Where there is no revelation, people cast off restraint; but blessed is the one who heeds wisdom’s instruction. –Proverbs29:18
The ideal is different from the vision. Ideal has no moral revelation, but the vision has. Those who dwell on their ideals make little difference. One can use the idea of God as an excuse to avoid responsibility. Jonah had argued that God was righteous and merciful, and therefore all would be secure. I may have a perfectly correct idea of God, but that may be the reason why I’m not doing my job. If there is a vision, your life must be righteous and upright, because the vision brings moral force.
Ideal can slow down and even disappear. Examine your spiritual condition to see if it is only ideal or vision.
Oh, what a man can achieve is beyond his grasp, or what price heaven?
“No vision…” When we do not see God, we become unbridled, undisciplined, unpraying and in trivial matters we leave him aside and do as we please. If we take matters into our own hands and do not expect God to intervene, we are going downhill and losing our vision. Does our attitude today come from God’s vision? Do we expect God to do great things more than he used to? Is our spiritual outlook vigorous?
Dear God, it seems easy to let certain emotions slip away from you and your plans. But, God, I don’t believe this to be the case; I believe that man may enter your plans like a wild beast, without judgement or vision. Lord, I long to be your son.
The control without development