苏自评自己的书画为:“吾书虽不甚佳,然自出新意,不践古人,是一快也。” 这份快意来自于酒后的灵感,泼墨挥笔,直抒胸臆,一如其为人的坦荡狂放。
Words and Expressions:
At the outset it must be made clear that in China calligraphy and painting are one and the same art…
at the outset, 副词,表示 “起先,当初”,the start or beginning of something,与 at the beginning 同义;注意区别 from the outset = from the beginning 的意思是 “从一开始便…” ;
例句:I was opposed to the plan from the outset. [我从一开始便反对这个计划,并不是后来才反对的]
例句:I was opposed to the plan at the outset. [我起初反对这计划,后来不反对了]
Yuko’s paintings of bamboos, rocks, and dried up trees may be said to have truly seized the inner spirit of the objects.
dried up, 作为形容词,除了原文句子中表示 “干枯的” 之外,口语中还可用来形容 “老态龙钟的” 老人,带有点无礼的贬义;If you describe someone as dried-up, you are saying rudely that they are old and dull, and not worth paying attention to;
例句:She lives in the fears of becoming a dried-up old prune.
After a while he woke up, approach the table, and began to write or paint as fast as the wind. [落笔如风]
At any moment he may get up, take a brush, dip it in ink, and write out what is there in his breast. [直抒胸臆]
这两句话一系列的动词,让整个场景非常生动有画面感,两个短语 as fast as the wind 和 write out what is there in his breast 更是很形象的点出了作者 “胸中有丘壑,下笔如有神” 的状态。
In this sense, the so-called impressionistic Chinese painting, whether of a twig of bamboo, a group of gnarled roots, or rain in the mountains, or snow over the river, is a pantheistic revelry.