
作者: 丽亚笔记 | 来源:发表于2020-12-03 18:20 被阅读0次

翻译《我们建了一座花园》Margery Fish



直到十一月,我们还奔波在找房子的路上,有一天,又经过在九月被我们一下子就否掉了的那座房子的附近,于是我们顺着路标“离East Lambrrok一英里”所指的方向,再去看看那座房子,看看过了三个月它会有什么改变。






We were still hunting in November when our way took us very near the old house so summarily dismissed in September, so we turned down the lane which said ‘East Lambrook one mile’, just to see what had been happening during those three months. 

Quite a lot had happened. The front garden had been cleared of its laurels and the house looked much better. Old tiles had replaced the corrugated iron on the roof, and inside the walls had been washed with cream and the woodwork with glossy paint. 

It is one of those typical Somerset houses with a central passage and a door at each end, so very attractive to look at and so very draughty for living. That day we thought only of the artistic angle. It was late afternoon and the sun was nearly setting. Both doors were open and through them we caught a glimpse of a tree and a green background against the sunlight. 

That day I got Walter further than the flagged passage, and we explored the old bakehouse, with its enormous inglenook and open fireplace, low beamed ceiling and stone floor, and a gay little parlour beyond. On the other side was another large room with stone floor and an even bigger fireplace, and at the far end a lovely room with wonderful panelling.

We both knew that our search had ended, we had come home. 

We Made a Garden, by Margery Fish, Publisher: Batsford (19 Dec 2011)


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