笃学奖-Topic 6-B18030-甘比精读

笃学奖-Topic 6-B18030-甘比精读

作者: Sam_HT | 来源:发表于2017-04-29 21:49 被阅读16次

Day18 单词作业

1. encounter

1.a meeting, especially one that happens by chance

    I had a rather alarming encounter with a wild pig.

2.an occasion when people have sex, usually with someone they have not met before

3.an occasion when two teams play against each other

In their last encounterwithItaly, England won 3-2.

2. reassess

-to think again about something in order to decide whether to change the way you feel about it or deal with it

    We need to reassess our values as a nation.

3. carapace

-a hard shell that covers and protects animals such as crabs and turtles

4. painstaking

-extremely careful and correct, and using a lot of effort

    It took months of painstaking research to write the book.

5. qualm

-an uncomfortable feeling of doubt about whether you are doing the right thing

    She had no qualms about lying to the police.

6. throng

-a crowd or a large group of people

    A huge throng had gathered round the speaker.

7. uncontroversial

-not controversial,没有争议的

8. consultant

1.someone who advises people on a particular subject

    a management/financial/computer consultant

2.[UK] a specialist(= doctor with special training and knowledge in a particular area of medicine)

9. dwell on sb.

-to keep thinking or talking about something, especially something bad or unpleasant

    In his speech, he dwelt on the plight of the sick and the hungry.

10. hegemony

-[FORMAL] (especially of countries) the position of being the strongest and most powerful and therefore able to control others

    The three nations competed for regional hegemony.

11. Thucydides

( circa 455– circa 400 bc ) , Greek historian. Remembered for his History of the Peloponnesian War, he fought in the conflict on the Athenian side. 休斯得底斯

12. befall

-If something bad or dangerous befalls you, it happens to you

    Should any harm befall me on my journey, you may open this letter.

13. Sparta


14. deputy secretary of state


15. subtle

1.not loud, bright, noticeable or obvious in any way

    The room was painted a subtle shade of pink.

2.small but important

    There is a subtle difference between these two plans.

3.achieved in a quiet way which does not attract attention to itself and which is, therefore, good or clever

    a subtle plan/suggestion

    subtle questions

16. amplify

1.to make something louder

    amplified music/guitar

2.[formal] to increase the size or effect of something

    A funeral can amplify the feelings of regret and loss for the relatives.

17. flesh sth. out

-to add more details or information to something

    These plans need to be fleshed out with some more figures.

18. realm

1.an area of interest or activity

    Her interests are in the realm of practical politics.

2.[formal] a country ruled by a king or queen

    the defence of the realm

3. within the realms of possibility


    A pay rise is not within the realms of possibility, I'm afraid.

19. wont

1. as is someone's wont

-in the way that someone usually does

    She arrived an hour late, as is her wont.

2. be wont to do sth

-to often do something

    The previous city council was wont to overspend.

20. distil

1. [T] to make a liquid stronger or purer by heating it until it changes to a gas and then cooling it so that it changes back into a liquid

Some strong alcoholic drinks such as whisky are made by distilling.

2.[T usually passive] literary to get or show only the most important part of something

Over 80 hours of footage have been distilled into these 40 minutes.

21. mnemonic  /nɪˈmɒn.ɪk/

-something such as a very short poem or a special word used to help a person remember something

    The musical notes on the lines go EGBDF - use the mnemonic 'every good boy deserves fun'.

22. mouthpiece

1.the part of a telephone, musical instrument or other devices that go near or between the lips

    To play the recorder, blow gently into the mouthpiece.

2.disapprovinga person or a newspaper that only expresses the opinions of one particular organisation

    This newspaper is just a Republican mouthpiece.

23. infrastructure

-the basic systems and services, such as transport and power supplies, that a country or organisation uses in order to work effectively

    The war has badly damaged the country's infrastructure.

24. wary

-not completely trusting or certain about something or someone

    I'm a bit wary of/about giving people my address when I don't know them very well.

25. bolster

-to support or improve something or make it stronger

    More money is needed to bolster the industry.

26. tribunal

-a special court or group of people who are officially chosen, especially by the government, to examine (legal) problems of a particular type

   a war-crimes tribunal

27. promptly

-quickly, without delay, or at the arranged time

    We'll have to leave fairly promptly(= on time)if we want to catch that train.

28. disavow

-to say that you know nothing about something, or that you have no responsibility for or connection with something

    They were quick to disavow the rumour.

29. eschew

-to avoid something intentionally, or to give something up

    We won't have discussions with this group unless they eschew violence.

30. maritime

1.connected with human activity at sea

    Amalfi and Venice were important maritime powers.

2.near the sea or coast

    The temperature change in winter is less pronounced in maritime areas.

31. overlap

1.[I orT] to cover something partly by going over its edge; to cover part of the same space

    The fence is made of panels which overlap (each other).

2.[I] If two or more activities, subjects or periods of time overlap, they have some parts which are the same

    My musical tastes don't overlap with my brother's at all.

32. Belt on Road Initiative


33. convene

-to arrange (a group of people for) a meeting, or to meet for a meeting

    The Prime Minister convened (a meeting of) his ministers to discuss the matter.

34. revisionist


35. predecessor

-someone who had a job or a position before someone else, or something which comes before another thing in time or in a series

    My predecessor worked in this job for twelve years.

36. assertive

-describes someone who behaves confidently and is not frightened to say what they want or believe

    If you really want the promotion, you'll have to be more assertive.

37. template

1.a pattern made of metal, plastic or paper, which is used for making many copies of a shape or to help cut material accurately

2.something that is used as a pattern for producing other similar things

    We used the structure of his report as the template for ours.

3.a system that helps you arrange information on a computer screen

    a letter template

38. lingua franca


39. dismantle

1.[I orT] to take a machine apart or to come apart into separate pieces

    She dismantled the washing machine to see what the problem was, but couldn't put it back together again.

2.[T] to get rid of a system or organisation, usually over a period of time

    Unions accuse the government of dismantling the National Health Service.

Day19 神句翻译+思维导图


1.Keep a low profile, never take the lead, and make a difference


韬光养晦、决不当头、有所作为.邓小平1992年提出韬光养晦有所作为的外交战略,这里翻译较为贴切,用了keep low profile意指保持低调。

最早的官方译本都是hide our capabilities and bide our time意思就是掩盖自己的能力,等待时机东山再起,极易引起误解。此后,国外还有一些英文书籍或者是文章,进一步翻译成隐藏能力假装弱小,或者叫做隐藏真实目的,或者是隐藏野心收集爪子等等。其潜台词无外乎就是说,“韬光养晦”是中国在特定的内外形势下,所采取的一种权宜之际,是在隐蔽自己的真实意图等待时机成熟再出手。事实上,韬光养晦的核心含义是:要紧紧抓住经济建设这条主线,埋头苦干发展自己。只有发展自己才能够解决很多的问题。‘韬光养晦’目的就是我们要立足于自身的发展和壮大,才能在国际事务中发挥更大的、积极建设性作用。





3.Washington consensus


1989年,陷于债务危机的拉美国家急需进行国内经济改革。美国国际经济研究所邀请国际货币基金组织、世界银行、美洲开发银行美国财政部的研究人员,以及拉美国家代表在华盛顿召开了一个研讨会,旨在为拉美国家经济改革提供方案和对策。美国国际经济研究所的约翰·威廉姆森(John Williamson)对拉美国家的国内经济改革提出了已与上述各机栄达成共识的10条政策措施,称作华盛顿共识。,“华盛顿共识”的教条是“主张政府的角色最小化、快速私有化和自由化。Subsequentto Williamson's use of the terminology, and despite his emphatic opposition,the phrase Washington Consensus has come to be used fairly widely in a second,broader sense, to refer to a more general orientation towards astrongly market-based approach(sometimes described asmarket fundamentalismorneoliberalism).

4.State-of-the-nation speech


另一种说法是state-of-the-union address国情咨文,不仅是美国俄罗斯菲律宾等实行总统制的国家,也都把总统向国会发表的年度报告称为“国情咨文”。美国政府的施政纲领,主要阐明美国总统每年面临的国内外情况,以及政府将要采取的政策措施。按照美国惯例,每年年初,现任总统都要在国会做年度报告,阐述政府的施政方针,被称为“国情咨文”。

类似于我国的“政府工作报告”也就是文中提到的Work Report.

5.Not interfering in other countries’ internal affairs


6. Common and differentiated responsibilities






1.go viral 广为流传

2.marks a change  标志着转变

3.be wary of sth  警惕

4.boss others around  对周围的……指手画脚

(美语口语)颐指气使,发号施令,好似老板指使下属。另有相关形容词bossy:专横好指使人,Her loud bossy sister爱管人的大嗓门姐姐

5.step up its multilateral commitments  增进多边承诺

6.model on  效仿

7.be resistant to  抵抗,不情愿



8.one-size-fits-all approach  一刀切,一风吹


1.The signals are amplified by similar ones further down the system and fleshed out by controlled discussions in state-owned media.



2. China is a revisionist power, wanting to expand influence within the system. It is neither a revolutionary power bent on overthrowing things nor a usurper, intent on grabbing global control.



用词多样化:want to & bent on & intent on

3. Global rules on trade and finance, it seems, are too important for Mr.Xi not to defend.



Too....not to:太。。。。而必须。。。

The dish is too delicious not to eat.

The city is too beautiful not to visit.

He is too talented not to succeed.


Too good to be true:太美好,所以不可能是真的/美好的不现实

Too weak to handle the job:太弱,所以不可能胜任该工作/弱的无法胜任工作


tortoise v hare

Day20 总结反思



印象最深刻的是文章最后一句话:If China is required to play a leadership role, it will assume its responsibilities.



那一条韬光养晦的对外政策,我现在才知道它原来翻译成“Keep a low profile, never take the lead, and make a difference"。莫名有一种关起门来搞事情的感觉……但是我们搞事情也不会像某国一样在别人家里搞,害得别人家里乌烟瘴气;我们是要建设社会主义的,我们自己的事务自己解决,不插手别国事务,也轮不到某国来插手!








    本文标题:笃学奖-Topic 6-B18030-甘比精读
