
作者: 晨曦_c503 | 来源:发表于2019-05-31 15:21 被阅读17次


An unflnished song, two tears

ln the middle of the night, out of four windows

Five Red Plums, Six Lings White Snow

Seven stars, cold on all sides

Jiuzhou Sea, Ten Years of Sailing

Thoughts, helplessness

Billions of drops of water, tens of millions of ice

It's very difflcult to listen to the wind for a hundred miles

Nine don't meet again, enjoy August

Seven nights of autumn rain, six courtyards full of wind

Wuzhang Wutong, Four Seasons Field

Surrounding water on three sides and mountains on two sides

A small building, half against the railings

Half dream half wake up, half float half sink



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