关于我知道的folk music-Jack Jonhson 2

关于我知道的folk music-Jack Jonhson 2

作者: 在梦想之间 | 来源:发表于2017-07-23 20:21 被阅读27次


          那么在这个别致的夏天,我将继续跟大家分享我喜欢的民谣歌手Jack Johnson 的最新专辑并再次的分享一下个人对这几首歌的评价。同时我也会分享一个我最新理出的歌单,感兴趣的朋友可以去听一听。

    从我个人的感觉和角度来看,这些新出的歌单都有些相似的地方:单曲、清新且明快。这就如同让人们会想起Jack在2013 发行的最后一张专辑 From Here To Now To You. 所以在我看来这些歌曲可以被命名为  From Here To Now To You 2 .在这里我觉得有必要再把这张专辑再向各位进行介绍。

    From Here To Now To You

    这张专辑Jack第一次隐隐地暗示了团队的重要性:首次将两种Jack 本人最喜爱自然因素结合在一起:天空的浩瀚与海的宁静。也许夏威夷的芒果树录音室中完成录制的作品除了成熟更多的是回到原点的表示吧。值得一提的是这也是Jack公开表示是自己的最后一张专辑。

    Fragments (碎片)


    这是Jack 为纪录片 The Smong of The Sea 创作的歌曲。歌曲于2017 年2 月17日发行。从片名及专辑的封面不难看出,Jack在这首歌中想表达的东西就是环境的保护尤其是对海洋生态保护的决心及担忧。但更难能可贵的是,在歌中他也巧妙的结合了人们对于爱恨纠葛的浅薄无知。表达了他对爱与恨的更深度的思考。


    Jack Johnson

    Fragments on the sea

    Birds of prey above

    All that lies beneath

    No longer what it was, it changed

    Why can't we relate

    Shadows from the deep

    Your thoughts were afraid of

    Secrets that we keep

    The surface of our love and hate

    Why can't we relate

    With ourselves with what we open

    Up when it's too late

    What we used to be

    What we will become

    Words we cannot see

    Breaking up by one, by one

    Slowly we felt under a spell

    One by one

    Slowly we wake up

    Fragments of a scene

    From a distance they jumped down

    Little time machines

    Messages of love and hate

    Why can't we relate

    With ourselves with what we open

    Up when it's too late

    从开头的“ Fragments on the sea ,Birds of prey above,all that lies beneath ,no longer what it was, it changed" (在海面上的碎片,鸟儿在头顶飞过,脚下的波浪,都不再依然如故)可以看出这是对环境污染和生态环境保护的暗示。但在两行的歌词中又插入了令人感动和深思的字眼:The surface of our love and hate(我们肤浅的爱与恨)和接下来由此改编的: Messages of love and hate (爱与恨的信息)这不禁让人眼前一亮。

    然而,对经历过风雨和对大自然有深刻体会的夏威夷人Jack Johnson 来说,这些看似使人纠结的问题却有着简单的解决办法:Why can't we relate with ourselves, with what we open up when it's too late.(我们为什么不反思自己,在太晚之前做出改变)

    My Mind is For Sale (我的思想供出售)

    My Mind is For Sale

    这是Jack 在 Fragments 之后创作的歌曲。歌曲于2017 年9 月08日发行。从专辑的封面不难看出,这可能是Jack 所想表达的完整的拼图。( Fragments 的封面为手而这首歌曲就展现了了全貌)这张专辑的原名为 All the Lights Above it Too (所有的光也在上面)也似乎想告诉大家,在这个专辑中会是欢快的音乐。然而最终Jack 还是以单曲形式发行,并改名为My Mind is For Sale .

    My Mind is For Sale

    Jack Johnson

    Well I head the blinker's on

    I heard we're changing lanes

    I heard he likes to race

    I heard there's six or seven words he likes to use

    Are always in bad taste

    And I heard that "Monday"s just a word we say

    Every seven times around

    And then we pin the tail on Tuesday

    And watch those strings go up and down

    The elephant in the room begins to dance

    The camera zoom into his mouth

    Begins to move

    Those hateful words he uses

    I don't care for your paranoid

    "Us against them" walls

    I don't care for your careless

    "Me first,", "gimme gimme" appetite at all

    And all the real estate in my mind

    Is for sale, it's all been sub-divided

    Divided into reasons why

    My two opposing thoughts at once are fine

    The residue from the price tag

    On the tip of my tongue

    Words don't come, they go

    How many likes I gotta get

    Before I know the truth

    And the truth is

    Season three will be a great reason

    To forget all about

    Reality's a slippery slope

    Watch the TV scream and shout it

    I don't care for your paranoid

    "Us against them", fearful kind of walls

    I don't care for your careless

    "Me first", "gimme gimme" appetite at all

    Now I heard the blinker's on

    I heard we're changing lanes

    I heard we need more space

    I heard that six or seven words are in bad taste

    It's absurd to believe that we might

    Deserve anything

    As if its balanced in the end

    And the good guys always win

    I don't care for your paranoid

    "Us against them", fearful kind of walls

    I don't care for your careless

    "Me first", "gimme gimme" appetite at all

    With the residue from the price tag

    On those two opposing thoughts in my mind

    "Us against them" fearful kind of walls

    在这个冗长的歌词中,也许不会让人觉得朗朗上口。但每一句都可以听出Jack的热情,就像在歌曲radiate中一样。值得一提的是,这首歌也是Jack 写给一直在一起的朋友及乐队成员。“I don't care for your paranoid,I don't care for your careless."(我并不在意你的固执及淡漠无情)“Us against them" fearful kind of walls”(我们会一起战胜那令人生畏的隔阂)就如同在歌曲tape deck中我所提到的这种友情的温暖就像Jack说的“在你的脑海里会紧紧抓住”。(Here come hold it close)



    From Here To Now To You 2 歌单

    Jack Johnson

    From Here To Now To You 2(此时此刻给你 2)


    当我持续关注Jack Johnson时,我无疑是认为他依然如故的坚持他的原创和风格。在我第一次试着写下关于他的音乐评价之后(当然也收到了不错的评价)。我认为不再继续分享的话是极为可惜的,于是在这个宁静的夏夜利用空余写下了这篇后续。我本人当然希望与更多的音乐人交流和分享。






      本文标题:关于我知道的folk music-Jack Jonhson 2
