Pathway1:How can we learn effici

作者: 知识结构与人生算法 | 来源:发表于2018-07-25 21:41 被阅读84次

    Firstly,  let me ask you one question, Why are we here, I think most of you would agree with me that we are here to be better. So how can we be a better person? We want to grow, We need to learn, We have to change, right? But I am not satisfied with the change of myself in the last 5 years, I am not satisfied with the growth of myself in the past year.  Maybe some of you are just like me. so why? why we work and study hard every day, but it doesn't work well? Why cannot we learn efficiently?

    Shenzhen sunshine TMC深圳阳光头马俱乐部

    Okay, let's try to answer this question. Firstly, I think most of us were driven to learn by anxiety. Nowadays, everything is changing so fast. We think our peers are abandoning us. We feel so much anxiety and said to ourself: oh my god! I have to learn something. This is the most important reason that why we can not learn efficiently. We don't have a specific objective. Somebody will say I have one, I want to learn english very well, I want to speak English fluently, I want to give great speeches in the future… These are terrible objectives. Let me tell you why, we all hate procrastination, Right? Do you know when does the procrastination always happen?  When you are preparing for something without a deadline. I want to learn English Well, like what? Ten years later? I want to have a great performance when I'm giving a speech. Like when? Before you die? You just never do it. Just like that, I can never write a speech draft unless I have to give a speech several days later.  On the contrary, there are some other objectives, I want to pass the exam half year later. I want to finish my pathway in one year. These are specific objectives, right? You just have to make a plan to  finish it. So set a specific objective for your dream and try to make it, ok?

    Secondly, I want to talk about practice separately. Most of you know that I sang the korea song "if you" last year and another korea song "I love you" this year. It is not easy to learn korea language, Especially when  I just love the melody and don't know the meaning of it. You know when I try to learn the korean song at the first time, I listen to the whole song from the first sentence to the last sentence. And dozens of times later,  There is nothing left in my head. At that time I realize this is not effective. So I  tried to sing the song word by word, sentence by sentence. It really worked. That is how I made real progress. And suddenly I realized I used this method before. When I went to the gym at the first time, I used to work out every part of my body everytime. My arms, my legs, my back, one time I do it all.Of course, it didn't work well. Then one of my friends suggested me to  exercise separately. You know, Only one part of my body at a time. And it really worked. I became stronger and stronger.  So you know how important it is to exercise separately. For example, one day you saw a great speaker on the stage, he had great eye contact, perfect expression, beautiful voice and amazing body movement. And you decide to just be like him next time. And everybody know that next time you are just as terrible as usual. Do you know why?  It's about attention. It is too hard for you. If you're not a master, You have to pay attention on one thing at a time.  You have to practice separately. This time, you try to keep better eye contact with audience. When you get used to it, try to have an better body movement.  When you make it,  keep it, move on.

    The last thing I want to talk about is learning by teaching.  Sometimes I think I know some certain knowledge very well. But when I try to teach it to some others. It turns out it's not clear in my mind. Everybody knows that kind of feeling, right?  So you have to learn it again. When you can  introduce it to someone else clearly, you understand it completely. So trying to teach it to others will help you know something better. On the other hand, some others will ask some questions you never thought about, you will get a lot of new ideas from that.  So you can write it down or tell it to someone, I highly recommend you to take what you have learned to give a prepared speech in sunshine TMC, it's really helpful, you did it, you knew it.

    In conclusion, today, we talked about three ways to learn efficiently, specific objective, practice separately, learning by teaching. It's really helpful for me.  And I hope it's also very helpful for you.



        本文标题:Pathway1:How can we learn effici
