Do you know how to boil an egg?

Do you know how to boil an egg?

作者: 依依煜兮 | 来源:发表于2019-02-17 18:10 被阅读16次
今天介绍一篇有趣的双语文章,是2016年10月发在中国日报英语点津上的。做为英语学习和翻译的研习,    将文中平时翻译及运用中容易出错的地方划出,供参考。                                                                   

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词霸英语平台推出有趣小文, 指出新新人类, 虽然掌握着最新技术,  最爱赶潮流,玩儿转高科技,但却欠缺最基本的生活常识 ....甚至把鸡蛋放到微波炉去煮, 你也是其中的一员吗?

Do you know how to boil an egg? 你会煮鸡蛋吗?

我们读读这篇非常有趣英汉对照的小文, 顺便学几个有用的句子哦.....

复习重点: 如何表达‘每几个人里有一个...", 以及 “四分之一”,“ 三分之一” 的正确说法

A survey into basic skills amongst 25 to 34-year olds found one in four can't even boil an egg.


They may be at the cutting edge of the tech revolution, but one in four young adults can’t boil an egg.


A survey into basic skills amongst 25 to 34-year-olds found one in 20 had tried to “boil” an egg by microwaving it only to see it explode.


Do you know how to boil an egg? 你会煮鸡蛋吗?

And more than one in ten of the iPhone generation had popped one in the kettle while a quarter confessed they were clueless over how long it took to hard boil an egg.


A fifth of this age group thought it would be ready in two minutes when it takes seven to eight minutes.


Eight in ten had no idea it takes four to five minutes to cook a soft boiled egg for dipping soldiers.


Do you know how to boil an egg? 你会煮鸡蛋吗?

Domestic and DIY nous was also missing when it came to everyday chores with a quarter baffled over how to use the washing machine.


Seven in ten were unable to wire a plug and eight in ten said they would call out a plumber to fix a dripping tap as they did not know where to start.


A third were baffled over how to change a light bulb or hang a picture on a wall.


According to the Poundland study, half of women in this age group relied on their dad to top up their car windscreen washer while a third of men looked to mum to iron their shirts. Yet most were able to set up a wireless Blu-ray player or Wi-Fi router.


Do you know how to boil an egg? 你会煮鸡蛋吗?

Simon Twigger, trading director at Poundland said: “It’s quite surprising to see the shift in what young Brits see as key life skills to learn.


“Although millennials may be social media and smart phone savvy, the majority do not have the skills that the older generations took for granted.


“Fingers crossed they learn a few of them by the time they move out to avoid paying unnecessary handyman costs.”


Do you know how to boil an egg? 你会煮鸡蛋吗?


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    本文标题:Do you know how to boil an egg?
