In the name of GDP
China’s pursuit of growth still gets very high ratings
growth:[uncountable]an increase in economic activity
eg:a disappointing year of little growth in Britain and America
eg:policies aimed at sustaining economic growth
eg:an annual growth rate of 10%a
RARELY has a Chinese city boss had more fans than Li Dakang, the earnest,driven Communist Party chief of Jingzhou.
1.earnest:very serious and sincere eg:Despite her earnest efforts,she could not find a job.
2.driven:trying extremely hard to achieve what you want eg:He claims he is not a driven workaholic.(longman)
“I want development, I want speed and I want GDP,” he recently intoned. “But I want it to be modern GDP, GDP that comes without pollution.” Over the past month tens of millions have tuned in to watch him strive to fulfil these promises. On their smartphones, they share images of the heavy-eyed man with an easy smile,quoting his words and cheering him on. His policies have even been immortalised in a musical tribute, “The GDP Song”.
1.intone:to say something slowly and clearly without making your voice rise and fall much as you speak
eg:The priest intoned the blessing.
此词含义丰富,写作用这样的词更加言简意赅。intone sth可替代冗长的say sth slowly and clearly.
2.tune in (to something):to listen to a radio programme or watch a television programme
eg:We tuned in to hear the reasults of the election.
eg:More than six million youngsters tune in to Blokbuters every day...
3.heavy-eyed:appearing tired or sleepy
eg: an elderly man with a deep-lined, heavy-eyed face(ODE)
4.easy:(of a person) lacking anxiety or awkwardness;relaxed
eg:her easy and agreeable manner
5.cheer sb on/cheer on sb: to encourage someone with shouts or cheers
eg:Their fans cheered them on from the sideline.
6.immortalize sb/sth (in sth)to prevent somebody/something from being forgotten in the future, especially by mentioning them in literature, making films/movies about them, painting them, etc.
eg:The poet fell in love with her and immortalized her in his verse.
LiDakang is not real, nor is Jingzhou. They exist only on “In the Name of the People”, a wildly popular 55-part television series about China’s battle against graft. Since its first broadcast in March, the show has attracted attention for its depiction of official corruption,unusual in the context of Chinese censorship.Less noted is the insight it has offered into arange of China’s economic problems—not just in its storyline but in the viewing public’s reaction.
1.graft:[uncountable]the use of illegal or unfair methods, especially bribery, to gain advantage in business, politics, etc.; money obtained in this way
eg:He promised an end to graft and corruption in public life
2.depict:(1)to show an image of somebody/something in a picture
depict sb/sth (as sb/sth)eg:a painting depicting the Virgin and Child
depict sb/sth doing sth eg:The artist had depicted her lying on a bed.
(2)to describe something in words, or give an impression of something in words or with a picture
depictsb/sth eg:The novel depicts French society in the 1930s.
depict sb/sth as sb/sth eg:The advertisements depict smoking as glamorous and attractive
3.context:the situation in which something happens and that helps you to understand it
eg:This speech needs to be set in the context of Britain in the 1960s.
eg:His decision can only be understood in context.
eg:Such databases are being used in a wide range of contexts.
4.range:[countable,usually singular]range(of sth)a variety of things of a particular type
eg:The hotel offers a wide range of facilities.
eg:There is a full range of activities for children.
eg:This material is available in a huge range of colours.
5.note:to notice or pay careful attention to something
note sth eg:Note the fine early Baroque altar inside the chapel.
note(that)…eg:Please note (that) the office will be closed on Monday.
note how, where, etc… eg:Note how these animals sometimes walk with their tails up in the air.
it is noted that…It should be noted that dissertations submitted late will not be accepted.
6.Less noted is the insight it has offered intoa range ofChina’s economic problems—not justin its storyline but in the viewing public’s reaction.
The insight it has offered into a range of China’s economic problems—not just in its storyline but in the viewing public’s reaction is less noted.
这里面包含了一个省略that的定语从句,即(that) it has offered
The show touches on economic topics often too hot for the Chinese media to handle. Factory workers clash with police after a bankruptcy wipes out their company shares. A senior leader’s child amasses big stakes in local firms for his family. A small business owner ends up in hock to loan sharks. Local bankers demand “consulting fees” when extending loans,pocketing the cash. (So realistic is this portrayal that the Chinese press reports that Guo Shuqing, the country’s most senior banking regulator,pointed to the show in a warning to banks at a recent meeting.)
1.touch on sth/touch upon sth:to mention or deal with a subject in only a few words, without going into detail
eg:In his speech he was only able to touch on a few aspects of the problem.
eg:The central issue of the debate was hardly touched on in his speech.
2.hot:difficult to deal with;awkward or dangerous
eg:He found my story simply too hot to handle.(ODE)
3.动词clash(with sb)to come together and fight or compete in a contest
eg:The two sets of supporters clashed outside the stadium.
eg:The two teams clash in tomorrow's final.
eg:Demonstrators clashed violently with police.
名词clash(with sb)|clash(between A and B)a short fight between two groups of people
eg:Clashes broke out between police and demonstrators.
eg:Eight people were wounded in a clash with border guards.
3.amass sth: to collect sth,especially in large quantities syn: accumulate
eg:He amassed a fortune from silver mining.
此词含义丰富,写作用这样的词更加言简意赅。amass sth可替代冗长的accumulat many sth
4.end up + adv./prep最终成为,最后处于
eg:If you go on like this you'll end up in perison.
5.in hock to (sb):owe somebody something
eg:I'm in hock to the bank for £6000.
6.loan shark 高利贷
7.extend:(formal)to offer or give something to somebody
extend sth to sb
eg:I'm sure you will join me in extending a very warm welcome to our visitors.
eg:to extend hospitality to overseas students
eg:The bank refused to extend credit to them(=to lend them money).
8.pocke sth:to take or keep something, especially an amount of money, that does not belong to you
eg:He regularly charges passengers more than the normal fare and pockets the difference.
9.portrayal:the act of showing or describing somebody/something in a picture, play, book, etc.; a particular way in which this is done
eg:The article examines the portrayal of gay men in the media.
eg:He is best known for his chilling portrayal of Hannibal Lecter.
10.point to:to mention something because you think it is important
eg:Many politicians have pointed to the need for a written constitution.(longman)
The most consistent economic storyline is Li’s relentless pursuit of growth and the problems this narrow focus brings. He himself seems clean, but turns a blind eye to corruption around him. His insistence on moving quickly causes real harm.As a young official, a frenzied drive to build a country roadleads to a village chief’s death.Later in his career, his hasty decision to bulldoze a factory sparks a protest in which more than 30 people are injured.
1.frenzied:involving a lot of activity and strong emotions in a way that is often violent or frightening and not under control
eg:a frenzied attack/frenzied activity
2.drive:[mass noun] the determination and ambition of a person to achieve sth
eg:his drive and energy helped Leeds to four cup finals.
3.bulldoze:to destroy buildings, trees, etc. with abulldozer铲平,铲除
eg:The trees are being bulldozed to make way for a new superstore.
eg:The makeshift dwellings were bulldozed into the ground.
This sorry record seems grounds to object to Li. Instead, this flawed figure is by far the show’s most beloved, more so than the dedicated,upright officials who lead the party’s anti-graft battle. Online merchants, a good bellwetherof trends, have started selling versions of the sleeveless jumper and teaThermos that he favours. The internet memes doing the rounds—for instance, a pledge to“defend GDP” for Li’s sake—are partly in jest but do reveal support for public servants in his mould.
1.record:[singular]record(on something)the facts that are known about somebody/something’s past behaviour, character, achievements, etc.
eg:The report criticizes the government's record on housing.
eg:The airline has a good safety record.
eg:He has an impressive record of achievement.
2.seem sth
3.ground:a good or true reason for saying,doing or believing sth
4.flawed:having a flaw; damaged or spoiled
eg:seriously/fundamentally/fatally flawed
4.bellwether:something that is used as a sign of what will happen in the future
eg:University campuses are often the bellwether of change.
eg:Ohio is seen as a bellwether state in this election.
6.Thermos:a particular kind of vacuum flask(=a container like a bottle with double walls with avacuum between them, used for keeping liquids hot or cold)
7.meme:(Internet, slang) Something, usually humorous, which is copied and circulated online with slight adaptations, including quizzes, basic pictures, video templates etc.(wictionary)
8.do the rounds=make the rounds=go the rounds (of sth):if news or a joke does the rounds, it is passed on quickly from one person to another迅速传播
9.in jest:as a joke
eg:The remark was made half in jest.
eg:‘Many a true word is spoken in jest,’ thought Rosie(=people often say things as a joke that are actually true).
10.mould:[singular,单数]if someone is in a particular mould, or fits into a particular mould, they have all the attitudes and qualities typical of a type of person
fit (into) a mould eg:She didn’t quite fit into the standard ‘high-flying business woman’ mould. 她并不完全属于商场女强人的类型。
in the same mould (as sb/sth)/in the mould of sb/sth eg:a socialist intellectual in the mould of Anthony Crossland 一名安东尼•克罗斯兰式的社会主义知识分子
Why is Li Dakang so liked? In part because,warts and all, he is more believable than the saintly officials seeking to snuff out corruption. But there is more to it. Even when Li makes mistakes, his obsession with growth is very well received. Cautious,clean officials who err on the side of inaction are seen in a much less flattering light. In recent years China has started to emphasise policy goals other than GDP, from promoting culture to protecting the environment. Li Dakang-mania shows there are limits to this shift,and not just because of the government.Fast growth is still immensely popular.
1.warts and all: If you describe someone or accept them warts and all, you describe them or accept them as they are, including all their faults
eg:•Lyn loves him warts and all...琳恩爱他的全部。
eg:•He gives us a portrait of the real Gandhi, warts and all...他向我们描绘了真正的甘地,包括他的不足。
eg:•'Edinburgh in Focus' provides a warts-and-all look at the city.《聚焦爱丁堡》节目真实地展示了这座城市,包括它的缺点。
2.snuff sth out:to stop or destroy something completely
eg:An innocent child's life has been snuffed out by this senseless shooting.
3.obsession:[uncountable]the state in which a person’s mind is completely filled with thoughts of one particular thing or person in a way that is not normal
eg:Her fear of flying is bordering on obsession.
obsession with sb/sth
eg:The media's obsession with the young prince continues.
4.err on the side of sth:to show too much of a good quality
eg:I thought it was betterto err on the side of caution(=to be too careful rather than take a risk).
5.in a good, bad, favourable, etc. light:if you see something or put somethingin a good, bad, etc. light, it seems good, bad, etc.
eg:You must not view what happened in a negative light.
eg:They want to present their policies in the best possible light.