history contents should change

作者: 红云梦泽 | 来源:发表于2019-04-23 14:28 被阅读6次

    With the developing society and flying time, our history view should also be changed to keep pace with the society. On the meanwhile, our history texts' contents can have unpleasant facts based on reasons as follows and this action will not hurt our patriotic spirits but can enhance it.

    history contents should change

    Firstly, history text should be true and a true history text will cultivate a true man, a true nation. Our history text reflects our view towards history that is made up by a series of past events. Past is past and can not be changed. And it is the past events that lead to what our nation today is. A true history must have its shinning points and its dark side and this can not be changed. The dark side of a country is like the shadow. Students learn from their history text to evision their country and try to mix into it later day. If the history text are full of splendid achievemnets and dismissed our country's disadvantage, the students' acknowledged history is not the history but illusions, a heaven free from its ground. when they step out of the school, the gap between books and reality will disappoint them. On the contrary, if the history text can tolerate some unpleasent facts printed on them, students will learn the truth and see the nation much clearer. Maybe after they see the disadvantage of their nation, someof them will contrive to solve the problem with their efforts and knowledge.

    Secondly, by letting some unpleasant facts into texts will contribute its diversity, which will enhance students' capacity to analyse things from different perspectives. An object has so many sides, and so does a nation, a country. A country can have its unpleasant facts, maybe bloody or cruel. However, it is the unpleasant facts that makes us more experienced, more sophisticated and more advanced. From historical perspective, human society derives from pre–history that is vulgar, bloody, full of wars and unsanited and then steps into modern society. Maybe modern life has its problem, but with more people acknowledging this from their history textbooks to accumulate past wisdom, the possiblility of solving problems will increase. Having seen our country's afflictions and achievements, shinning points and dark shadows, students will be more patriotic than they would be if textbooks they learned were only full of pleasant facts.

    In short, history textbooks should contain some unpleasant facts on the basis of reasons that I mentioned above.

    (题目: Do you think our history textbooks should contain unpleasant facts? Wouldn't that have a negative effect on our people and make us less patriot?)




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