Tips to Get More Sleep

作者: 中年失业笔记 | 来源:发表于2016-11-03 16:22 被阅读2次

Sleep is an important part of fitness and overall wellness. Sleep helps improve performance, repair sore muscles, restore energy, and improve your mood. attempt the following tips for a better night’s sleep:

Get more sunlight. The hormone melatonin helps your body’s ability to induce a restful night’s sleep. Your body’s natural production of melatonin is related to how much sunlight you get throughout the day. obtaining more sunlight could be a key ingredient for a better night’s sleep.

Shut off electronics. The energy waves from a cell phone or artificial blue light from a laptop computer or TV stimulate your body to produce more daytime hormones, so disturbing your body’s natural ability to sleep.

Limit caffeine. caffeine could be a powerful stimulant which can rob you of a quiet sleep. If you can’t cut it out completely, a minimum of limit your intake to earlier hours within the day so you’re relaxed and sleepy at night time.

Limit alcohol. Alcohol interrupts the restful stage of sleep. attempt cutting off the booze early to avoid a hangover and assist you get a quiet sleep.

Eat cherries before bedtime. Cherries are high in vitamins A and C, and are packed with antioxidants. they’re additionally high in melatonin, which can help to reduce irritability, calm the nervous system, reduce headaches, and prevent insomnia.

*Disclaimer: The aforementioned isn’t to be construed as medical or professional fitness recommendation. Please always consult the advice of a physician, nutritionist, or other medical personnel before beginning any fitness or nutritional program.


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