

作者: xiaoke_donkey | 来源:发表于2022-05-12 21:32 被阅读0次


英文 中文
Excuse me. There's a line, buddy. 请原谅,伙计 我们排着队呢
There's two lines. 我这儿也是在排队
No, no, there's one line. We're in it. 不, 不, 只有一条队伍 我们这条
I'm just getting a hot dog. 我只不过想买个热狗而已
We're all getting hot dogs. 我们都只不过要买个热狗
What, you think there's two lines and we're all in this line-- 怎么,你认为可以自己再排条队伍 然后我们全在这条
you're the only genius that got in the other line? 你觉得你是唯一聪明到排那条的人吗?
Can you believe this guy? Don't line up behind him. 真不敢相信 别排在他后面
He cheated you. 他插队
Hey, shut up. 闭嘴吧你
What do you want on yours, baby? 你要点什么?
I want all the hot dogs, please. 所有的热狗我全要了
Yeah, I'm--I'm buying all the hot dogs. 没错, 我把所有的热狗全买下了
Oh, come on, lady. 哦,得了吧你,小姐
And I'm giving them to the good people. 而且我要把它们分给好人
Who's that? Kicking it down the street Who's that? Kicking it down the street
Causin' a stir. Causin' a stir.
Who's that? I know that you're wondrin' Who's that? I know that you're wondrin'
That's her That's her
That's her, that's her, that's her, that's her. That's her, that's her, that's her, that's her.
Who's got the kind of charisma that Who's got the kind of charisma that
The boys prefer. The boys prefer.
Who's hot and you know that she knows it. Who's hot and you know that she knows it.
That's her. That's her.
She's like a summer sky. It's like some cherry pie. She's like a summer sky. It's like some cherry pie.
And there is butterfly. And there is butterfly.
Me oh my. Me oh my.
Who flaunts her feminine magic. Who flaunts her feminine magic.
That's her That's me! That's her That's me!
That's Pam! That's Pam!
The overly-confident morbidly obese woman. 那个过分自信又招摇的女人
This fat suit smells like corn chips. 这件衣服闻起来像玉米片
Going again, please. Thank you. 请再来一遍 谢谢
And this is the set of The Girlie Show. 这就是The Girlie Show的拍摄现场
It's a real fun ladies' comedy show for ladies. 这是一部很适合女士们的女人喜剧
Hey, everybody. 嘿,各位
Look, here's someone you never get a chance to meet. 这是你们平时可没机会见到的人哦
It's the head writer of The Girlie Show, Liz Lemon! 这是The Girlie Show的主编, Liz Lemon!
The Girlie Show. Hold on, I'll connect you. The Girlie Show 等一下, 我帮你联系
- Hey. - What's up? - 嘿 - 怎么了?
Hey, have you looked at that Cat Lady sketch? 嘿,你看那个猫夫人的段子了吗?
It's still seven minutes long. 节目还是多了7分钟
Yikes, okay. 好吧好吧
Oh, and Standards has a problem with that Michael Jackson bit. 哦,那个关于Michael Jackson的段子反映不太好
But why? 为什么?
Apparently you can't say he's got a vagina. 显然你不能说他有阴道
Oh, it's--fine, I'll just take the whole thing out. 哦,没事,我会把事情解决的
Hey, you gotta tell that NBC page to take it down a notch. 嘿, 你告诉那个NBC导游悠着点
Oh, you mean Ken? 你指Ken?
Yeah, he just embarrassed me in front of a whole tour group. 对,他刚刚把我介绍给一大群人 我多尴尬啊
I'll talk to him. What is this? 我会跟他说的 这是什么?
Ah, well, you know how I hate it when people cheat or break rules? 哦,那个 你知道我多讨厌破坏规矩或者作弊的人的?
Yes, I do. 是,我知道
Well, I just spent 150 bucks on wieners. 所以,我花了150块钱惩罚了别人
Atta boy. 厉害
Chumley. Chumley
The beverage situation around here is reprehensible. 这里发生的事情简直没法说
Oh, good morning, sunshine. 哦,早上好,亲爱的
Surely our massive conglomerate parent company could spring for a samovar of coffee. 我们的母公司当然应该给我们台samovar咖啡机
Yeah, or like a big coffee dispenser. 对,或者一台更大的咖啡机
That's what a samovar is. 那就是samovar咖啡机
Are there other black nerds, or is it just you and Urkel? 这里还有别的黑人书呆子吗? 还是只有你和Urkel?
Uh, Cerie, do you wanna get some coffee? 恩, Cerie,来点咖啡吗?
No, thank you. 不用了, 谢谢
No? 不要?
Hey, Josh. 嘿, Josh
I need to change your Michael Jackson thing. 我要把你那个Michael Jackson的段子改了
Didn't you tell me you had a Jay Leno impression? 你不是告诉我你能模仿Jay Leno吗?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. 是啊,没错
Check it out. 来瞧瞧吧
So, uh, President Bush is in the news again. 那么,恩,布什总统又上新闻了
Have you heard about this? 你们听说了没?
No, Jay Leno. 不,是Jay Leno
The host of the Tonight Show. Tonight Show的主持人
I thought that's what I was doing. 我不就是在模仿他嘛
So, uh, my wife Mavis and I like to go shopping for old cars. 那么,恩,我老婆Mavis和我喜欢买旧车
You know? 知道不?
No, no. Like Jay Leno. 不,不.学Jay Leno
Like, "Hey, here are the headlines." 就像是, "嘿, 来看头条"这样
You ever--you ever notice when you eat a lot of cheese, and you-- 你有没有--有没有注意到当你吃了很多奶酪,你会--
How is that different from what I was doing, though? 那和我做的有什么区别?
And I don't think you need to introduce the writers to the tour group. 我觉得你不用把节目主编介绍给游客
I agree. 我知道了
I thought they would find it interesting, but they really did not. 我以为会很有意思 但其实不是
Well, Kenneth, just respect their privacy. Kenneth,给他们点隐私
I promise I'll do better, Mr. Hornberger. 我保证我会做的更好,Hornberger先生
Sure you will. 我相信你
I just-- I just love television so much. 我只是-- 我只是太爱电视了
We all do. 我们都是
Liz, they want you and Pete on the 50th floor. Liz,他们让你和Pete到50楼去
Who, Gary? 谁说的, Gary?
Tell him I'll be up in half an hour. 告诉他我半小时后上去
No, they said now. 不,他们说现在就要去
If they got cookies up there, grab some. 要是上面有饼干的话 记得拿一点
Ooh, and get them to pay for my Samovar. 哦,还有让他们给我的咖啡机付帐
Of course, I mean, I assume that's what we're meeting about. 当然, 我的意思是 如果是为了这个开会的话
What about, uh, Ray Romano? Can you do Ray? 那,恩, Ray Romano怎么样? 能模仿Ray吗?
Hey. God, oh. Debra. 嘿.上帝啊,哦.Debra
There you go. 这就对了
My brother's tall. Right? 我哥哥很高,对吧?
Are we in trouble or something? 我们是不是有麻烦了?
No way. Gary loves the show. 不可能,Gary喜欢这节目
Pleased with the ratings. 收视率也不错
Right.Of course. They love us. 对.当然了 他们喜欢我们
Where's Gary? Gary在哪?
Gary's dead. I'm Jack Donaghy. Gary死了 我是Jack Donaghy
New VP of development for NBC/GE/Universal/Kmart. NBC/GE/Universal/Kmart新的开发副主管
Oh, we own Kmart now. 哦, 我们买下Kmart了
No. So why are you dressed like we do? 不.你怎么穿的那么Kmart?
I'm surprised you're renovating. 真没想到你会重新布置
This is such a nice office. 这个办公室多好啊
It's a great office, but sometimes, you have to change things 是间不错的办公室,不过有时候 你就是得做点改变
that are perfectly good just to, uh, make them your own. 那就能够刚好, 恩 把它们变成是你的了
Please. 请坐
Ah, I'll call her back. Is she at the White House line? 啊,我等会儿打给她 她是在白宫专用线上吗?
Great. 好极了
Tell them I need a 4:00 a.m. tee off time. 告诉他们我上午4:00要喝茶
Uh, five inches, but it's thick. 哦,5英尺 细的很
Are you familiar with the GE Tri-vection Oven? 那么对GE三重火力烤箱熟悉吗?
I don't cook very much. 我不太做饭
Sure, I got you. 哦,我知道了
New York, third wave feminist, college educated. 纽约第三拨女性主义者 受过高等教育
Single and pretending to be happy about it. 单身而且装的好象很享受这种状态
Overscheduled, undersexed, you buy any magazine 日程超满, 没有性生活 你会买任何一本封面上写着
that says "Healthy body image" on the cover. "健康形象"的杂志
And every two years, you take up knitting for... 每两年呢,你会...
A week. 度一个星期的假
That is dead on! 不可思议!一点没错
What, are you gonna guess my weight now? 怎么, 你现在要不要猜猜我的体重?
You don't want me to do that. 你不会希望我那么做的
That knitting thing is uncanny. How do you do that? 这么多事情联系起来 你怎么做到呢?
Market research, my friend. 市场调查,我的朋友
Years and years of market research, which lead to my greatest triumph. 年复一年的市场调查 让我有了这样的辉煌成绩
The Tri-vection oven. 三重火力烤箱
Oh, my wife wants one of those. 哦,我老婆想要一个
Could we get Pete an oven, please? 记得送Pete一个
The GE Tri-vection oven cooks perfect food five times faster 用GE牌的三重火力烤箱做饭
than a conventional oven, because it uses three kinds of heat. 能比普通产品快上5倍 因为它有三种加热方式
Thermaltechnology for consistent temperature. 超高热量来保持住高温
GE Precise Air convection technology for optimal air circulation, GE精确的空气控制技术来控制热气对流
and microwave technology for incredible speed. 微波技术能创造出不可思议的速度
With three kinds of heat, you can cook a turkey in 22 minutes. 用这三种加热方式 你能在22分钟内做好一只火鸡
Wow. That is impressive. 喔,真厉害
The people upstairs think so. 上面的人也这么想
That's why they promoted me. 所以我才会升职
That's why they sent me here to retool your show. 所以我才要过来重新安排你们的节目
Retool what now? 重新安排什么?
I'm the new vice president of east coast television 我现在是东海岸电视业务 以及微波炉业务的
and microwave oven programming. 副总裁
That sounds like you program microwave ovens. 听起来好像你在制作微波炉节目
I like you. 我喜欢你
You have the boldness of a much younger woman. 你有着年轻女人的冒失
Lee, does my face look bloated to you? Lee,你看我的脸涨吗?
When I played that lady rapist on Law & Order, 我扮演Law & Order里那个女强奸犯时
guess what the makeup guy put on under my eyes 猜猜化妆师在我眼睛下面涂了什么
to take the puffiness out? 来掩盖我脸部虚胖吗?
Hemorrhoid cream. 痔疮膏
Ms. Maroney? Maroney小姐?
I have the cat wrangler here for you. 给你介绍一下训猫人
Oh, is it that horrible little--Hi. 哦, 是那个可怕的......嘿
Hey. Greta Johannsen. It's short for "LaGreta." 嘿. Greta Johannsen 简称"LaGreta"
Hi, great to see you again. 嗨, 很高兴有见到你了
You too. I'm here to introduce you 我也是.来给你介绍下
to feline actors you're gonna be working with tonight. 今晚要和你一起表演的演员
Okay. 好的
This is Po-Po. And this here is Captain Boots. 这是Po-Po 那是靴子船长
Hello. 你们好
Uh, would you describe yourself as "cat competent?" 恩, 你认不认为自己能和猫相处?
Oh, yes. I love cats. I used to have two cats. 哦,当然. 我喜欢猫 我以前养过两只猫
But then I moved to this place with hardwood floors, 不过后来搬到了铺硬木地板的新家
so we had to put them down. 就只好把它们解决掉了
I'm joking. 开玩笑的
I've done several focus groups, on this show, 关于这个节目,我做了几组调查
and what I've gleaned-- 就我调查的结果...
The blonde, big-eyed girl is popular with women and older gays. 金发,大眼睛姑娘是 受女人和较年长gay喜欢的
Jenna, that's my friend Jenna. Jenna,说的是我朋友Jenna
And the kid with the funny hair is liked by women, 那个怪发型的家伙也是受女人欢迎
but you're missing men between 18 and 49. 但是你们忽略了18到49岁之间的男人
I'm not missing them, they're just not there. 我没有忽略他们 他们根本就没在那儿




