All this thinking was so pointless. He envied his parents generation. They had few wants and were satisfied with little. Nowadays people called them ignorant, but weren't they really wise ones?
The trouble was, he could not turn into his parents, just like he could not go back inside the womb again. He knew there was no cure for the pain his soul felt. If only there was some wise hand who could come and massage his soul, the way Yue stroked his body.
~Xuemo, translated by Nicky Harman.
Selected Stories by Xuemo
pointless /ˈpɔɪntlɪs/
ADJ If you say that something is pointless, you are criticizing it because it has no sense or purpose. 无意义的; 无益的表不满
Violence is always pointless.
envy /ˈɛnvɪ/
V-T If you envy someone, you wish that you had the same things or qualities that they have. 羡慕
I don't envy the young ones who've become TV superstars and know no other world.
ignorant /ˈɪɡnərənt/
ADJ If you describe someone as ignorant, you mean that they do not know things they should know. If someone is ignorant of a fact, they do not know it. 无知的
People don't like to ask questions for fear of appearing ignorant.
womb /wuːm/
N-COUNT A woman's womb is the part inside her body where a baby grows before it is born. 子宫
...the development of the fetus in the womb.
massage /ˈmæsɑːʒ/
V-T If you massage someone or a part of their body, you squeeze and rub their body, in order to make them relax or reduce their pain. 按摩
She continued massaging her right foot, which was bruised and aching.
stroke /strəʊk/
V-T If you stroke someone or something, you move your hand slowly and gently over them. 轻抚
Carla, curled up on the sofa, was smoking a cigarette and stroking her cat.
cure /kjʊə/
N-COUNT A cure for an illness is a medicine or other treatment that cures the illness. (有治愈效果的) 药物、疗法
There is still no cure for a cold.
这一段同样节自Beauty, 这两段是描写猛子的心理描写,他原来是“今朝有酒今朝醉”的青年,经历了哥哥憨头的死亡,月儿的疾病,还有自己被埋在塌陷的井底,跟死亡面对面的困境,他开始感受到人生的“不稳定”,就像矿井一样,随时有塌陷的可能,那么他的灵魂开始焦灼、痛苦,他想要明白活着、生命的意义是什么?
分享: 王风亭