

作者: 刘二傻 | 来源:发表于2016-02-27 23:03 被阅读42次


S:Project HOUND. A new deliriant drug which rendered its users incredibly suggestible. They wanted to use it as an anti-personnel weapon, to totally disorientate the enemy using fear and stimulus. But they shut it down and hid it away in 1986.猎犬计划,一种新迷幻药,让使用者极易受暗示,他们想用它作为杀伤性武器,用恐惧和刺激,彻底迷惑敌人。可1986年他们把计划停止并藏了起来。

Stapleton:Because of what it did to the subjects they tested it on.因为它对实验者的影响。

S:And what they did to others. Prolonged exposure drove them insane. Made them almost uncontrollably aggressive.还有实验者对其他人的,长期被迫摄入让人发疯,攻击性几乎无法控制。

W:So, someone's been doing it again? Carrying on the experiments?这么说,有人又开始用它了,继续试验?

S:Attempting to refine it, perhaps. For the last 20 years.也许是想改良它在过去20年


W:Those names mean anything to you?这些名字你听过吗?

Stapleton:No, not a thing.不都没有听过

S:Five principal scientists. 20 years ago. Maybe our friend's somewhere in the back of the picture? Someone old enough to be there at the time of the experiments in 1986? Maybe somebody who says "cell phone" because of time spent in America? You remember, John? Hm-mm. Here's my, uh, cell number. He gave us his  number,in case we needed him. 5名重要科学家,20年前也许我们的朋友站在后面?年纪足以在1986年参与实验?也许用美语说"手机"因为在美国待过,你有印象吗,约翰?留着我的手机(美语)号码,他给我们手机号,有事好找他。

Stapleton:Oh, my god, Bob Frankland. But Bob doesn't work on...He's a virologist. This is chemical warfare.上帝啊,鲍勃·弗兰克兰,但鲍勃不参加...他是病毒学家。这是化学战争

S:That's where hestarted, though. He's never lost the certainty, the obsession that that drugreally could work. Nice of him to give us his number. Let's arrange a littlemeeting.他的研究就是从这里开始的,他从没放弃过,一直执着坚持这药能用,还好他给了我们号码约他开个小会吧。

W:Hello? Who's this?喂?你是谁?

M:You've got to find Henry.你们必须找到亨利。

W:It's Louise Mortimer.是露易丝·莫蒂默。

M:Louise, what's wrong? Henry was, was remembering. Then... He tried... He's got a gun, he went for the gun and tried to...露易丝,什么事?亨利记起了什么,然后...他开始...他带着枪,他拿枪出去要...


M:He's gone. But you've got to stop him, I don't know what he might do.他出去了,可你们必须制止他,我不知道他想做什么。

W:Where, where are you?你在哪儿?

M:His house. I'm OK. I'm OK.他的家,我还好,还好。

W:Right, stay there. We'll get someone to you, OK?在那里呆着,我们派人过去,好吗?


W:He's attacked her.他攻击了她



S:There's only one place he'll go, back to where it started. Lestrade? Get to the Hollow. Dewer's Hollow, now! And bring a gun.他只会去一个地方,事情的原点。雷斯垂德?马上去德沃谷,带上把枪。

H:I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Dad.对不起,对不起,爸爸。

S:No, Henry, no, no! Get back!不,亨利!不,退后。

H:Get away from me!离我远点。

W:Easy, Henry, easy. Just relax.没事的,亨利,放松。

H:I know what I am,I know what I tried to do.我知道我是什么,我知道我想做什么。

W:Just put the gun down, it's OK.快把枪放下没事的

H:No, no! I know what I am!不,我知道我是什么。

S:Yes, I'm sure you do, Henry. It's all been explained to you, hasn't it? Explained very carefully.我相信你知道,亨利。有人全部解释给你听了不是吗?小心地解释了。


S:Someone needed to keep you quiet, needed to keep you as a child, to reassert the dream you both clung on to, because you had started to remember. Remember now, Henry, you've got to remember what happened here when you were a little boy.有人要堵住你的嘴,把你留在童年重复你们俩的噩梦,因为你已经开始记起了,回忆,亨利,你得想起你小时候在这里发生了什么。

H:I thought it had got my dad. The hound. I thought... Oh, Jesus! I don't...I don't know any more!I don't!我以为它杀了我爸爸,那猎犬,我以为...上帝啊,我不知道,我再也不知道了。

W:No, Henry!不,亨利。

S:Henry, for God's sake! Henry, remember. "Liberty In." Two words. Two words a frightened little boy saw here 20 years ago. You'd started to piece things together. Remember what happened here that night. It wasn't an animal, was it, Henry? Not a monster. A man.看在上帝份上,你想想自由和印这两个词,20年前受惊小男孩看到的词,你得把片段凑在一起,想起那晚在这里发生了什么,不是动物,对吧,亨利?不是怪兽?是一个男人。

S:You couldn't cope. You were just a child. Then you started to remember, so you had to be stopped. Driven out of your mind so that no-one would believe a word that you said.你无力承受你只是个小孩,可你开始想起真相了得制止你,把你逼疯,就没人会相信你的话了。


W:It's OK. It's OK, mate.没事的,没事,伙计。

H:But we saw it, the hound, last night. We did, we s...但我们见到了,昨晚见到了猎犬...

S:No, but there was a dog, Henry, leaving footprints, scaring witnesses, but nothing more than an ordinary dog. We both saw it, saw it as our drugged minds wanted us to see it. Fear and stimulus, that's how it works. But there never was any monster.没有,但有条狗,亨利,留下足迹,惊吓目击者,但是和普通狗没两样,我们都看到了,是被下药的大脑让我们看见,恐惧和刺激,这就是原理,可是从来就没有怪物。


H:No! No, no, no, no!Henry, Henry... Sherlock! No, no! No, no, no, noooo!不,不,亨利,夏洛克不要,不要。


W:Sherlock, are you seeing this?夏洛克,你看到了吗?

S:Right, he is not drugged, Sherlock, so what's that?好吧,他可没被下药,夏洛克,那是什么?

W:Oh, oh, no! What is it?!不要,那是什么?

S:All right, it's still here. But it's just a dog, Henry. It's nothing more than an ordinary dog.好吧它还在,只是条狗,亨利,就是条普通狗。

L:My god!上帝呀。

S:It's not you, not you! The fog.不是你,不是你,是雾。


S:It's the fog, the drug, it's in the fog! Aerosol dispersant, that's what it said in the records. Project HOUND, it's the fog! A chemical minefield.药物就是雾,在雾气里,气溶性扩散,记录上有记载,猎犬行动,是雾,生化雷区。

H:For God's sake, kill it! Kill it!看在上帝份上,杀了它,杀了它。

S:Look at it, Henry.快看,亨利。

H:No, no, no.不要。

S:Come on, look at it!快看。

H:You bastard. You...bastard! 20 years! 20 years of my life, making no sense!你这个混蛋,你这个混蛋,20年,让我20年的生命都失去意义。

W:It's all over now, come on.好了,都结束了。

H:Why didn't you just kill me?怎么不直接杀了我?

S:Because dead men get listened to, he needed to do more than kill you. He had to discredit every word you ever said about your father. And he had the means right at his feet. A chemical minefield, pressure pads in the ground, dosing you up every time that you came back here. Murder weapon and scene of the crime all at once. Ha ha, oh, this case, Henry. Thank you. It's been brilliant!因为死人的遗言仍有人信,他不能把你一杀了之,他必须诋毁你说的关于父亲的每一句话,方法就在他的脚下,生化雷区地上有承压垫,每次你回来就给你下药,杀人武器和犯罪现场合为一体,哈哈,瞧这案子,亨利,多谢你了,实在太棒了。




S:Not good?这样不好?

H:No, no, it's OK. It's fine. Because this means... this means that my dad was right. He'd found something out, hadn't he? And that's why you killed him, because he was right, and he'd found you right in the middle of an experiment!没关系,因为这代表着...代表我爸爸是对的,他发现了什么不是吗?这就是你杀他的原因,他是对的,他发现了你正在做实验。

S:Frankland! Frankland! Keep running. Come on, keep up! It's no use, Frankland.弗兰克兰,弗兰克兰,继续跑,继续跑,没有用的,弗兰克兰。

W:Thanks, Bill.谢谢,比尔。

S:So they didn't have it put down then, the dog? Obviously.所以他们没把狗安乐死?显然。

W:I suppose they just couldn't bring themselves to do it.估计他们终究狠不下心。

S:I see.我明白了。

W:No, you don't.你不明白。

S:No, I don't. Sentiment?对,我不明白,重感情?


W:Listen, what happened to me in the lab?我在实验室里到底怎么了?

S:Do you want some sauce with that?你想加点调味汁吗?

W:I hadn't been to the Hollow. How come I heard those things there? Fear and stimulus, you said?我没去山谷,怎么也能听到那些声响?恐惧和刺激,记得吗?

S:You must have been dosed with it elsewhere. In the lab, maybe? You saw those pipes, pretty ancient, leaky as a sieve. And they were carrying the gas, so... Um, ketchup was it, or brown?你肯定在其他地方中招的,没准是实验室?看到那些古老的管道,淅沥沥漏水,那可是煤气管道。所以...番茄酱还是棕酱?

W:Hang on. You thought it was in the sugar. You were convinced it was in the sugar.等等。你以为它在糖里,你曾相信它在糖里。

S:I'd better get going, there's a train leaving in half an hour, so if you want...我得走了,有辆火车半小时之内发车,如果你想...

W:Oh, God! It was you. You locked me in that bloody lab.老天,是你,你把我锁进那破实验室。

S:I had to, it was an experiment.我没办法,这是个实验。

W:An experiment?! Ssh. I was terrified, scared to death!实验?我怕了,夏洛克,差点吓死了。

S:I thought the drug was in the sugar,so I put some in your coffee. Then I arranged everything with Major Barrymore. Totally scientific, laboratory conditions, literally.我以为药在糖里,所以在你咖啡里放了糖,然后和巴里莫尔校安排了实验,完全科学,绝对实验室环境。

S:I knew what effect it had had on a superior mind, so I needed to try it on an average one. You know what I mean.我知道它对高能大脑的作用,所以得找个普通头脑试试,你知道我的意思。

W:But it wasn't in the sugar.但它不在糖里。

S:No, well, I wasn't to know you'd already been exposed to the gas.确实不在,我不知道你吸进了煤气啊。

W:So you got it wrong.所以你弄错了。

S:No. Hmm.没有。

W:You were wrong. It wasn't in the sugar, you got it wrong.你错了,不在糖里,你弄错了。

S:A bit. It won'thappen again.一点点,下不为例。

W:Any long-term effects?会有后遗症吗?

S:None at all. You'll be fine once you've excreted it. We all will.不会的,排出就没事了,我们都是。

W:I think I might have taken care of that already. Where are you going?我觉得好像已经排出了,你去哪儿?。

S:I won't be a minute. Got to see a man about a dog.马上就回来,找某人谈一条狗的事。


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