run aground on the shoals:在浅滩搁浅

run aground on the shoals:在浅滩搁浅

作者: 三道贩 | 来源:发表于2016-04-01 16:45 被阅读16次

看到这么一句话:Harter’s remarks remind me of something Howard H. Stevenson, a Harvard Business School professor emeritus, told me by way of explaining why so many successful professionals run aground on the shoals of midlife ennui.

run aground on the shoals 指“在浅滩搁浅”。shoal指浅滩。run aground指搁浅,通常后面跟着 on something。

run aground (on something)[for a ship] to ram its hull into something beneath the water and get stuck.

run aground on these rocky shoals
Unfortunately it is on these rocky shoals that the commission is likely to run aground.

The ship ran aground on a reef and had to wait for high tide to get free.

I was afraid we would run aground in the storm.


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    本文标题:run aground on the shoals:在浅滩搁浅
