1. car plate 汽车牌照 E.g. The final plan has not been made y...[作者空间]
1. The living will envy the dead. 生不如死。 2. early to bed, ...[作者空间]
1. not a ...... guy 不是个……人 E.g. One other difference with...[作者空间]
1. depth and dimension 深度和广度 E.g. There really wasn’t a r...[作者空间]
1. take some convincing 需要一些说服力 E.g. I wouldn’t rule it o...[作者空间]
1. get back at somebody 报复某人 E.g. Jimmy was not deterred ...[作者空间]
1. talk somebody into doing something 劝服某人做某事(尤指做错事或蠢事) E...[作者空间]
1. He takes after me with all this. 他这些毛病都随我。 2. in (all)...[作者空间]
1. toss and turn 辗转反侧难以入睡 E.g. Still, you’re not doomed t...[作者空间]
1. He’s in her head. 他是她肚子里的蛔虫。 2. I’m losing it. 我快撑不住了。...[作者空间]
1. That/It figures. 意料之中。 2. walk in on somebody doing so...[作者空间]
1. have a reputation for sth. 因……出名 E.g. They have a repu...[作者空间]
1. talk somebody out of something 劝某人放弃某事 E.g. You may ha...[作者空间]
1. have a crush on somebody 对某人有暧昧情愫 E.g. I sure do have ...[作者空间]
1. take one’s side 支持某人 E.g. He attempts to show that it ...[作者空间]
1. heads up 小心,提醒 E.g. This is not a threat. This is simp...[作者空间]
1. scrambled eggs 炒蛋 2. That being said, ...... 话虽这么说,......[作者空间]
1. get in the way 妨碍 E.g. Fears will get in the way where...[作者空间]
1. scare the crap out of…… 吓得……屁滚尿流 E.g. You’re going to ...[作者空间]
1. get even 报复 E.g. Mike accused Mary of costing him the ...[作者空间]