

作者: xiaoke_donkey | 来源:发表于2022-05-12 21:32 被阅读0次


英文 中文
I thought Tracy was getting here at noon. 我以为Tracy中午过来
Movie stars move at their own pace, Liz. 电影明星有他们自己的方式, Liz
We have to accommodate them. 我们得适应他们
Yeah, well, a lot of people are still upset 好吧,那么,很多人对Tracy加入节目
about Tracy joining the show. 还是不太高兴
That's not my problem. 那和我没关系
I have other things on my plate. 我有我要关心的事情
You hear about that chemical factory explosion 你听说那个化学工厂的爆炸了吗?
outside of Colorado Springs? Colorado Springs的那个?
Good. 很好
All right, here he comes. 好了,准备好
I just think when it comes to this whole Tracy thing, 我只觉得关于这个Tracy事件
it's best to trlightly. 最好别弄太过分
No, no, no. 不,不,不
Stop, stop. Stop, stop. 停,停,停,停
It's just us. 是我们
Lemon, to tread lightly is your job. Lemon,低调是你的工作
My job is to keep Tracy Jordan happy. 我的工作,是让Tracy Jordan高兴
Girls, girls, girls. 姑娘们,姑娘们,姑娘们
Let's save it for Mr. Jordan. 留着给Jordan先生看吧
Studio 68 is where we do The Girlie Show. 68号演播室是我们录Girlie Show的地方
Did you all see Tracy Jordan 你们看见Tracy Jordan
make a special appearance the other night? 那晚上了特别出场了吗?
Wasn't that exciting? 多么激动人心啊?
That is what we in the show business 这就是我们电视行业里
like to call a "cameo." 常说的"cameo"
Hey, this is the star of The Girlie Show, Jenna Maroney. 嘿,这是Girlie Show的明星,Jenna Maroney
Thank you. 谢谢
How do you feel, NBC tour? 对参观NBC感觉怎么样?
'Cause you look good, like a solid gold candy bar! 你们看上去很不错啊 像快硬硬的巧克力糖!
Where else do you have those piercings on your body? 你身上还有哪里打洞的?
This is it, everybody. 各位,这就是了
Here he comes. 他来了
Stop, stop, stop. 停,停,停,
It's only Jenna. 只是Jenna
All right, it's just Jenna. 好吧,只是Jenna
How you doing, Jenna? 怎么样, Jenna?
Okay, I mean granted, 还好,说真的
Tracy Jordan has some commercial appeal, but within his remunenerative body of work Tracy Jordan虽然有几部广告 不过根据他这种工作状态
there's just nothing of value. 那没什么价值
What are you talking about? 你在说什么?
Did you ever see his stand-up? 没见过他的成名作吗?
Give up the butt, ladies. 不要屁股了,女士们
Give up the butt. 不要屁股了
This is it, I mean it. Here he comes. 就是这样了,我认真的 他来了
He's an imbecile. 他就是个笨蛋
Well, he's our imbecile now. 那个,他现在是我们的笨蛋了
I'm just surprised he's still got his shirt-- 我只是奇怪他的衣服怎么还...
Oh, there it goes. 哦,开始吧
Jack! Jack!
Oh, my goodness! 哦,我的天哪!
It's good to see you again, brother. 真高兴又见到你了兄弟
It's good to see you again. 很高兴又见面了
Oh, that is fantastic. 哦,这个非常赞啊
You have to teach me that handshake one day. 你得教教我那个握手
Listen, Tracy, if there's anything you need, 听着,Tracy,如果你需要任何东西
anything, you come to me. 任何东西,都来找我
Come on, Jack, you know I'm the kid. 行了,Jack,你知道我就是个孩子
I'm easy like Sunday morning. 我单纯的就像星期天早晨
Don't look at me! 别这样看我!
Do not look at me in the eyes. 别用这种眼神看我
Do not look at Mr. Jordan! 别看着Jordan先生!
Do not look at him in the eye. 别直视他
Just look away. Look away. 看别的地方,别的地方
Tracy, this is our producer, Pete. Tracy,这是我们的制作人Pete
Hey! 嘿!
Hey, Pete. 嘿, Pete
You smoke weed, right, Pete? 你吸大麻,对不,Pete?
Uh... No. 恩...不
Yeah, me neither. 好,我也不吸
Me and you, Pete. Me and you. 我和你,Pete 我和你
Pete. Good to see you. Pete,很高兴见到你
Is it? Oh, good. 就这么着? 哦,很好
It's good to see you too. 我也很高兴见到你
'Cause that means I'm not fired anymore. 因为这意味着我没被解雇
I wasn't gonna mention that. 我不该提那件事
But I did. 可我提了
And now I'm talking about it. 现在我还在说
Relax your balls, Pete. 放轻松,Pete.
Hey, everybody. 嘿,所有人
Tracy Jordan's here. Tracy Jordan来了
Don't just sit there. Come and give me some sugar. 别光坐那儿,给点意思
No, thank you. 不,谢谢
Well if you ever want to piss off your parents, you come see me. 如果你想把你爹妈惹怒的话,过来找我
Right this way, Tracy. 这边走,Tracy
This is Tim Grandy. He's from Bowie, Maryland. 这是Tim Grandy 他是从马里兰的Bowie来的
Rachel Baze, she just got engaged. Rachel Baze,她刚订婚
Josh Girard, he got 760 on his SATs. Josh Girard,他的SAT得了760分
Graduated from SUNY Courtland. 从SUNY Courtland毕业
Frank Rossitano has every copy of Black Tail magazine ever published. Frank Rossitano拥有Black Tail magazine发行至今全部刊物
J.D. Lutz, thyroid problem. J.D. Lutz 甲状腺有问题
James Spurlock, but we call him Toofer, James Spurlock,我们叫他Toofer
because with him you get a "Two for One," 因为有了他,你会"Two for One"
he's a black guy and a Harvard guy. 他是个黑人,还是个哈佛生
And, of course, you know Lemon. 还有,当然了,Lemon,你认识的
How did you do that? 你怎么做到的?
It's my job. 那是我的工作
Jerry from set design. 设计部的Jerry
Wally, cue cards. Wally,拿提示牌的
Rupert Murdoch Rupert Murdoch.
Melinda Gates Melinda Gates.
Ziggyfrom the cartoon Ziggy. 动画Ziggy部的Ziggy
Anthony Pellano Anthony Pellano.
Heidi Klum Heidi Klum.
The guy that sleeps with Heidi Klum. 和Heidi Klum睡觉的家伙
This man's a genius. 聪明的家伙
Let me just say, I'm excited to be here. 我只想说,我很高兴能来这里
It's an honor for you to meet me. 你们能见到我应该感到很荣幸
I've got a lot of characters I'm ready to bust out. 我个性丰富,准备好了爆发
I got a character named Biscuit. 我有一重性格叫Biscuit
Write that up. 写下来
Got a another character named Raylondo, 还有一重叫Raylondo
who's a two-foot tall Spanish hustler. 是个两尺高的西班牙骗子
Glasses, I want you to write that one. 戴眼镜的,我要你写那个
Got another character named Ching Chong, 还有一重性格叫Ching Chong
who loves to play Ping Pong. 他喜欢打乒乓
I just made that up right now. 这全是我现编的
'Cause that's how I flow. 这就是我的方式
Now I'm up for anything. 现在我完全准备好了
I thought me and you could play Seinfeld and Bill Cos-- 我觉得我们俩可以演宋飞和Bill Cos...
No. I don't like that. 不,我不喜欢那个
How you doing? 怎么样啊?
There is no way I am working with that guy! 我没法和那家伙一起干活!
Do you know that he once got arrested 你知道吗?他有次因为在LaGuardia裸奔
for walking naked through LaGuardia? 而被逮捕过
And that he once fell asleep on Ted Danson's roof? 他还在Ted Danson的屋顶上打过瞌睡?
Yeah, Tracy has mental health issues-- 对, Tracy精神方面是有点疾病...
He bit Dakota Fanning on the face! 他咬了Dakota Fanning的脸!
When you hear his version, she was kind of asking for it. 如果你听他说的话 那是那丫头要求的
I can't even believe that you are doing this to me. 我简直不敢相信你会这么对我
Listen, I understand that this is tough for you. 听着,我知道这对你很困难
But what did I tell you? 可我告诉你什么了?
Not to freak out? 别慌张?
Right. And what else? 对,还有呢?
Stop falling in love with gay guys? 别再看上同志了?
About this. 关于这件事情的
That you're looking out for me. 你会照顾我的
Butit doesn't seem-- 不过看起来不...
Jenna, I'm your friend. Jenna,我是你的朋友
I'm not going to let anything happen to you. 我不会让任何不好的事情发生在你身上
This show is called The Girlie Show, and you are the girl. 这个节目叫The Girlie Show(女生秀) 而你就是那个女主角
Nothing is going to change that. 没什么能改变这个的
Okay. 好吧
Glaub mir. Glaub mir.
Diese "Advantium Microwaves" sind die beste. Diese "Advantium Microwaves" sind die beste.
How could you change the name of my show without telling me? 你怎么能不告诉我声就把我节目的名字给换了?
Detlev, I'm gonna have to call you back. Detlev,我等会儿打给你
Yeah, wunderbar. 好的, wunderbar
Plowchops. Plowchops.
The Girlie Show is now T.G.S. with Tracy Jordan? 女生秀现在改名叫 Tracy Jordan的T.G.S了?
It tested very well with the focus groups. 对目标人群而言,这很有效
If you say you like it, you can have some pizza. 如果你说你喜欢这主意的话 你可以吃块批萨
You people like pizza? 你们喜欢批萨吗?
You need to tell Jenna that this whole thing was your idea 你得去告诉Jenna这全是你的主意
and that I didn't know anything about it, 而且我什么都不知道
and that she should be mad at you, not me. 那她就会生你的气而不是我的了
Oh, sure. 哦,好的
Then we could sit around and braid each other's hair 那么我们就能在一起拉对方的头发
until we get our periods at the same time. 直到我们一起来"老朋友"
Look, Lemon, you're a supervisor. 听着,Lemon,你是监制
These people are not your friends. 这些不是你的朋友
Yes, they are my friends. 不,他们是我的朋友
No, they're your employees. 不,他们是你的员工
Well one of my employees is extremely mad at me. 那么我的一个员工可是很生我的气啊
Will you talk to her? 你能和她谈谈吗?
No, because then you're not gonna learn anything. 不,那样的话你就什么都学不到了
You have to manage these people, Lemon. 你要去管理这些人, Lemon
It's your show. 这是你的节目
You have the tools. 你有的是空间让你游弋
Now get out there and build the house, 现在给我出去,去主持大局去
add on a pool, and throw yourself into the deep end. 给了你大海, 好好发挥你自己
What if I can't swim? 如果我不会游泳呢?
Then I'll do what my father did when I was two. 那我就会做我父亲在我两岁时做的事情
Lure you to the edge of the pool with a puppy, 弄条小狗把你带到水边
and push you in. 然后把你推下去
Yikes Yikes.
Fine, I'll figure it out. 好吧,这事情我会解决的
We're gonna be shooting some promos 我们要在一个小时内




