

作者: 玫瑰园Julie | 来源:发表于2020-03-27 10:32 被阅读0次






            既然存在这么多这样那样的问题,那么我们每个老师就都应该端正态度,对自己严要求,在平时的课堂中重训练,不仅要扩大自己课堂用语的amount,还要提高课堂用语的quality. 练就出色的课堂用语。




            1. 阶段性。 由简单到难,循序渐进。

            2. 贯穿性。连贯整个课堂。如果在课堂中,英语老师尽可能用英语来表达,而且变化多样,学生们也会慢慢地适应全英语教学的。并在这个潜移默化的过程中,逐渐培养出语感,有利于发展学生口语。最重要的是,这样也更有利于培养学生用英语思维和表达的习惯,对孩子们写作也是有帮助的。

            3. 规范性。 正确的语音语调,简单明了,无错误。比如:Do you know what is it?   Together read. 等等。

            4. 激励性。用来鼓励学生。在现在课堂教学中,老师应以表扬和鼓励为主,用以呵护学生的自尊和自信。老师在说话中,要做到语气委婉。这样才能创论轻松和谐的气氛,减少学生的紧张情绪。同时尽量避免使用过多的贬义词和否定词。比如: foolish, stupid, wrong, too bad. I don't like your opinion.等等。

            5. 引导性。引导孩子参与课堂活动。

            6. 交际性。严要求,重训练。可对孩子做出一些要求,比如: 凡在学校,见到英语老师,用英语打招呼;凡在课堂,尽可能用英语表达;启发、鼓励学生之间相互提问和对话;Speak English if possible, speak Chinese if necessary.



            A. 每日课堂常规用语 Everyday classroom routine。

                1)Begnning a Class(上课)

                    1. Let's start now. / Let's begin our class / lesson.

                    2. Shall we begin now?/Shall we get down to business?

                    3. Get seated,please. It's time for class./ Class is about to begin.

                    4. Have you got everything ready for class?/Ready? /Are you ready for class?

                    5. Take out your English books and put them on the desk.

                    6. No(stop) talking now.There goes the bell.

                    7. Attention,everyone!/ Order, please!

                    8. Stand up. Sit down.   ……


                      1. Hello, boys and girls / children.

                      2. Good morning, class / everyone / everybody / children / boys and girls.

                      3. How are you today? /How are you getting on? How are you feeling today?/How  are you getting along with your studies?

                      4. You look great!/ How nice you look!

                      5. Did you have a nice weekend?/ Tell us what you did yesterday.

                      6. What day is it today?/ What's the date?/Happy Children's Day.

                      7. What's the weather like today? / A nice day, isn't it?

                     8.  (various kinds of questions related to the topic)     ……

                3)Checking Attendance(考勤)

                      1. Who's on duty today? Is everyone here?/Who's absent today?/ Who is missing? /Anybody absent?

                     2. Be quiet,please. Now I am going to call the roll.

                     3. Try to be on time. / Don't be late next time./Please come earlier next time./

                          Try to be here on time next time .

                    4. Go back to your seat./Get to your seat .we have already begun the lesson.  ......

               4)Assigning Homework(作业布置)

                    1. Here's today's homework.

                    2. For today's homework, review the text carefully.

                    3. No written work for today./Get ready for the test on Friday.

                    4. Recite the text./Memorize the new words./Make up a dialogue after the example./ Review what we have learnt today./ Do a survey with your neighbour.

                    5. Preview Unit2. / Finish the exercises in the workbook./Do the exercises on Page3.

                    6. Copy these sentences three times./ Write a summary of the text in your own words.

                    7. Finish your work on your own./ Please hand in your exercise books on time.   ......

               5)Closing the Lesson (下课)

                    1. That's all for today./ Let's stop here./ Class is over.

                    2. To sum up, let me repeat the important expressions.

                    3. Let's see what we have learnt today.

                    4. I hope you've enjoyed the lesson. / I'm really proud of you.

                    5. Thanks, everyone. / Bye, class. / See you next time./ Have a nice weekend!

                    6.  Hand in your workbooks,please.  ......

            B. 调动学生积极性 Involving the learners.


                   1. Well done!/ Nice job!/Good job!/Great!/Pretty good!/ Quite right!/ A good answer!/ Excellent!/It’s almost perfect.

                   2. It's very creative!/ You speak very fluently!/ Your listening is excellent!/ You've made a lot of progress./ Your performance was wonderful!

                   3. I like your point./ I feel happy for you./ Let's give a clap./ Congratulations!

                   4. A good try./ That's much better./I think your answer is very useful./What you said is meaningful./Your answer is interesting.

                   5. Don't be nervous./ Take it easy. / Be confident./ Try your best./ You can make it.

                    6. Practice makes perfect./ No pain, no gain. / Don't worry about making mistakes./Don't be shy. / Keep working hard./ Be at ease when speking English.

                     7. This question is a bit difficult, try to think about it. / Don’t worry.You still have a chance./Don’t lose heart. You can try it again. /Think it over and try it again.   ......


                   1. Not really./Not exactly./ Not good enough.

                   2. That's almost right. / That's not quite right./ Nearly./

                   3. I don't think so. / You were careless./ Don't make the same mistake again./I'm afraid it's all wrong./Sorry, I don’t think you are right.

                   4. Speak more clearly./ Please go on./ Do well next time.

                   5. Don't give me half sentences./Really? Could you talk about the story more clearly?/

                   6. I can’t accept this point. /Your answer isn’t to the point.

                   7. Do you agree with him? / I don't agree.

                   8. Absolutely right./ Completely correct. Sound good./     ......

           C.课堂管理 Managing the class

               1)宣布 (Announcing)

                   1. First, let's do some revision./ What have we learnt last time? /Who can tell / remember what we did in the last lesson ?

                  2. Now let's move on to the new lessson./Today, we are going to learn something new. 

                  3. Let’s start working./Let’s begin/start a new lesson./Let’s begin/start our lesson.

                  4. Ready? Go!

                  5. How about another practise on this point?All right?

                  6. Open your book and turn to ...

                 7. Now this is something new, Ready to listen.

                 8. One, two, three, start!       ......

             2) 引起注意 (Directing Attention)

                  1.Ready? / Are you ready?

                  2. Did you get there? / Do you understand? /Is that clear?/ Do you know what to do? / Is that clear?/Got it?/ Can you follow me?

                  3. Be quiet, please. / Quiet, please. / Listen carefully, please.

                  4. Listen to the tape recorder / the recording.

                  5. Look carefully, please./Look over here./ Watch carefully. /Are your watching?

                  6. Please look at the blackboard / picture / map. . .

                   7. Pay attention to your spelling / pronunciation… 

                   8. Try to keep up with me, please.

                   9. Once more, please. / One more time, please.

              3) 指令和纪律 (Keeping Discipline)

                 1. No talking!/ Don't talk in class./Keep quiet./Be quiet!

                 2. Please follow the rules.

                 3. Please keep the classroom tidy.

                 4. Be careful with the computers./Put your things away.

                 5. Be seated when the bell rings.

                 6. No laughing at a classmate. 

                 7. Hurry up,please./Be quick./Slow down./

                 8. Come here./Come to the front./Please go back to your seat. /Stand with your back to the class./ Face the audience.

                 9. Put your hand up, please./ Raise your hand, please.

                 10. Say it / Write it in Chinese / English.

                 11. Clean up your desk / the classroom, please.

                 12.  Don't speak out./ A bit louder,please./ Read one sentence each./ One after another, please.   .....

            4) 做笔记和测验 (Taking notes and Tests)

                1. Write down the example sentences. / Take notes while listening. / Make a note of the sentences on the blackboard./

                2. Underline the last sentence in the paragraph./Highlight the important expressions./ Colour the topic sentences. /Circle the key words./Give the sentence a star mark./Mark the important points in your book.

                3. Be well-prepared./Get ready,please./ Here we go with the exercises.

                4. Finish the exercise in 10 minutes./Get ready for the listening test./ We shall have a test to check your understanding. /

                5. Let's check the answer./ Let's go through the exercises. /

                6. Time is up./ Stop writing

                7. To let me see if you’ve understood, I’ll ask some questions on this passage     ......

           5) 提问和讲解 (Asking questions and Expaining)

               1. Who can answer the question?/Who knows?/Who can tell us?/Who will have a try? /Whose turn is it?/Who's next?/Any volunteers?/ Who has different opinions?/Who can help him out?/Who can correct the mistakes for him?/Who'd like to to first?

              2. Think about it./Pay attention to its usage./Give us an example, please. / Shall I give you a clue? /Can you follow me? / Am I speaking too fast?

              3. Is she right?/ Yes or no?/ What is your answer?/ What do you think? / Which is the right answer?/

             4. Could you repeat?/What?/ Pardon?/ Really?/

             5. Have you finished?/ Have you completed the task?

             6. Say it together./ Let's do the spelling check. /Take care with capital letters.

             7. Is that clear?/ Got it?/Any questions?/ Who can say more about this?/ Anything more?/ You are welcome to raise questions./Find out the difficulties and what you don't understand.

             8. Whose turn is it? /It's your turn,     ......

        D.  处理教学任务Dealing with teaching assignments

          1) 听说(Listening and Speaking)

              1. Let's listen to the recording./ Listen carefully./ Listen with your books closed./Now, we are going to listen to the conversation.

              2. Before listening, here are some questions for you./ Read the questions before you listen. / Listen to the instrcutions attentively.

              3. After listening, tell me the main idea./ Listen and decide whether the statements are true or false./ Fill in the missing words as you listen./ Point to the picture./ Listen and then answer the questions.

             4. Listen and imitate sentence by sentence./ Repeat after the recording line by line./ Follow me, please.

             5. Speak louder/quicker/softer, please.

             6. First work in groups to talk about the topic of this dialogue.

             7. Please make up a similar conversation with these notes.   ......

         2) 读写(Reading and Writing)

             1. Read the text quickly and think about the questions: Why / Where / When / How did the story happen?

             2. Open your book and turn to Page10. /Read the text again more slowly and try to answer the questions./Well, let's come to Activity 2, the dialogue.

            3. What’s the main idea of this passage?/Guess the meaning of the word./Give me a brief summary.

            4. Please read this part carefully and find the topic sentence./Read the passage silently./Go through the text quickly./ Don't worry about the new words./ Read the text aloud.

           5. Try to retell the key points without books.

           6. Before writing, let’s have a discussion. What subject do you think we should write about in the passage?

          7. Let’s have an oral practice first. Work in groups to talk about the topic.

          8. Before writing, you can make a draft (打草稿) first, then copy it on your exercise-books.......

       3) 练 ( Practice)

            1. Now we shall do some pair work./Practise this part by yourself./Practise in pairs./Now watch me.I’ll do an example,then you will try to make up a similar dialogue in pairs./Try to manage the dialogue without looking at your books.

            2. Which group would like to act out this dialogue? /Who can act this role? Any volunteers? / Who’d like to have a try? Hands up, please.

            3. Work in groups of four. You have read the story of the great writer. Now, each of you will write a part of the story. The titles of the four parts are as follows.

            4. One at a time./Let’s do it one by one./Change roles when you're finished.

            5. Let’s act./Let’s act out/do the dialogue./Who'd like to be?

            6. Find a partner and practise the conversation./Work with a partner./ Work in groups of four.

            7. Let me show you how it is done./

            8. For each score, you'll receive a flower./ Group 2 is the winner./ The two teams are even.   ......

       四、 案例赏析 





