

作者: 刘二傻 | 来源:发表于2016-02-13 22:25 被阅读50次


    Mycroft:The only one who fitted the description. Had her brought here, your home from home.唯一一具符合描述的尸体,于是把她转来这边,你的第二个家。

    S:You didn't need to come in, Molly.你没必要也来的,茉莉。

    Molly:It's OK, everyone else is busy with... Christmas. The face is a bit sort of bashed-up, so it might be a bit difficult.没事啦,其他人都在忙着...过圣诞。她有点毁容了,可能很难辨认。

    Mycroft:That's her, isn't it?是她吧?

    S:Show me the rest of her. That's her.给我看全身,是她。

    Mycroft:Thank you, Miss Hooper.谢谢胡帕小姐。

    Molly:Who is she? How didSherlock recognise her from...not her face?她是谁?为什么夏洛克可以从...面部以下认出她来?

    Mycroft:Just the one.只此一根。


    Mycroft Merry Christmas.圣诞快乐。

    S:Smoking indoors, isn't there one of those... one of those law things?在室内抽烟,不是有条法律什么的吗?

    Mycroft:We're in a morgue. There's only so much damage you can do. How did you know she was dead?我们在停尸房,你也造不成多大伤害的。你怎么知道她死了?

    S:She had an item in her possession, one she said her life depended on. She chose to give it up.她手上有个东西,她说是她的身家性命。如今却拱手相让。

    Mycroft:Where is this item now?那东西现在在哪儿?

    S:Look at them. They all care so much. Do you ever wonder if there's something wrong with us?看看他们,投入这么深的感情,你有没有想过咱们两个有毛病?

    Mycroft:All lives end, all hearts are broken. Caring is not an advantage, Sherlock.生命终有尽头,徒留一颗破碎的心。爱毫无用处,夏洛克。

    S:This is low tar.这是低焦油烟啊。

    Mycroft:Well, you barely knew her.因为你和她也不太熟嘛。

    S:Merry Christmas, Mycroft.圣诞快乐麦克罗夫特。

    Mycroft:And a happy new year.预祝新年快乐。

    Mycroft:He's on his way. Have you found anything?他在回去的路上了,你们找到什么了吗? No. Did he take the cigarette?没有,他接下那支烟了么?


    W:Shit! He's coming, ten minutes.我擦。他还有10分钟到家了。

    Mrs H:There's nothing in the bedroom.卧室里什么都没有。

    W:It looks like he's clean,we've tried all the usual places. Are you sure tonight's a danger night? 看来他真没藏,平常的地方我们都找了,你确定今晚他有这个危险?

    No, but then I never am. You have to stay with him, John.不,不过我向来如此,你得留下陪他约翰。

    W:I've got plans.我有约了啊。



    Jeanette:I am really sorry. You know my friends are so wrong about you. Hmm? You're a great boyfriend.真抱歉,我的朋友们对你的看法真是大错特错,你是个很体贴的男朋友。

    W:OK, that's good. I always thought I was great.好吧,谢谢夸奖,我也这么觉着的。

    Jeanette:Sherlock Holmes is a very lucky man.夏洛克·福尔摩斯很幸运。

    W:Oh, Jeanette, please.哦,珍妮特,别这样。

    Jeanette:No, I mean it. It's heart-warming. You'll do anything for him. And he can't even tell your girlfriends apart!不,我真心的,太令人感动了。你愿意为他做任何事,而他连你的女朋友们都分不清楚。

    W:I'll do anything for you, just tell me what it is I'm not doing.我也会为你做任何事的,你尽管开口,我一定做到,告诉我。

    Jeanette:Don't make me compete with Sherlock Holmes!别逼我跟夏洛克·福尔摩斯争男人。

    W:I'll walk your dog. There, I've said it, I'll even walk your dog.我可以帮你遛狗,说到做到,连给你遛狗我都肯干。

    Jeanette:I don't have a dog!我没养狗。

    W:No, because that was the last one.对了,那是上个女朋友。


    W:I'll call you.我再打电话约你。



    Mrs H:That really wasn't very good, was it?看来你俩真的没戏了吧?

    W:Oh, hi. You OK?哦,嗨,你没事吧。

    S:I hope you didn't mess up my sock index this time!希望你这回没弄乱我编好顺序的袜子。

    Mrs H:Lovely tune, Sherlock,haven't heard that one before.很好听的曲子,夏洛克,之前没听过呢。


    S:Helps me to think.帮助思考。

    W:What are you thinking about?你在思考些什么呢?

    S:The count on your blog is still stuck at 1895.你博客上的计数器,依旧卡在1895上。

    W:Yes. Faulty, can't seem to fix it.是的,程序出错,调不回来。

    S:Faulty, or you've been hacked and it's a message. Just faulty.程序出错,或是你的网站被黑了,这是条线索。只是程序出错。

    W:Well, I'm going out for a bit. Listen, has he ever had any kind of girlfriend, boyfriend, a relationship, ever?那我出去一下。问你啊,他曾经交过女朋友或者男朋友谈过恋爱吗?

    Mrs H:I don't know.我不知道。

    W:How can we not know?我们怎么都不知道呢?

    Mrs H:He's Sherlock. Howwill we ever know what goes on in that funny old head?他是夏洛克呀,我们怎能猜透他的小脑瓜里想什么?

    W:Right. See you.好吧,再见。


    W:Yeah? Hello?嗯?你好?

    A:Hello. So, any plans for new year tonight?今晚打算怎么过新年?

    W:Um, er... nothing fixed. Nothing I couldn't heartlessly abandon. You have any ideas?呃...还没完全决定,没有非做不可的事。你有建议?


    W:You know, Mycroftcould just phone me, if he didn't have this bloody stupid power complex. 麦克罗夫特其实可以打电话叫我的,要是他没这种无聊的控制欲的话。

    W:Couldn't we just go to a cafe? Sherlock doesn't follow me everywhere.就不能去咖啡馆聊么?夏洛克又没一天到晚跟着我

    A:Through there. He's on his way.You were right, he thinks it's Mycroft.从这进去,他马上就到。你说的没错,他以为是麦克罗夫特。

    W:He's writing sadmusic. Doesn't eat, barely talks, only to correct the television. I'd say hewas heart-broken, but, er, well he's Sherlock. He does all that anyway. 他在写断肠曲食不下咽,几乎不开口说话,除了挑电视的逻辑错误,我想说他心碎了,但话说回来,他是夏洛克,没事时他也一直这样的。



