Yeah, or like a big coffee dispenser. |
对,或者一台更大的咖啡机 |
That's what a samovar is. |
那就是samovar咖啡机 |
Are there other black nerds, or is it just you and Urkel? |
这里还有别的黑人书呆子吗? 还是只有你和Urkel? |
Uh, Cerie, do you wanna get some coffee? |
恩, Cerie,来点咖啡吗? |
No, thank you. |
不用了, 谢谢 |
No? |
不要? |
Hey, Josh. |
嘿, Josh |
I need to change your Michael Jackson thing. |
我要把你那个Michael Jackson的段子改了 |
Didn't you tell me you had a Jay Leno impression? |
你不是告诉我你能模仿Jay Leno吗? |
Yeah, yeah, yeah. |
是啊,没错 |
Check it out. |
来瞧瞧吧 |
So, uh, President Bush is in the news again. |
那么,恩,布什总统又上新闻了 |
Have you heard about this? |
你们听说了没? |
No, Jay Leno. |
不,是Jay Leno |
The host of the Tonight Show. |
Tonight Show的主持人 |
I thought that's what I was doing. |
我不就是在模仿他嘛 |
So, uh, my wife Mavis and I like to go shopping for old cars. |
那么,恩,我老婆Mavis和我喜欢买旧车 |
You know? |
知道不? |
No, no. Like Jay Leno. |
不,不.学Jay Leno |
Like, "Hey, here are the headlines." |
就像是, "嘿, 来看头条"这样 |
You ever--you ever notice when you eat a lot of cheese, and you-- |
你有没有--有没有注意到当你吃了很多奶酪,你会-- |
How is that different from what I was doing, though? |
那和我做的有什么区别? |
And I don't think you need to introduce the writers to the tour group. |
我觉得你不用把节目主编介绍给游客 |
I agree. |
我知道了 |
I thought they would find it interesting, but they really did not. |
我以为会很有意思 但其实不是 |
Well, Kenneth, just respect their privacy. |
Kenneth,给他们点隐私 |
I promise I'll do better, Mr. Hornberger. |
我保证我会做的更好,Hornberger先生 |
Sure you will. |
我相信你 |
I just-- I just love television so much. |
我只是-- 我只是太爱电视了 |
We all do. |
我们都是 |
Liz, they want you and Pete on the 50th floor. |
Liz,他们让你和Pete到50楼去 |
Who, Gary? |
谁说的, Gary? |
Tell him I'll be up in half an hour. |
告诉他我半小时后上去 |
No, they said now. |
不,他们说现在就要去 |
If they got cookies up there, grab some. |
要是上面有饼干的话 记得拿一点 |
Ooh, and get them to pay for my Samovar. |
哦,还有让他们给我的咖啡机付帐 |
Of course, I mean, I assume that's what we're meeting about. |
当然, 我的意思是 如果是为了这个开会的话 |
What about, uh, Ray Romano? Can you do Ray? |
那,恩, Ray Romano怎么样? 能模仿Ray吗? |
Hey. God, oh. Debra. |
嘿.上帝啊,哦.Debra |
There you go. |
这就对了 |
My brother's tall. Right? |
我哥哥很高,对吧? |
Are we in trouble or something? |
我们是不是有麻烦了? |
No way. Gary loves the show. |
不可能,Gary喜欢这节目 |
Pleased with the ratings. |
收视率也不错 |
Right.Of course. They love us. |
对.当然了 他们喜欢我们 |
完整版请点击 |
Where's Gary? |
Gary在哪? |
Gary's dead. I'm Jack Donaghy. |
Gary死了 我是Jack Donaghy |
New VP of development for NBC/GE/Universal/Kmart. |
NBC/GE/Universal/Kmart新的开发副主管 |
Oh, we own Kmart now. |
哦, 我们买下Kmart了 |
No. So why are you dressed like we do? |
不.你怎么穿的那么Kmart? |
I'm surprised you're renovating. |
真没想到你会重新布置 |
This is such a nice office. |
这个办公室多好啊 |
It's a great office, but sometimes, you have to change things |
是间不错的办公室,不过有时候 你就是得做点改变 |
that are perfectly good just to, uh, make them your own. |
那就能够刚好, 恩 把它们变成是你的了 |
Please. |
请坐 |
Ah, I'll call her back. Is she at the White House line? |
啊,我等会儿打给她 她是在白宫专用线上吗? |
Great. |
好极了 |
Tell them I need a 4:00 a.m. tee off time. |
告诉他们我上午4:00要喝茶 |
Uh, five inches, but it's thick. |
哦,5英尺 细的很 |
Are you familiar with the GE Tri-vection Oven? |
那么对GE三重火力烤箱熟悉吗? |
I don't cook very much. |
我不太做饭 |
Sure, I got you. |
哦,我知道了 |
New York, third wave feminist, college educated. |
纽约第三拨女性主义者 受过高等教育 |
Single and pretending to be happy about it. |
单身而且装的好象很享受这种状态 |
Overscheduled, undersexed, you buy any magazine |
日程超满, 没有性生活 你会买任何一本封面上写着 |
that says "Healthy body image" on the cover. |
"健康形象"的杂志 |
And every two years, you take up knitting for... |
每两年呢,你会... |
A week. |
度一个星期的假 |
That is dead on! |
不可思议!一点没错 |
What, are you gonna guess my weight now? |
怎么, 你现在要不要猜猜我的体重? |
You don't want me to do that. |
你不会希望我那么做的 |
That knitting thing is uncanny. How do you do that? |
这么多事情联系起来 你怎么做到呢? |
Market research, my friend. |
市场调查,我的朋友 |
Years and years of market research, which lead to my greatest triumph. |
年复一年的市场调查 让我有了这样的辉煌成绩 |
The Tri-vection oven. |
三重火力烤箱 |
Oh, my wife wants one of those. |
哦,我老婆想要一个 |
Could we get Pete an oven, please? |
记得送Pete一个 |
Hey. |
嘿 |
The GE Tri-vection oven cooks perfect food five times faster |
用GE牌的三重火力烤箱做饭 |
than a conventional oven, because it uses three kinds of heat. |
能比普通产品快上5倍 因为它有三种加热方式 |
Thermaltechnology for consistent temperature. |
超高热量来保持住高温 |
GE Precise Air convection technology for optimal air circulation, |
GE精确的空气控制技术来控制热气对流 |
and microwave technology for incredible speed. |
微波技术能创造出不可思议的速度 |
With three kinds of heat, you can cook a turkey in 22 minutes. |
用这三种加热方式 你能在22分钟内做好一只火鸡 |
Wow. That is impressive. |
喔,真厉害 |
The people upstairs think so. |
上面的人也这么想 |
That's why they promoted me. |
所以我才会升职 |
That's why they sent me here to retool your show. |
所以我才要过来重新安排你们的节目 |
Retool what now? |
重新安排什么? |
I'm the new vice president of east coast television |
我现在是东海岸电视业务 以及微波炉业务的 |
and microwave oven programming. |
副总裁 |
That sounds like you program microwave ovens. |
听起来好像你在制作微波炉节目 |
I like you. |
我喜欢你 |
You have the boldness of a much younger woman. |
你有着年轻女人的冒失 |
Lee, does my face look bloated to you? |
Lee,你看我的脸涨吗? |
When I played that lady rapist on Law & Order, |
我扮演Law & Order里那个女强奸犯时 |
guess what the makeup guy put on under my eyes |
猜猜化妆师在我眼睛下面涂了什么 |
to take the puffiness out? |
来掩盖我脸部虚胖吗? |
Hemorrhoid cream. |
痔疮膏 |
Ms. Maroney? |
Maroney小姐? |
I have the cat wrangler here for you. |
给你介绍一下训猫人 |
Oh, is it that horrible little--Hi. |
哦, 是那个可怕的......嘿 |
Hey. Greta Johannsen. It's short for "LaGreta." |
嘿. Greta Johannsen 简称"LaGreta" |
Hi, great to see you again. |
嗨, 很高兴有见到你了 |
You too. I'm here to introduce you |
我也是.来给你介绍下 |
to feline actors you're gonna be working with tonight. |
今晚要和你一起表演的演员 |
Okay. |
好的 |
This is Po-Po. And this here is Captain Boots. |
这是Po-Po 那是靴子船长 |
Hello. |
你们好 |
Uh, would you describe yourself as "cat competent?" |
恩, 你认不认为自己能和猫相处? |
Oh, yes. I love cats. I used to have two cats. |
哦,当然. 我喜欢猫 我以前养过两只猫 |
But then I moved to this place with hardwood floors, |
不过后来搬到了铺硬木地板的新家 |
so we had to put them down. |
就只好把它们解决掉了 |
I'm joking. |
开玩笑的 |
I've done several focus groups, on this show, |
关于这个节目,我做了几组调查 |
and what I've gleaned-- |
就我调查的结果... |
The blonde, big-eyed girl is popular with women and older gays. |
金发,大眼睛姑娘是 受女人和较年长gay喜欢的 |
Jenna, that's my friend Jenna. |
Jenna,说的是我朋友Jenna |
And the kid with the funny hair is liked by women, |
那个怪发型的家伙也是受女人欢迎 |
but you're missing men between 18 and 49. |
但是你们忽略了18到49岁之间的男人 |
I'm not missing them, they're just not there. |
我没有忽略他们 他们根本就没在那儿 |