比如,很多人从来没有思考过鱼的日常生活。他们可能会偶尔停留在购物中心的宠物店前,盯着水箱里的热带鱼。但是他们从来不会对鱼的群体中社交角色和关系表现出好奇,因为他们假设鱼没有这些角色和关系。但是,用水下社会学家(C. Lavett Smith)的话讲,事实是,“有着类似理发师、警察、和农夫角色的鱼。有些一直在游动,有些静止不动。有些在白天工作,有些在晚上工作”。
Obstacles to Knowledge
Before we discuss how knowledge is best sought, let’s consider two habits that impede knowledge: assuming and guessing. Assuming is taking something for granted—that is, arbitrarily accepting as true something that has not been proved or that may reasonably be disputed. Because assuming is generally an unconscious activity, we are often unaware of our assumptions and their influence on us.* The main negative effect of unrecognized assumptions is that they stifle the curiosity that leads to knowledge.
Many people, for example, never speculate about the daily life of fish. They may occasionally stop at the pet store in the mall and stare at the tank of tropical fish. But they may never display curiosity about the social roles and relationships of fish communities because they assume fish have no such roles or relationships. Yet the fact is, in the words of underwater sociologist C. Lavett Smith, “There are fish equivalents of barbers, policemen, and farmers. Some are always on the move and others are sedentary. Some work at night and some by day.”22
Guessing is offering a judgment on a hunch or taking a chance on an answer without any confidence that it is correct. It’s a common, everyday activity. For students who don’t study for exams, it’s a last-ditch survival technique. For an example of guessing, though, let’s take a more pleasant subject—drinking beer. Some time ago a professor of behavioral science at a California college conducted a beer taste test among his students. The issue was whether they could really tell a good beer from a bad one or their favorite from others. Many students likely would guess they could, and a number of participants in the test actually guessed they could tell. However, the test showed that when the samples were not labeled, not one student could identify a single brand.23
Because assuming stifles curiosity and guessing denies the importance of evidence, neither is likely to lead to knowledge. The most reliable approach is to be cautious in asserting that you know something. Be conservative in your level of assertion—whenever you are less than certain, speak about possibilities and probabilities. Say, “I think” or “It seems to me” rather than “I know.” Most important, be honest with yourself and others about your ignorance. To admit you don’t know something shows good sense, restraint, and intellectual honesty. These are not weaknesses but strengths. The admission of ignorance is the essential first step toward knowledge.
Does this mean you should be wishy-washy and hedge everything you say with maybes and perhapses? Does it mean that to be a critical thinker you must forsake convictions? The answer to both questions is an emphatic no! It means only that you should value firm, bold statements so much that you reserve them for occasions when the evidence permits. Similarly, you should value convictions so highly that you embrace them only when you have sufficient knowledge to do so and that you modify them whenever intellectual honesty requires.