阅读及翻译笔记 自卑与超越

阅读及翻译笔记 自卑与超越

作者: Life_Unfolding | 来源:发表于2022-04-20 13:59 被阅读0次


    Human beings live in the realm of meanings. We do not experience pure circumstances; we always experience circumstances in their significance for men. Even at its source our experience is qualified by our human purposes.

    引自 一、 生活的意义/1

    翻译有误:its source指the origin of our experience,指最初的经验也是由人类的目的而产生。


    'Meaning' is rooted from our perception of the world, while our perception is stemed from 'ego'. Then where is the ego stem from? It's stem from the survival experience that we had since we were born.

    我们一直是以自己赋予现实的意义来感受现实,我们所感受的不是现实本身, 而是现实被我们所赋予的意义,或者说是我们的感受是我们自己对现实的解释。因此,我们可以顺理成章地说:每个人感受到的意义多多少少总是不完全的,甚至是不正确的,因为“意义”是一个充满了谬误的领域。

    We experience reality always through the meaning we give it; not in itself, but as something interpreted. It will be natural to suppose, therefore, that this meaning is always more or less unfinished, incomplete; and even that it is never altogether right. The realm of meanings is the realm of mistakes.

    引自 1.生活对于我们的意义/2

    翻译笔记:the realm of mistakes=充满了谬误的领域。


    We can say, however, that they ask only when they have suffered a defeat. So long as everything is plain sailing and no difficult tests are set before them the question is never put into words.

    引自 1.生活对于我们的意义/2

    翻译笔记: everything is plain sailing=一个人的一生中没有任何的波澜和起伏。

    翻译有误:英文版指never put into words,不会被诉之于言词,并不是指不成为问题;且上文作者已说明 'no human being can escape meanings.' 没有人可以逃脱这个问题。


    Following the English version as the Chinese version is misleading. For someone who doesn't experience much setback, the question would be hidden in the background. No one could be pardened with this question, he at most could pretend he doesn't care. Until one day the background noise become louder and louder, become unavoidable. For this perticularly person, no setback means nothing to rely on when he try to figuring out the meaning, like no handle to rely on in a moving bus, therefore the process become a slow and prolonged process.


    He behaves as if he could rely upon a certain interpretation of life. In all his actions there is an implicit reckoning up of the world and of himself; a verdict, " I am like this and the universe is like that"; a meaning given to himself and a meaning given to life.

    引自 1.生活对于我们的意义/2





          本文标题:阅读及翻译笔记 自卑与超越
