

作者: 春耕部落 | 来源:发表于2020-03-05 18:48 被阅读0次


    The study of China’s civil society has been one of hot spots in academic circle since 1990s in China. Since then, many scholars have made great progresses in the fields, including the relations between the country and the society and the initial administration of China’s civil society.

    This article will discuss three questions that include the conception of China’s civil society, the prerequisites of China’s civil society which include economic factors, political factors, cultural factors and societal factors, the problems and solutions of China’s civil society. 

    In chapter one, I will mainly introduce the Chinese civil society’s concept limits, academic circle’s main mutual recognition and characteristics that are different from the western citizen society's characteristics. From the second chapter to the fifth  chapter, this article mainly analyze the Chinese civil society’s formation and development prerequisite in turn that include the economical prerequisite, the political prerequisite, the cultural prerequisite, the social prerequisite , this part is the key part of this article .In summary, new technical revolution under the globalization background and the China’s reform and open policy are the most important formation and development prerequisite s of Chinese civil society. The changes that reform of the market economy orientation caused, the fact that enterprises become the independent legal units and citizen's growth in earnings are the economical. prerequisite. The facts that the Communist Party of China controls political power according to law, the efforts that the government simplifies administrative procedures and delegates powers to the lower levels, the tries of villager autonomy and urbanite autonomy are the political condition. the pushing effects of the enormous development of educational undertaking and intellectual are the cultural condition. The facts that change of the social stratum, especially rise of the intermediate strata, rise of the NGO and changes of the social communication way are the social  prerequisite.

    At last, this article tries to make brief analysis and tries to put forward some settlements on the questions in the writing. This article believes China’s citizen society organization has several outstanding problems at present. These problems mainly include the shortage of talents and the funds of China’s citizen organizations, the fact that relevant legal systems are not consummate, citizens’ obligations are relatively weak, trust crisis of people’s attitudes on citizen organizations and the fact China split between the rich and the poor is serious.

    This article believes that the communist Party of China and the government should make great effort on the following ways. First, the Party and the government should transform old ideas, relax the way that the citizen organization collect funds, change restrictive management to monitoring management, allow citizen organizations, especial the citizen organizations that are in the same district and have the similar objective, to compete freely. Second, in the education field and populace media field, the Party and the government should improve the citizen awareness; Third, the Party and the government should carry on the innovation in the management system aspect, call off multitudinous department management and overlapping management,straighten out the management relations to evaluate citizen organizations regularly;

    At last, the Party and the government should pay attention to efficiency priority in the primary assignment ,but should pay more attention to social fairness in the second assignment in the field of division of income. In order to achieve the goal, the Party and the government should adopt kinds of measures to reduce gaps between the rich and the poor.

    Key Words: Chinese civil society;Prerequisite;Problems;Countermeasures



