The dinosaurs who studies dinosaurs would soon become ext...[作者空间]
DNA, as Schrodinger had predicted, was a chemical built t...[作者空间]
From The Gene Page 234: It is the impulse of science to t...[作者空间]
Nevertheless, in pushing massive new tax cuts combined wi...[作者空间]
My focus today will be the policy tools that are needed t...[作者空间]
好久没做这个系列的更新了。今天更一发。两个来源,前面6个是之前那本书,The Power of Habit, 后面...[作者空间]
原文: “Robert was the true steel. Stannis is pure iron, bla...[作者空间]
今天换了一本书,The Craft of Research, 四年后重读这本书,觉得自己很幸运。后天就要开始新的学...[作者空间]
今天的翻译还是The Gene里面选取的。我看书速度实在是奇慢无比,基本上半小时也就十页左右,看着欠下的债越来越多...[作者空间]
原文: She rose to go inside the house and was suddenly stru...[作者空间]
这一篇博客里面的原文都没办法标出页码,因为是用kindle看得,就不贴具体的出处啦。还是同一本书,The Gene...[作者空间]
From The Gene: An Intimate History , Page 216 DNA, as Sch...[作者空间]
From The Gene Page 234: It is the impulse of science to t...[作者空间]