-books.流行,popular.电子书,e-books.有些电子产品的英文是在普通单词前面加个E,比如烟是cigarette,电子烟是E-cigarette.这里的E是代表电子,Electronic的缩写。
通过看书我们能获得知识,通过思考我们能获得智慧。By reading we can gain knowledge, and by thinking we can gain wisdom.获得,gain.知识,knowledge.思考,thinking.智慧,wisdom.
经师易得,人师难求。Good books are easy to get, and good teachers are difficult to find.容易,easy.困难,difficult.老师,teacher.
我并不聪明,是个学习很慢的人。I'm not smart, I'm a slow learner.聪明,smart.慢,slow.学习,study, learn.
好好学习,天天向上!Good good study, day day up!这本来是句错误的翻译,但是太多人用了太长时间,现在已经被国内外的人接受了。