「每日跟读」英语常用句型公式 第14篇
1. As far as __ is concerned
就__ 而言
As far as the project timeline is concerned, we're running ahead of schedule. (就项目时间表而言,我们进度超前了。)
As far as the exam results are concerned, I'm quite pleased with my performance. (就考试结果而言,我对自己的表现相当满意。)
As far as the travel plans are concerned, we still need to finalize the hotel bookings. (就旅行计划而言,我们还需要确定酒店预订。)
As far as the budget is concerned, we're going to have to make some cuts to meet our goals. (就预算而言,为了达到目标,我们得做出一些削减。)
As far as the new policy is concerned, there seems to be some mixed reactions from the employees. (就新政策而言,员工们的反应似乎有些复杂。)
As far as my future plans are concerned , I’m kind of lost (就未来计划而言,我有点迷茫)
2. When all is said and done, ____
说到底/总而言之, __
When all is said and done, knowledge is power. (说到底,知识就是力量。)
When all is said and done, it’s the people that make a place special. (说到底,是这里的人让这个地方变得特别。)
When all is said and done, it’s better to try than to regret not doing so. (说到底,尝试总比后悔没有尝试要好。)
When all is said and done, every effort counts. (说到底,每一份努力都是有价值的。)
When all is said and done, patience is a virtue that pays off in the long run. (说到底,耐心是一种长远来看会得到回报的美德。)
When all is said and done, we’re all trying to make it (说到底,我们都在尝试获得成功)
3. With the passage of time, ___
随着时间的推移, __
With the passage of time, childhood memories become more precious. (随着时间的推移,童年的记忆变得更加珍贵。)
With the passage of time, our perspectives on life evolve. (随着时间的推移,我们对生活的看法在不断发展。)
With the passage of time, skills improve with practice. (随着时间的推移,技能通过实践得到提高。)
With the passage of time, friendships are tested and strengthened. (随着时间的推移,友谊经受考验并变得更加坚固。)
With the passage of time, the importance of family becomes clearer. (随着时间的推移,家庭的重要性变得更加清晰。)
With the passage of time, the value of hard work is recognized. (随着时间的推移,努力工作的价值得到认可。)
4. In the face of ___ (接过去式)
当面对__ 时
In the face of failure, he chose to persevere and try again. (当面对失败时,他选择坚持并再次尝试。)
In the face of rejection, she didn't lose hope and kept applying for jobs. (当面对拒绝时,她没有失去希望,继续申请工作。)
In the face of a difficult decision, they took their time and carefully weighed the options. (当面对艰难的决定时,他们花时间仔细权衡各种选择。)
In the face of a broken heart, she found solace in the support of her friends. (当面对心碎时,她在朋友的支持下找到了安慰。)
In the face of a lost pet, the family searched tirelessly for days until they found it. (当面对宠物丢失时,这家人连续几天不懈努力,直到找到它。)
In the face of criticism, he stood his ground (当面对批评时,他坚持了自己的立场)
5. With the advent of__ ,__
随着 __ 的到来,__
With the advent of smartphones, people can communicate easier(随着智能手机的到来,大家能更容易的交流了)
With the advent of streaming services, watching TV has become more convenient and personalized. (随着流媒体服务的到来,看电视变得更加方便和个性化。)
With the advent of virtual reality, we can now experience immersive worlds without leaving our homes. (随着虚拟现实技术的到来,我们现在可以在不离开家的情况下体验沉浸式的世界。)
With the advent of 3D printing, manufacturing processes have become more efficient and customizable. (随着3D打印技术的到来,制造过程变得更加高效和可定制。)
With the advent of blockchain technology, transactions have become more secure and transparent. (随着区块链技术的到来,交易变得更加安全和透明。)
With the advent of telemedicine, patients can now consult with doctors remotely, saving time and money. (随着远程医疗的到来,患者现在可以远程咨询医生,节省了时间和金钱。)
6. To the best of my knowledge __
据我所知 __
To the best of my knowledge, the train departs at 8AM sharp.(据我所知,火车早上8点准时发车。)
To the best of my knowledge, the book is a bestseller in many countries.(据我所知,这本书在很多国家都是畅销书。)
To the best of my knowledge, the new policy will be implemented next month.(据我所知,新政策将在下个月实施。)
To the best of my knowledge, the restaurant is closed on Sundays.(据我所知,这家餐厅周日不营业。)
To the best of my knowledge, the game is scheduled for release next year.(据我所知,这款游戏计划明年发布。)
To the best of my knowledge, she’s allergic to peanuts. (据我所知,她对花生过敏)
7. With all due respect, __ (提出反对意见时说的)
With all due respect, I think your approach needs further consideration. (没有不敬的意思,但是我认为你的方法需要进一步考虑。)
With all due respect, your explanation doesn't fully address the issue. (没有不敬的意思,但是你的解释并没有完全解决问题。)
With all due respect, the data doesn't support your claim. (没有不敬的意思,但是数据并不支持你的主张。)
With all due respect, you need to calm down (没有不敬的意思,但是你需要冷静下来)
With all due respect, this doesn’t make sense(没有不敬的意思,但是这不合理)
With all due respect, you need to come up with a new plan (没有不敬的意思,但是你需要想出一个新计划)
8. I’ve come to the conclusion that __
I’ve come to the conclusion that Jon is the best content creator(我得出的结论是琼恩是最好的视频博主)
I’ve come to the conclusion that books are my favorite way to spend a rainy afternoon. (我得出的结论是,在雨天下午,我最喜欢的方式是读书。)
I’ve come to the conclusion that persistence is the key to overcoming challenges. (我得出的结论是,坚持是克服挑战的关键。)
I’ve come to the conclusion that balance is essential for a happy life. (我得出的结论是,平衡是幸福生活的关键。)
I’ve come to the conclusion that learning a new language opens up a whole new world. (我得出的结论是,学习一门新语言会打开一个全新的世界。)
I’ve come to the conclusion that kindness is the most powerful force in the world. (我得出的结论是,善良是世界上最强大的力量。)
9. It's worth mentioning that __
值得一提的是 __
It's worth mentioning that the festival is completely free and open to the public. (值得一提的是,这个节日活动是完全免费的,对公众开放。)
It's worth mentioning that the new software update includes several important security patches. (值得一提的是,新的软件更新包含了几个重要的安全补丁。)
It's worth mentioning that this restaurant uses only locally sourced ingredients. (值得一提的是,这家餐厅只使用本地食材。)
It's worth mentioning that the concert will be streamed live online for those who can't attend in person. (值得一提的是,对于无法亲临现场的人,这场音乐会将在网上直播。)
It's worth mentioning that the charity organization is in urgent need of volunteers. (值得一提的是,这个慈善组织急需志愿者。)
It's worth mentioning that the park has extended its opening hours during the summer season. (值得一提的是,这个公园在夏季延长了开放时间。)
10. I've been giving some thought to __ing
I’ve been giving some thought to taking a language course to improve my skills.(我一直在考虑参加一门语言课程来提高我的技能。)
I’ve been giving some thought to traveling abroad for a year to experience different cultures.(我一直在考虑出国旅行一年,体验不同的文化。)
I’ve been giving some thought to adopting a pet to add some joy to my life.(我一直在考虑养一只宠物,给我的生活增添一些乐趣。)
I’ve been giving some thought to learning a new instrument to express myself musically.(我一直在考虑学习一种新的乐器,通过音乐表达自己。)
I’ve been giving some thought to volunteering in my community to make a positive impact.(我一直在考虑在我的社区做志愿者,产生积极的影响。)
I’ve been giving some thought to writing a novel to share my creative ideas.(我一直在考虑写一本小说,分享我的创意想法。)
