用英语学法语之 餐馆词汇—— French Restaurant

用英语学法语之 餐馆词汇—— French Restaurant

作者: 羊生生和卜猫 | 来源:发表于2021-05-01 03:38 被阅读0次


France, the country of fine ''cuisine'' and Michelin-starred restaurants! No matter where you stay in France, you're bound to eat at at least one restaurant. In this lesson, we'll go over the basics of French restaurant vocabulary.

The Dining Area

'You're all set,' says your manager after giving you your tablier, (ta-blee-yay), your apron. You feel a bit nervous. Although you've had student jobs waiting tables back home, you've never had to do it in French! First of all, who works at a restaurant (reh-sto-ron)?

French Pronunciation Meaning

un serveur uhn seh-r-vör a waiter (man)

une serveuse u-ne seh-r-vöz a waiter (woman)

le service lö seh-r-vee-s service

servir seh-r-vee-r to serve

un / une responsable uhn / u-ne reh-s-pan-sa-bl a manager

Your first clients (klee-yon), French for 'customers,' come in. Depending on what time it is, they'll want to have:

le petit-déjeuner (pö-tee day-jö-nay): breakfast

le déjeuner (day-jö-nay): lunch

le dîner (dee-nay): dinner

They're in for luch and ask for une table pour deux, a table for two. What should their table have?

French Pronunciation Meaning

des couverts day koo-veh-r cutlery

une serviette u-ne seh-r-vee-eh-t a napkin

des verres day veh-r glasses

un menu uhn mö-nu a menu

des chaises day sh-eh-z chairs

Des couverts


Soon, your customers make eye contact with you to let you know they're ready to commander (ko-mon-day) or passer la commande (pa-say la ko-mon-d), to order. They'll want to:

manger (mon-zh-ay): to eat

boire (b-wah-r): to drink

La Commande

What type of food does your restaurant serve?

French Pronunciation Meaning

la viande la vee-on-d meat

du boeuf du böf beef

de l'agneau dö l'a-ny-o veal

du porc du po-r pork

du poisson du p-wah-san fish

des pâtes day pa-t pasta

du riz du ree rice

They order le menu du jour (lö mö-nu du joo-r), today's specials, including:

French Pronunciation Meaning

les plats lay pla meals

les boissons lay b-wah-san beverages

une entrée u-ne on-tray starters

le plat principal lö pla pr-uhn-see-pal a main meal

le dessert lö day-seh-r dessert

un verre de vin uhn veh-r dö vuhn a glass of wine

une pinte de bière u-ne puhn-t dö bee-eh-r a pint of beer

une carafe d'eau u-ne ca-ra-f d-o a jug of water

Le plat principal


The Kitchen

You go to la cuisine (ku-ee-zee-n), the kitchen to place the order. Who and what do you see there?

French Pronunciation Meaning

le chef lö sh-eh-f the chef

le commis de cuisine lö co-mee dö ku-ee-zee-n the kitchen help

le plongeur lö pl-an-zh-ör the kitchen help in charge of washing dishes

de la nourriture dö la noo-ree-tu-r (some) food

un réfrigérateur uhn ray-free-zhay-ra-tör a refrigerator

une poële u-ne p-wah-l a pan

une casserole u-ne ka-sö-ro-l a pot

des couteaux day koo-to knives

des assiettes day z-a-see-eh-t plates

What does the kitchen staff do?

cuisiner (ku-ee-zee-nay): to cook

préparer les plats (pray-pa-ray lay pla): to prepare the meals

Le Service

The starters and main meals went well: the plates came back empty! However, your customers might appreciate being asked how things went:

Avez-vous apprécié les plats? (a-vay voo a-pray-see-yay lay pla): Did you enjoy your meals?

Indeed they did! They even ask you to pay compliments to the chef on their behalf: nos compliments au chef!(no kan-plee-mon o sh-eh-f).

They're now ready to go and ask for the l'addition (l-a-dee-see-an), the bill: l'addition, s'il vous plaît!, 'the bill, please!'

L addition


What are they going to do now?

payer (pa-yay): to pay

laisser un pourboire (leh-say uhn poor-b-wahr): to leave a tip

In France, tipping works in a very specific manner. Very few customers include the tip in the bill. Most of them leave a few coins on the table for the waiter to take once they're gone. 15% is considered a pretty good tip.

Lesson Summary

Here are a few useful tips to keep in mind should you find yourself dining at a restaurant in France:

A restaurant in France usually serves le petit-déjeuner, le déjeuner and le dîner.

The food is prepared in la cuisine, by a specific staff led by le chef.

Service is just as important as the quality of the meals. If it's good, customers will most likely leave un pourboire.



    本文标题:用英语学法语之 餐馆词汇—— French Restaurant
