

作者: xiaoke_donkey | 来源:发表于2022-05-14 14:25 被阅读0次


英文 中文
Now, Robot, kick 'em in the knees. 快,机器人,踢他们膝盖
Bears have weak knees. 熊的膝盖最没用
And you should vibrate, 'cause the robot's full of radiation. 你们要震动下 因为机器人浑身都是射线
Yeah, that's it. 对,就是那样
Frank Frank.
How many bears did I say you could have? 我说过你能弄几只熊的?
One. 一只
And how many do you see here? 那你看现在这里有几只?
Um, four? 恩,四只?
Save a little money for the rest of us, Frank. 给我们省着点用, Frank
You can't spend a bunch of money on bear suits 你不能把钱都花在熊的衣服上
that are only gonna be seen for, like, 25 seconds. 那只会出现大概25秒钟
Liz, nobody's gonna believe that a killer robot Liz,没人会相信杀手机器人
can get his ass kicked by one bear. 会被一头熊打败的
It doesn't make any sense. 这没道理的
You're trying to bring logic to the robot-bear sketch? 你打算让机器人大战狗熊符合逻辑?
You can't have four bears. 不要四只那么多
Well, how many can I keep? 好吧,那能留几只?
One! 一只!
Sorry, guys. 抱歉, 伙计们
Uh, who did my Sudoku puzzle? 恩,谁作了我的数独拼图?
I have been looking forward to this puzzle all morning. 我一上午都在期待作它
Hey, Liz, could you come up to my office 嘿, Liz,你有空的时候
when you have a free moment? 能不能到我办公室来一下?
I never have a free moment, Jack. 我没有空的时间,Jack
Never, ever. 从来,没有
Really punch him. Like karate. 真的打他 像抬拳道那样打
Are you familiar with the Japanese art of Reiki? 你对日本的Reiki了解吗?
It is the laying-on of hands in order to improve one's life. 它的意思是放开手,改进一个人的生活
Hm, how does your life improve? 恩,怎么改进?
Do the hands have money in them? 那手里拿着钱吗?
Human contact is important, Lemon. 人际关系很重要, Lemon
I can tell from your stress level 从你巨大的压力状态下看出
that you have not been touched in any way in quite some time. 你已经有很久没和人接触过了
Not caress?? Not massaged. 没有护理,没有按摩
Not even groped on the subway. 甚至都没有在地铁里寻找过
Where are you headed with this? 你怎么想到这些的?
Your mood affects the quality of your work, 你的情绪会影响你的工作
which, in turn, affects me. 也就是说,会影响到我
I would like to become a resource to you 我很乐意来给你提供些帮助
for improving your personal life. 以改进你的生活
Do you agree that you need someone in your life, Lemon? Lemon,你同意你的生活中需要另一个人的存在吗?
No, I have bigger things to worry about than my personal life. 不,我有比我的生活更重要的事情要担心
I would think that a single woman's biggest worry 我觉得一个单身女人最需要担心的
would be choking to death alone in her apartment. 就是别在自己家里噎死
I have a friend in town I'd like to set you up with. 我有个朋友在城里,我想介绍你们认识
No, thank you. 用不着,谢谢
Thomas is very bright, has a wonderful sense of humor. Thomas非常聪明,很有幽默感
I think it's a good match. 我觉得你们俩很配
Are you free on Thursday? 星期四有空吗?
No, Thursday is poker night. 不,星期四晚上是扑克之夜
And by the way, it is completely inappropriate 还有
for you to be questioning me about my private life, 你完全没资格来质疑我的私生活
and then trying to set me up with someone 然后给我安排相亲
when you don't even know anything about me. 你根本不了解我
Poker night? Who plays? 扑克?都有些谁啊?
Really? 怎么?
That's all you got out of that? 你就这么点本事?
I enjoy poker, and I'd be interested 我喜欢打牌
in seeing my new employees under that kind of pressure. 而且我很喜欢看我的新雇员在那种压力下的样子
You're not gonna come to our crappy poker game, are you? 你不会来参加我们的牌局吧?
No, I'm not. 不,不会的
Good. 很好
I bluffed. Yes, I am coming. 骗你的 我当然会来
Three can't go here. Three can't go here. 这里不能放3 这里也不能放3
It can go here. 这里也不行
Fine, I'll meet your friend. 好吧,我去见你的朋友
So who is this Thomas guy? 这个叫Thomas的是谁?
Oh, I don't know. He's one of Jack's friends. 哦,我不知道 他是Jack的一个朋友
Oh, my God, isn't Jack friends with Tom DeLay? 哦,天哪,Jack不是Tom DeLay的朋友吗?
Am I going on a date with Tom DeLay? 我是去和Tom DeLay约会吗?
Ugh, why did I say I would do this? 啊,我怎么会答应的?
I haven't been on a date since Dennis and I broke up, 自从和Dennis分手后我就没约会过
and that was almost a year ago. 那已经是几乎一年前的事了
It's gonna be a complete disaster. 这会是场灾难
It's just one date. 只不过一个约会而已
But if it is Tom DeLay and you do go home with him, 不过如果真是Tom DeLay,而他和你回了他家
be prepared for it to get weird. 要做好充足准备
Josh, you and me. Thursday night. Josh, 你和我 周四晚
I know this guy that runs an underground bird fight. 我认识一个在地铁里办斗鸟的家伙
Oh, yeah. I can't do that. 哦,是吗 那个不行
Thursday's poker night here. 周四这里是扑克之夜
Guys, we just need to try the green screen stuff one more time. 伙计们,我们再来试一下绿屏
Poker night? I love poker. 扑克? 我喜欢扑克
I used to play all kinds of poker with my aunt. 我以前和我姨妈玩各种扑克
Crazy Seven Albuquerque Freakout Crazy Seven. Albuquerque Freakout.
One Card Stud One Card Stud.
Yeah, I don't think those are real games. 那个,我想它们都不是真的游戏
Whatever. 管它呢
Get ready to get took. 尽兴就行
No, Mom, I can't make it Friday. I gotta work. 不,妈妈,我周五不能过去 我要工作
Hey, Frank? 嘿, Frank?
Hold on. Yeah. 等等,怎么
What do guys like? 男人喜欢什么?
Uh, porn. 恩,A片
No, I mean, if you were gonna go on a date with a woman, 不,我的意思是 如果你要和一个女人约会
how would you want her to act? 你希望她怎么样?
Like she was in a porn. 希望她和A片里似的
Hey, Lemon. 嘿, Lemon
You're on for 8:00 for dinner at Caf?des Artistes. 你8点去des Artistes吃晚饭
Really? Wow. What? 真的吗? 喔.怎么?
What are you gonna wear? 你打算穿什么?
This, probably. I don't have time to go home. 就这个吧 我大概没时间回家换衣服
No,that won't do. 不不不,这个不行
I want you to go out on your lunch hour, 我要你中午出去
and find something. 在女衣店里
At a women's clothing store. 找到点能穿的女装
Remind me what's better. 提醒我哪个更大
A pair of black Aces or a pair of red Aces? 一对黑A还是一对红A?
You guys, I'm leaving. 伙计们,我走了
All right. All right. 好的 好的
Check out the valley. Look at that. 看看这胸 看看那儿
Hey, look at you! 嘿, 瞧瞧你!
You look like a fancy prostitute. 你就像个打扮很漂亮的妓女
Okay, I got my chair. I got my beer. 好了,椅子准备好了,啤酒准备好了
I got my lucky donut. 还准备了幸运甜甜圈
Oh, is there room for one more? 哦, 有没有多一个人的位置?
Yeah, sure. Really? 当然 真的吗?
That's fantastic. 太好了
Could we just, uh-- Yes, yes, yes. 我们能不能, 恩-- 对,对,对
Donaghy, what up? Donaghy,怎么样?
What up, Tray? 怎么样, Tray?
This round, Texas Doozy. Face cards are wild. 这一轮, Texas Doozy 随便出牌
Threes are jinx Fives are twos Threes are jinx. Fives are twos.
Tray, do you mind if I deal this hand? Tray,你介意我拿下这一手吗?
Be my guest. Show me love. 请自便 让我瞧瞧
Ladies and gentlemen, the minimum bet in this game is $25. 女士们先生们,一局最少赌25美圆
Oh, Jack, we usually just play for quarters. 哦, Jack,我们的输赢一般都只有几毛
Well, then you best go home and put on your daddy's shoes, boy. 那么,你们最好快回家找爸爸去,孩子们
'Cause this is a man's game. 这是男人的游戏
I call. 我要了
And I'll see that with... This thing. 那么我出...这个
I call. 要了
Pair of Jacks. 一对J
A Ace high.
Three cowboys. 3个K
Oh, my God. My wedding ring. 哦,上帝啊 我的结婚戒指
Oh, my God. Oh, my God. 上帝啊,上帝啊
Now, you should all learn from Pete's mistake. 现在, 你们都能从Pete身上得到教训了吧
Mywife's gonna kill me! 我老婆会杀了我的!
You see, in poker as in business, 看, 打牌就像做生意
the key to success is to determine 成功贵在窥视出
your opponent's strength and, more importantly, his weaknesses. 对手的长处 还有更重要的是,他的弱点
Everyone has a tell-- a weakness of character 人人都有自身的弱点
that manifests itself physically. 而且会被行动所表现出来
Like when Lutz here has a good hand, he stops eating. 比如像Lutz如果有一手好牌 他就会停止吃东西
When Frank is bluffing, he asks a series of insane questions to hide his nervousness. Frank如果是在虚张声势 他就会用怪问题来掩盖他的紧张
Oh, really? 哦,真的吗?
Is that what you think? Is that what I do? 你是这么想的吗? 我是这么做的吗?
Am I doing that right now? Yeah, I'm out. 我是不是现在正是在那么做? 我不玩了
Okay, Rainman, tell me what I got. 好了,雨人,那我呢?
Well, you have two of your cards backwards actually. 你有两张牌放反了
I'm out. 不玩了
Hi. Pinot grigio, please. 嗨,请来杯Pinot grigio
This is beyond the pale. Donaghy took me for $200. 这走太远了,Donaghy赢了我200美圆
Yeah, well I bet my rent money. 是啊,我把我的房租都压上了
And if I don't pay by the tenth, my mom's gonna throw me out. 如果我10号前不交出去的话 我妈会把我赶出去的
I'm all in. Anybody else? 我全压上了,有人跟吗?
Oh, I'll play with you, Mr. Donaghy. 哦,我陪你玩,Donaghy先生
Kenneth, how long you been sitting there? Kenneth,你坐在这里多久了?
I'm taking Pete's place, 'cause he's busy in the bathroom, 我补Pete的位置,他在卫生间里忙着呢
laying in his own sick. 发他的小病
Oh, my God. 哦,天哪
He can't read Kenneth. He's a blank slate. 他读不懂Kenneth 他没办法了
Okay, what do you got? 好了,你有什么?
I think I have what they refer to as a royal flush. 我想我有个人们说的同花大顺
Looks like I'm the big winner. 看来我是大赢家
Thank you. 谢谢
Liz, hi. Liz,嘿
I'm Gretchen Thomas. Jack's friend. 我是Gretchen Thomas,Jack的朋友 (啊Stephanie March姐姐口水中~~)
Hey. Great to meet you. 嘿,很高兴认识你
Why would Jack just assume that we're lesbians? 为什么Jack会认为我们是拉拉?
I am a lesbian. 我是拉拉啊 ~~~~~~~
Mm, that's awesome. 恩,很不错
Is this the first time somebody's made that assumption about you? 这是你第一次被人这么误解吗?
Lemon, don't let these girls give you a hard time about who you are. Lemon 别让那些姑娘们只因为你是怎么样的人而欺负你
You know, you need to brush your teeth more, young man. 你知道的,年轻人,你要多刷刷你的牙




