Ch 19 — Pixar: Technology meets art
Ch 20 — A Regular Guy: love is just a four-letter word
Ch 21 — Family Man: at home with the Jobs Clan

今天这部分的阅读主要集中在乔布斯的感情经历,最有意思的是本书作者在 ch20 大笔墨介绍了乔布斯的过往恋爱经历后,在 ch21 开头为乔布斯的理想婚姻对象画像如下:
By this point, based on his dating history, a matchmaker could have put together a composite sketch of the woman who would be right for Jobs. Smart, yet unpretentious. Tough enough to stand up tp him, yet Zen-like enough to rise above turmoil. Well-educated and independent, yet already to make accommodations for him and a family. Down-to-earth, but with a touch of the ethereal. Savvy enough to know how to manage him, but secure enough to not always need to. And it wouldn’t hurt to be a beautiful, lanky blonde with an easygoing sense of humor who liked organic vegetarian food.
而后再顺理成章的引出最终成为乔布斯妻子的劳伦·鲍威尔(Laurene Powell),这种描写手法和笔调着实高明,过渡自然,值得借鉴学习呢~
Material possessions often cluttered life rather than enriched it.