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受控语言 | ASD-STE100:如何帮你实现时间和成本获益(

受控语言 | ASD-STE100:如何帮你实现时间和成本获益(

作者: TC互联技术传播和技术写作社区 | 来源:发表于2020-03-19 15:59 被阅读0次

ASD-STE100简化技术英语 (Simplified Technical English, STE) 是一种可控语言标准,帮助提高技术文档的可读性和可译性。STE源自航空航天和国防,为许多航空和国防项目必备。



如果文档的源语言是英语,需要翻译成多种语言,那么翻译前改善英文质量将为后续目标语言提供获益。与标准英语 (stand English) 相比,受控原文得到的翻译也更整齐。

如何落实 STE?


  • 写作者、编辑、翻译的培训
  • 建立“技术名”字典
  • 使用检查软件,帮你正确用词,发现与规则冲突之处。




STE修改前 vs. 修改后

The patient must be able to be moved.
Make sure that it is safe to move the patient.

Control panel
Both the C-arm stand and the monitor cart have a control panel. The two control panels always show the same screen, enabling you to use them for system operation.
Depending on the selected function, other controls (buttons, input boxes, displays, etc.) will appear on the control panel screen.
The Vision Center control panel is designed as a touch screen. For system operation, just press the desired button or option directly on the touch screen.
Vision Center控制面板设计为触摸屏。对于系统操作,只需在触摸屏上直接按需要的按钮或选项即可。)

Control panel
The C-arm stand and the monitor cart each have a control panel screen. These screens show the same control panel. Each panel lets you operate the system.
The panels have different controls for different functions. The control panel is a touch screen. To operate the system, touch the correct button or option.

Rigging the elevator trim control system
a) Loosen travel stop blocks on trim tab cables and disconnect actuator screw from link to trim tab.
b) Check cable tension and readjust turnbuckle if necessary. Resafety turnbuckle. If chains and/or cables are being installed, permit actuator screw to rotate freely as chains and cables are connected, set cable tension with turnbuckle, and safety the turnbuckle.
c) Rotate trim control wheel full forward (nose down), making sure pointer does not restrict trim wheel movement. If necessary to re-position pointer where it will not restrict trim wheel movement, proceed as follows:

  1. Remove control pedestal cover. Refer to paragraph 11-5.
  2. Loosen nut at trim wheel pivot shaft.
  3. Loosen screws securing chain guard (see figure 9-4) far enough that trim wheel can be removed.
    b)检查电缆张力并在必要时重新调整螺丝扣。 安全花篮。 如果正在安装链条和/或电缆,允许执行器螺钉在链条和电缆连接时自由旋转,请用螺丝扣固定电缆张力,并安全拧紧螺丝扣。
    c)完全向前旋转微调控制轮(鼻子向下),确保指针不限制微调轮的移动。 如果需要将指针重新定位在不会限制调整轮移动的位置,请按以下步骤操作:
    1.卸下控制底座盖。 参考第11-5节。

**How to adjust the elevator trim control system
a. Loosen the travel stop block on the trim tab cables.
b. Disconnect the actuator screw that connects the link to the trim tab.
c. While you install chains or cables, let the actuator screw turn freely.
d. Adjust the turnbuckle to set the correct cable tension. Safety the turnbuckle.
e. Turn the trim control wheel fully forward (nose down). If you must move the pointer to let the trim wheel move freely:

  1. Remove the control pedestal cover. See paragraph 11-5.
  2. Loosen the nut on the pivot shaft of the trim wheel.
  3. Loosen the screws that hold the chain guard (see figure 9-4).
    a. 松开修剪卡舌电缆上的行程限位块。
    b. 断开连接链接到修剪标签的执行器螺钉。
    c. 在安装链条或电缆时,让执行机构螺丝自由旋转。
    d. 调整螺丝扣以设置正确的电缆张力。 安全螺丝扣。
    e. 完全向前转动装饰控制轮(鼻子向下)。 如果您必须移动指针,让装饰轮自由移动:
  4. 卸下控制底座盖。 见第11-5段。
  5. 松开调整轮的枢轴上的螺母。
  6. 松开固定防护链的螺钉(见图9-4)。)**

原文作者:Shufrans Techdocs


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    本文标题:受控语言 | ASD-STE100:如何帮你实现时间和成本获益(
