IT's so common to change seats in the train for private convenience in the 20th century.Because of the circumstances of railway transportation in that time is not sane.There are also no real-name system.
But now ,we can have a journey with high-speed railway and identify authentication.We can buy tickets and select the seats which you like on the internet.
Although the technology of railway is improving,the costom of traveling of part person is not changed.
12:11now ,I'm sitting in my ‘thrown ’and writing this essay.
A hour's later,a group of middle-age women were sitting near me prepared serch a person who might change seats with their other carriage's one .And than they told me, They wanted to change seat with me and they could pay for it.
Excuse me,what?! I refused them again and again.
About three points that I don't want to do it .
First,it's inconvenient to transfer my luggages from a carriage to another one,I needed to pass through the people who stood by the aisle.
Second,this seat is selected by my own and I liked it,didn't want to move.
third,I had the right to refuse something I don't want to do.And I rejected every unnecessary things especially about moral abduction.
When you wanted to do something for your own personal convenience,do not bother others!