Un, deux, trois!
Consider for a minute how important numbers are. How could you tell someone your phone number, your adress ou (or) your hotel room if you had no number? And think of how difficult it would be if you could not understand the time, the price of a croissant ou the correct bus to take. When practicing the nombres (numbers) below, notice the similarities which have been underlined for you between huit (eight) and dix-huit (eighteen), sept (seven) and dix-sept (seventeen), et so on.
0 zéro
1 un
2 deux
3 trois
4 quatre
5 cinq
6 six
7 sept
8 huit
9 neuf
10 dix
11 onze
12 douze
13 treize
14 quatorze
15 quinze
16 seize
17 dix-sept
18 dix-huit
19 dix-neuf
20 vingt
la capitale, capital
la cathédrale, cathedral
le cendrier, ashtray
le centre, center
le champagne, champagne
Utilisez (use) these nombres (numbers) on a daily basis. Count to yourself en français (in French) when you brush your teeth, exercise ou commute to work. Filli n the blanks below according to the nombres (numbers) given in parentheses. Now is also a good time to learn these two very important phrases:
je voudrais (would like)
nous voudrions (we would like)
Je voudrais ( I would like) carted postale (postcard)
combien (how many)
Je voudrais timbres (stamps)
Je voudrais huit timbres (stamps)
Je voudrais timbres.
Nous voudrions cartes postales (postcards)
Nous voudrions cartes postales
Je voudrais ticket d'autobus (ticket)
Nous voudrions tickets(tickets)
Je voudrais tasse de thé (cups of tea)
Nous voudrions verres d'eau (glasses of water).
le chagement change
le chèque bank check
le chocolat chocolate
le coiffeur hairdresser
la communication communication
Now see if you can translate the following thoughts into français. Les réponses (answers) are provided upside down at the bottom of the page.
Review les nombres 1 à (to) 20. Write out your telephone number, fax number et cellular number . Then write out a friend's telephone number and a relative's telephone number.