2022/5/16英语学习打卡.  Mortgage:worki

2022/5/16英语学习打卡.  Mortgage:worki

作者: 学物理的小棉花 | 来源:发表于2022-05-16 21:50 被阅读0次
Mortgages(t不发音).  按揭贷款=home loan:working for longer
mortgage rates 利率
down payment 首付。            term期满  The term of the loan

第一段:*****1)Uk retirement age is rising as is demand for extended(延长) home loan terms(as为也,倒装)

例句:gunpowder(火药) was invented in China,as was the process of printing(印刷术).

2.)some see their seventies as a time to sail the world, write a book or simply sit back(舒服坐好).Others will still be paying off (偿还-反义:take out取得)their mortgages. Uk bank NatWest last month joined the pack (一群人)/hoping to serve the latter camp(团体),launching (推出)home loans that can be repaid (偿还  VS resign 辞职。re-sign重新签约)/up to age 75.      3)Some lenders (贷款机构)go still further.Family Building Society stretches(延伸) to 95(太卷了),although nonagenarians (90多岁的人)will only get a five-year loan.


第二段:1)Extending loan terms for the elderly reflects,perhaps belatedly(迟来),changed society.People work for longer. 2)In the Uk,the average retirement age has been gradually creeping up(逐渐增长) this century,to 65.1 years for men and 64 for women;although men has yet to (还没有发生)revert to(恢复到) the 67.2 years of their forefathers(男祖先) in 1950.


第三段:1)Chances(可能性) are ,however,that(某事是可能的  例句:chances are you’ll be okay你会没事的) working for longer will continue to tick up(增加  up tick 小幅增加).2)Demographics(人口统计数据),improved health and financial necessity all speak to(显示) spending longer behind desks,machines and steering wheels(方向盘).(即工作方面)3)Britain falls well (大大地)behind peers in terms of (在…方面)the proportion of (比例)those aged (···岁的)65-plus in the workforce.4)The Uk’s /one in 10 (1/10,10%  前面所指65岁人口在所有劳动人口中的比例)is up /on the decade but well behind the 14.7 per cent OECD (经济合作与发展组织)average. 4)Given today’s high house prices, says one mortgage broker(中介,经纪人。 real estate broker房产中介), the standard 25-year repayment loan term assuming retirement at 67”has all but (almost几乎)disappeared”25年贷款期限几乎不存在了


第四段:1)Age is just one of the societal trends driving demand for  extended mortgages.2)Divorce(离婚) is another.Taking out a fresh home loan in your forties or fifties can be tough enough without compressing(压缩) repayment into 10 or 20 years.(不管怎样,4,5十岁开始贷款都很难)3)所以 Pushing out(延伸) the maximum age(即前文提及的允许分期到95岁) allows payments to be spread(分摊(费用,工作量)) over a longer term,making them more affordable.(即时间长,分期费用少)4)Likewise(similar) the case for parents helping children on to the housing ladder (房产阶梯。 get on the housing ladder 买一个上车盘,刚刚起步)or seeking their own buy-to-let (买房出租)nest eggs.(个人储蓄金)此句例举一个情况,放长年龄对他们来说是好事。


最后一段:1)Risks to lenders (放贷人)are mitigated(减轻,缓和) by robust(健康的,有效的) affordability checks(负担能力审查) , beefed up (使···更大,修饰前面的checks)by the regulators’ (监管机构)Mortgage Market Review(一份xxx报告) after the financial crisis.(08年金融危机)2)Borrowers need to work past (经过)a typical retirement age(即延迟退休) or demonstrate(展示) sufficient pensions(养老金,退休金) or other means of covering payments.(负担的起的还房贷,即前文的风控)3)Not perhaps the most carefree(无忧无虑的) way to spend the twilight(暮色) years, but one likely to become increasingly common.呼吁前文开始说的人,后者。



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    本文标题:2022/5/16英语学习打卡.  Mortgage:worki
